Everything posted by 240 in OZ
Question on Air Box sticker
I am not sure if this helps but my RHD car, dated 09/71, exhibits the remains of this one only sticker. I have seen a picture of RHD VIN#004 when it was new and it had NO air box stickers. Joseph
Choke Cable Routing Through Firewall; Grommet Orientation
Hello All For correctness sake, I would like to ask what is the correct way to route the two choke cables through the firewall and what is the subsquent correct way to orientate the associated choke cable grommet? Do the choke cables route through the firewall one on top of the other or side by side? I would also like to ask what is the difference between the 'early' and the 'late' style of choke cable grommet. Wicks book lists that he uses a 'late' style grommet which he comments as not being correct for his 1970 model year car. I have my suspicions but would like some confirmation. Thanks for any replies/pics. Joseph
Datsun 240Z S30 RH Parts Catalogue
It may be a good idea to compile a list of both LHD and RHD editions of the parts books which were made. I have recently purchased a RHD copy dated December 1972 and it shows as being the third revision (assume to the RHD specific cars). Joseph
Discover various "date",use cross-reference method
Hey Kats (All) Sorry for the delayed reply to your request. I have been struggling to get a clear shot of the stampings, please find attached the best pic I am able to do. I made an error in my initial posting, guess that is what happens when you rely on your ageing memory! The stamping is DATE 08, there is no U. If you look at the pic, this stamping is seen directly to the RHS as viewed on the screen of the round stamping in the middle section of the horn, the inner section is the centre, most raised section and the outer section is the lowest section. This stamping is a stamping into the metal rather than ink. I hope this helps. Joseph
Datsun 240Z S30 RH Parts Catalogue
The winning bidder is a member of this site; hoping he will chime in. Joseph
My third 240Z - interior
Is that steering wheel the original colour? If it is, would it be possible to send a close up high res pic showing the rim colour?? Thanks Joseph
Discover various "date",use cross-reference method
Playing round with the horns on my 240-Z over the weekend and noticed a date of U 08 stamping on the rear side. My car is believed to be a 09/71 final build date based on cross-referencing the engine number with the USA figures so I am assuming that U 08 would mean August for the 08 but not sure about the U. Anyone else check this out? Joseph
Need help sorting out Master Cylinder questions
Early style is Tokico brand, switched to Nabco for 72 model year. The early style has push fit caps. Joseph
Gas Filler Cap Question
Early "D" Hub Caps Going For Record Price!
There is a car here which is an original condition/one owner, reported to have been complianced in November of 1971 and it has the D style hubcaps fitted as original/supplied from the factory. Note here the date is complianced; this is when the owner took delivery of the car from what I am able to make out from him. I have seen this car and you can see the 72 style interior comming in, ie while it has the early centre console in it, it has a perforated headliner etc. Joseph
engine color
For the original look try painting it with a dull aluminium high heat paint suitable for manifolds etc. Must be dull rather than bright/polished. Joseph
engine color
Contact Les at www.classicdatsun.com for block blue mixed in rattle cans. Radiator/heater hoses should be purchased as genuine parts from Nissan as they have specific bends to them. I see sellers on ebay all the time selling complete heater hose kits including replacement grommets. You should be able to pick them all up from ebay; try the seller vintage_nissan_parts, he should be able to supply all you need. As for fuel line, depends on how anal you are; this is available from Nissan as well. Hope this helps you out. Joseph
Removing the lower rack from pinion??
The FSM states that the engine must be lifted slightly to extract the steering rack; Haynes does not. I am thinking that the FSM states this due to the original plastic grease reservoir which was on the rack, if you try and remove the rack with this in place it would be my guess that it would snap off. Joseph
Stub Axle Differences 240z, 260z and 280z
Hello Gavin Many thanks for the reply. I am currently waiting to hear back from Mick re a trade with him, ie his 240-Z stub axles for my replaced 260-Z stub axles as he wouldnt mind having a spare set. Just waiting to see photos and then arrange postage. If something does happen here I would be glad to take you up on your offer, pending confirmation that they are indeed the correct 240-Z style stub axles. There is no hurry here. Thanks again. Joseph
Need Advice, Worth Restoring?
No offence to anyone here intended, but I really think that this project would be suited to someone with the initial intention of returning this car too its correct, former glory. There are plenty of other year models out there which would make better candidates for what you want out of a project car, would be easier to get back to former glory and also probably cheaper and probably provide a better starting point. Joseph
Stub Axle Differences 240z, 260z and 280z
Mick/Gavin I checked out the stub axles which are in my car over the weekend and it looks like they have been changed out from the original 240-Z to the later 260-Z with the bumps on them. With either of you contemplating the swap from your 240-Z axles to the 260-Z axles, once done, would you have the original 240-Z ones available? What else needs to be changed out to perform this swap? I would need this as well. Thanks for any replies. Joseph
Stub Axle Differences 240z, 260z and 280z
zed240au Is it possible to get a copy of the picture which you have offered to Gavin? Thanks Joseph
Steering Rack Differences; 240-Z vs. 260-Z (280-Z)
Hey Ed/All Based on the info supplied in this thread through the replies I managed to do some 'trouble-shooting' over the weekend to identify the rack in the car. I have identified it as a later style, 260-Z rack. I have based this on not being able to find a grease fitting of any kind on the non-pinion end of the rack, not hidden by the boots and also the fact that the pinion box section appears to be steel rather than aluminium, ie a magnet will stick to it. I got some pics through from a friend here in Australia with both a 240-Z and a 260-Z. The 260-Z rack also has some kind of inspection plate/cover on the rack where the pinion shaft attaches to the splines whereas the 240-Z rack does not. I will post the pics here for future reference. Rack mounting bushing measurements would be nice at this stage. So, I need to find a genuine RHD 240-Z steering rack here in Australia. Is there anyone whom may have one available? Thanks again for the help on this one to date. Joseph
Steering Rack Differences; 240-Z vs. 260-Z (280-Z)
Hello Ed Thanks for the reply. I borrowed this picture from another thread here on the website; are these the locations of the grease fittings which you are referring to? Thanks Joseph
Steering Rack Differences; 240-Z vs. 260-Z (280-Z)
Hello Mike No, I am not sure if it is a z rack, I just blindly posted the pics as I found them labelled. Joseph
Steering Rack Differences; 240-Z vs. 260-Z (280-Z)
Hello Ed Thanks for providing this clarification. Do I have to remove the boot to see if the grease fitting is there on the passengers/non-pinion side of the rack? I was doing some research and came across the pics as attached. The one I have in my car definately looks like the one as labelled 240-Z, but I fear that the one labelled 260-Z may be from a 2+2 and the 2 seater 260-Z racks were the same externally as the 240-Z? Is anyone able to confirm this?? The pinion on mine is black, but this may have been painted as part of the 'rebuild'. Joseph
Still good deals out there!!
If the single PO had used only armour all on the dash from new, and applied it regularly you would be OK. I assume this dash has been sitting in the car and in an untouched state as you describe the car as you found it. Unfortunately, what ever you apply, there is a good chance that this dash will crack, either on removal or when it is exposed to the sun. Regular application of a single product is the key to dash preservation.
Rear Bumper End Caps?
Out of interest, these parts are indeed shown in the HLS30 parts book from Nissan.
Steering Rack Differences; 240-Z vs. 260-Z (280-Z)
Hello All Thanks for the replies/information to date. I managed to take a closer look at the rack installed in my car over the course of the weekend. As best I am able to gather, the measurement between the 'lips' where the rack mounting bushings go is 35mm inside to inside. Is anyone able to provide a base measurement from a known 240-Z rack so I am able to compare. Ed's reply is interesting. When I look at my rack, the pinion is mounted to the RHS of the car (drivers side for me as Im in RHD country, but this is passengers side for LHD cars); this contradicts what Ed has posted in that he says the pinion should be on the LHS. Sides here are taken as if sitting in the drivers seat facing forwards in the car. Am I looking at a 260-Z rack in my car?? Thanks Joseph