Its whats inside that counts................ Who said that ??:classic: I have never heard a guy say that - unless of course he was looking at a pretty lady and was safe saying that ! :classic: Dont get mad!!! I'm just bustin' ! Your too nice!! You're either young and have yet to be beaten down by some nasty woman or you're older and have had enough life experience to truly believe it! OR - you have a rare woman in your life and you are good to each other ??? I wonder ?? Either way is totally cool !! Gotta go now - work is done and have to put my top back on before I leave - its burrrrrrrrrrrrrrr cold out now that the sun has gone down - time to go home and fetch the fire wood !!! later guys!! have agreat weekend!
NO NO - you misunderstand - I was not being nasty!! - I was just trying to explain "me" - Califonia has always been known as "the hot spot for beautiful women" - I cant compete with that! actually I took it as a major compliment - that you invited me to join in the fun in the sun - and I didnt mean that you refered to me as typical - I was only telling all of you that thats not who I am - I dont get along with many woman - they wizz me off!!! (to be perfectly blunt!) - most dont know how lucky they are to have the life they have - I would love for them to have had my life - just a taste - then maybe women would appreciate their men more! Anyway - I have this kinda "black cloud" that follows me and if I did go to Cali - it probably "would" slide into the ocean!!! I wouldnt want that on my conscience :classic: It must be great to drive your "Z" ALL YEAR!!! NICE !! it was 46 today but nice and sunny - I rode around with my top off at lunch time :cheeky:
OK - first - I updated my profile a little - 2nd - do you know Warren Zevon ?? - old song --- it goes " when California slides into the ocean - like the mistics and statistics say it will........... 3rd - I dont need the competition - thanks anyway - I am not Blonde or blue eyed and I am not 21 anymore - (sorry guys!) and as far as naked - That would be in the privacy of my own land / home - ya know - like skinny dippin' and making love under the stars.... THATS the kind of naked I want - with ONE mans eyes on me not any or every joe shmo !!! Na - not for me - and I am not your "typical lady" thats a nasty insult to me - I am not like the woman of today or even yesterday -- are there any "real ladies" out there (besides me ??) :classic: so - arent we off the track just a little??? How about some cool "Z" stories ??
I have a friend who lives in Fort Worth - always trying to get me down there - said she'd have me married off ina heart beat - (that's kinda scary!) Of course my idea of Texas is cowboys, ranchin' and riding horses out on the back 40 bareback 9& bare backed !!, yee haaaa !!0 you know - like on the Ponderosa with Little Joe and Haus or the High Chaparel of course "she" doesnt live like that - its just like here - but down there - bummer - I'd love to runaway and live in a log cabin way out in nowhere - no neighbors as far as the eye can see - where you can run around naked if ya feel like it - (I do that now anyway - but ....) I should have been born 30 years earlier - I would have loved it !! Women were really women and men were real men! Except of course that there were no "Z"'s then - but no era is perfect :classic: alas - I am stuck in the here and now - and SNOW it will - pretty soon I think!!! My poor "Z" she deserves a better fate than NY salt - I feel so ....... abusive!!!
You guys have some really awesome cars - nice to know there are so many guys cool guys out there - too far away though:cry:
P.S. For the Leg and Rear ENd shot s- would that be with or with out my 4" spikes on :cheeky:
300 ZX for SALE
The Pic is there - not so great though !! I have had a couple of requests: one for a little more leg (didn't know "Z"'s had legs - did ya !!) and a shot of the "rear end" I will do my best to accomodate - Are any of you guys from Arizona ?? I am hoping to be able to take my daughter to AZ for her birthday - would love to meet up with you guys and party!! I am trying for January 9th - 13th unless you guys have any plans to meet up somewhere else around then ??? anyway - still looking for my "Z"knight in shining armor !!! of course the armor would be tarnished now but thats ok - I will make it shine again! ok - wrong subject! sorry - Seriously though - January - any suggestions on where we could go for a short fun vacation (I personally have never been on vacation ...so I am excited!) Have to be a warm place though! (what are U thinking !!! ) Later Guys !
300 ZX for SALE
Thanks for the info - I'll check it out !
300 ZX for SALE
Sharonna's 300ZX
Rear end has nice n tight curve to her - goes very well with the rest of the package. She's old but not many miles - she's hasn't been around the block too many times - but in very good shape - even been described as sweet - hot and Damn nice ! Interested?
300 ZX for SALE
P.S. I see you were smart enough to get out of NY - Where are U now?
300 ZX for SALE
U R right! I do stupid things like this - at my age I should know better - but when I saw her - I just had to have her - you guys should be able to relate to that ! She deserves better than to be subjected to NY salt - and yea - I noticed all you guys have awesome older models - much slicker than mine - now I dont feel so bad about trying to sell her - If I had one like yours - I'd be really bummin' ! Going to see a guy tonite about a possible clutch! (oh no!) and he said he wants to check it out for himself maybe !! I guess I should be driving a Jeep so I can get out of my driveway in the winter - besides - I am afraid someone will side swipe ME! Then I'd have to get out and kick his arse and thats not very lady like and no way to meet a guy either !!! Love checking out the cars here though! no pics of owners though - how come ?
300 ZX for SALE
- mvc-601f
- Sharonna's 300ZX