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Everything posted by sjcurtis

  1. This problem can vary depending how the water splashes. I had my front screen seal changed at repaint, my first sealer application with SELLEYS balck screen sealer. I did my sealing with the metal trims out, forcing sealant in around the screen on the window surface, then around the outside up under the seal, put in heaps. I reinstalled the metals cleaned the edges, let it cure , then washed the car. I got the same problem but not as bad, repeated all steps and reduced it to nil. I consider I was lucky. I must now resind Annette just walked up and looked over my shoulder and said what is this "I" $^!#? BUSTED yes "I" was a team event. If a re sealing of the screen does not bring success consider these, an opening in the fire wallthat has been missed, windscreen seal again, heater fan inlet duct bringing air in from outside(this is a vertical drop in to the fan, should be damp in the fan housing. another is a bolt up high at the rear of the front guard ( visible with the door open ) if it has been removed or loosened it provides abn effective water trail. I recommend lying in the Zed while someone poors water around it may cut the fault finding by a whole heap. Good luck Steve:classic:
  2. sjcurtis replied to axelr8's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    zed240au, thanks Mick, I will be very interested in your data plates and engine number, as you know I am comming up short on engine numbers, if I remember correctly your interior was black and also a factory auto, but it has been ten years since I last saw your Zed. Cheers Steve:classic:
  3. sjcurtis replied to Brett240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    NickF, Sorry have not posted the results yet. I am still chasing information and populating the spreadsheets. I am populating six pages at this time HS30- 70, 71, 72, 73 on , RS30 and GRS30 so for the moment I can only send files. To the rest who have right hand drive if you have not sent any information in please do. I am after body number Data plate engine number colour interior colour manual /auto and complaince or first reg date. I will not publish any ownership detail. Cheers Steve :classic:
  4. sjcurtis replied to axelr8's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    If someone does get a look at this early 70 Zed, HS30 0086 could you let us know what the matching engine number is. I have found about 20, 70 Zeds and only 7 Data Plate engine number for them so far. cheers Steve:classic:
  5. sjcurtis replied to Brett240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Brett240, Interesting, the ADR compliance plates are mandated on to the imported Datsuns from 1/71, so for Zeds build as 12/70 eg HS30-000400 compliance plated 2/71, plates running 1/71or 2/71 depending on the shipment the Zed arrived in. To your Zed, possibilities: 1. It could an early 70-89 personal import from Hong Kong, Malaysia or Singapore, this would not have required the plate as it was road worthy was automatic. 2. As we have identified a 11 or 12/72 build would come through in the silly season. At the time it came through most Zeds where pre sold so the pressure to move them would have been enough to cause the oversight. 3. Accident damage earlier maybe the RH tower and rail have been changed. 4. Also feasible (silly season) rivets where not pulled up properly at fitment of plate. Driving down a road it rattled loose and gone. Do you have any of the hand books or early delivery servicing paperwork, it may cast light. Cheers Steve:classic:
  6. sjcurtis replied to Brett240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hi Brett240, I Agree with 2ManyZs as to your engine and build date, however to your Australian compliance date I would say 1/73 2/73 at a push if it was held back. From the information I have managed to find so far on the HS30 Zed your car is a very early 73 shell I know about. Zeds in the 100xxx range are quite rare in Aus, more common in the UK. Do you have a compliance plate on your Zed. Cheers Steve:classic:
  7. sjcurtis replied to sennavsprost's post in a topic in Exhaust
    Dave, you say you gaffa taped the hatch closed. did you run the tape along the back edge above the tail lights and the numberplate, so the natch to rear panel was sealed off. I am wandering if the two hach blank grommets in back of the hatch have holes in them. If you are good with the windows up then your vent system is functioning efficiently. The other place you may have air holes is on the tail light surround panel, right in the top right and top left of the insert, it may not visible even if you can slip a coin through it, it is normally hidden by the grey light surround panels x 3. If you have holes this size you will have tears in your eyes with the windows down (I did). My2c Steve :classic:
  8. sjcurtis replied to two_fourty_zed's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    two_fourty_zed, Sorry to here about the corrossion. This problem must be pretty bad for them to hammer you like that, considering how the zed looks on the outside. In your gallery I see a second S30 body is that yours too. Maybe you can transfer onto that and get it on the road, you can then repair the underbody in your own time when you can afford it. Cheers Steve:classic:
  9. sjcurtis replied to Gav240z's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Gav240z, are you sure it is a Patrol engine for Australia. I was of the opinion that SD33 series was the Australian engine and the LD28 was an importer supplied engine out of the taxies/LAURELS. Just an opinion Steve:classic:
  10. sjcurtis replied to drunkenmaster's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    drunkenmaster, Nice score. Is that a factory exhaust manifold, just wandering what the casting numbers are on it. Do you know if all the L series engines use the same turbo exhaust manifold. Hope you can get it up and running. Cheers Steve :classic:
  11. It has to be the members, yes the most impressive part is the members, the stories, real life experiences and the endless depth to their knowledge of the classic Z. I am also impressed with the depth of information imbedded in the forum data, when the search engine is used (sensational). The forum always manages to intrigue and the photo galleries are brilliant. Short answer "everything it is the best" That's my opinion cheers Steve :classic:
  12. sjcurtis replied to aardvark's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Halz, From the information I have been putting together this Zed has the highest serial that I have found, as we both know the other markets recieved late serials as well. Maybe the UK may have a higher serial. The best thing about this one is the great condition. I thought the guys in Brisbane would have been to see it by now. I agree with you, some pics of the interior would be great. Cheers Steve :classic:
  13. sjcurtis replied to aardvark's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Nathan, I had a look at the picture in the gallery. That is one straight clean looking 240Z. And from where I am sitting it also appears to be the youngest 240Z around. Exactly what the purists are after great car well looked after and matching numbers. I think your pricing will present a keen local Zed fanatic with an absolute bargain (if they are smart). Wish I had the cash and was local still I would be coming over for a look in a flash. If you do get a chance post up an interior pic, I think people will be really impressed. Good luck cheers Steve :classic:
  14. sjcurtis commented on aardvark's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  15. sjcurtis replied to aardvark's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Hi aardvark, I have a few questions for you firstly is the car in original condition, with paint and interior trim colours, Q1 what are they. my next question is how old is the car Q2 what is the body number and compliance date. Do you still run the original L24, Q3 what is its number. How many miles on the clock, Q4 MILES. Does the Zed live in a garage Q6 manual or auto. Can you post some pictures of the Z. Cheers Steve :classic:
  16. koreavet, This mirror with the red spot could be the factory fit item for the 2000 GT GTR or a similar car, this item is multi fit and supplied to Nissan for at least four diffrent vehicle types. As you know in early production many things where in short supply a single mirror with a red dot could easily slip quality control if it arrived in a box of 1000. that one theory cheers Steve:classic:
  17. sjcurtis replied to Alfadog's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Gav240z, So from what you are saying there is a large and small rear spoiler. I guess the 6-8inch high one is the one for the works aero package. Have you got any Pictures Cheers Steve:classic:
  18. sjcurtis replied to Alfadog's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Zg nose with race aero package. I found what looks like a works based large flare aero package on a Zg in race trim. Just in case you havent seen one. My 2c Steve:classic:
  19. sjcurtis replied to Z Kid's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    did anyone manage to see the data plates on these shells if so any chance I could have the details to put in the RH DRIVE S30 register im putting together. You know body number and factory engine no and compliance date and such. Cheers Steve:classic:
  20. sjcurtis replied to Al Squillante's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Al Squillante, Based on your ether theory if you can induce ether running for about 25 -30 seconds continuous and your fuel pump and cam are good your engine should be stumling into with fuel from your tank. I believe that your problem is the air in the system. I regularly get a similar problem with a Z(71) in storage, so I have a small elec pump I use to prime the fuel system. I fit the pump inline with flexible fuel line at the inlet of the mechanical pump , using the battery terminals for power, thirty to forty seconds running then I let it sit while I reconfigure the plumbing to the pump back to standard position and when all the clamps are good and tight I try to start it up with the key, normal result a kick and a splutter smooth running within a minute. Good Luck Steve :classic:
  21. sjcurtis replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    240znz, Is the rust accessable, is it one of the areas that repair sections are made for, do you have pictures yet. The Burgandy paint, how well did it come up, or did you only see a small patches of that colour. It sounds like your Zed has now found a good home, good luck with the work up and the repairs. When you post your next group of pics, can you please post A picture of the inside of your hatch, I am interested in the soft panel that is attached across the lower area ( in trim colour), and original engine serial number detail and if possible pic of data plate's cheers Steve:classic:
  22. Walkingpig, the information I am after is the information from the manufacturers data plate " HS30-XXXXXX & L24 XXXXXX & from the ADR Compliance plate if fitted 3/71 or 9/73 to place the time of arrival. Cheers Steve:classic:
  23. LEE, that is definately the best approach.I just love blasting away on the freeway, and a good Zed is always humming with anticipation for that break when you snap into the gap and stamp on the gas, the needle speeding back into the big red numbers and your gone. Zed on freeway= perfect. Daily driving a Zed these days is a hazardous regime in most places, if you are in the situation where you can do a safe daily driver with your Zed, I am envious. cheers Steve :classic:
  24. I am running a H&M competition header into a 2.5 inch pipe, 14 inch hotdog in the tunnel under the rear of the box, 2.5 into rear muffler, set up like drunkenmaster stated in the factory position. I had to change out the rear muffler twelve months ago due to external hole. the first new muffler on at the rear was not driveable through the reasonance range stated. Straight back to the shop fitted a diffrent brand with the same external features, perfect could not get close to the previous reasonance level. MY 2c Steve :classic:
  25. I agree totaly with Gav240z,in the long term higher prices benifits all of us. If you are unluky enough to suffer a F100 reversing into you when the pride and joy is parked in the street, the existing regime your insurer may try to "right off" as uneconommical to repair. We all know the Zed can be repaired but with the Insuranable prices so low we will suffer this problem. Now with the fleet price rising it will force Insurers to repair as cost effective. As for that HS30-0091 in Melb it must be pretty average probably not a bad idea to give it a miss. I just wish these people would advertise both body and engine number and a fair or average or exceptional condition if it is +$12000. My2c Steve :classic:

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