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240 in OZ

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Everything posted by 240 in OZ

  1. 240 in OZ replied to Ed's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I think the new one as shown in the pics is more for protection of the wiring harness as it passes over the metal of the body. The old one is for sealing purposes. I dont believe they are interchangable. The newer one is as seen in the rear hatch area (remove your inner plastic trim panels). FWIW Joseph
  2. Agreed, but it depends on what you are going for with your car. The high heat paint wasnt that much more than the regular clear anyway. Just by a big can of the Holts stuff and you will have enough. I did 4 coats on all of the pieces. Note I painted mine while the tranny was apart and then touched it up when it was put back together, just prior to installing it. Joseph
  3. Amend my post to bead blast/clear coat using high heat paint, this is what I did and so far it has stood up well. You can also get a flame resistant clear but it is probably overkill. Joseph
  4. Bead blast/clear coat.
  5. Not that I saw. He sells the full length replacement outer skins, ie from top of door to bottom of door. The original/new trims were something to behold though. Joseph
  6. 71 was AM only; maybe very late 71 has FM. Try Warren Potter at All-Z Parts for the door trims ans strut caps. He sells them new, genuine Nissan. I was over there late last year and saw a pair of genuine Nissan 240z door trims which he bought over from Japan, simply amazing! Joseph
  7. Hello I have now been able to get some pics of the cover which I am looking for; please see attachments below. I still need to get one of these covers. If anyone can help me out it would be appreciated. Pic 86 shows the top side of the cover, pic 87 shows the underside of the cover, pic 88 is an attempt to show which part of the seatbelt the cover fits on. It is akin to the "tilt to adjust" mechanism seen on more modern day seatbelts. Thanks Joseph
  8. I am currently attempting to restore an original pair of 240z seatbelts as seen on the Australian specification cars. The original Nissan factory belts were removed and replaced with Kagnol brand belts prior to sale. I have two sets and am missing one small part to make a complete single set. I need a metal cover which goes over the adjusting bracket. It goes on the piece which mounts to the rear hatch area. I need one cover. If anyone has one lying around please pm me or reply to this discussion thread. If anyone has a complete set and isnt sure what I am looking for please let me know and Ill try and arrange a picture. Many thanks. Regards Joseph Gauci
  9. 240 in OZ replied to mlc240z's post in a topic in Interior
    Does anyone have a good picture of the spring in one of these ash trays which holds the lid up. Mine is missing and Im looking around for options. Regards Joseph
  10. FWIW, here is a pic of the replacement mast (I borrowed it from ebay). Joseph
  11. Ive only seen two cars here in Australia that had them fitted as factory option and both were early series 1 cars (ie vents in rear hatch etc). There is a good discussion thread somewhere on it, with pictures posted. I think Wick glosses over it in his HTR book as well. Regards Joseph
  12. The mysterious cutout above the hazard light switch in the dash is for the optional driving light operation switch. FWIW Joseph
  13. 240 in OZ replied to halz's post in a topic in Interior
    This discussion of plastic panel colour is interesting and Im glad it has been bought up. I have removed all of the plastic interior panels from my 71 240z and they are black on both sides. When I got the car the removable tailight access covers were missing. I got a pair from a z car wreckers. When I got them I was interested to note they were red on the rear side and black on the outside. I have always thought that they were red originally on both sides and were sprayed black in the past by a previous owner. Now, Im not too sure. A red interior is also pretty rare to see here in Australia. Regards Joseph Gauci
  14. I wanted to bring this one up again. I have received recent information stating that there may have been a recall done early on in production of the 240z of this master cylinder; does anyone know anything about this? This would explain why I havent seen amny of them. If this is the case and my car didnt go through the recall program, I am entertaining the thought of contacting Nissan Australia to see if I can get a replacement part. Any help is appreciated. Regards Joseph Gauci
  15. 240 in OZ replied to HS30-H's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Alan Did you happen upon Kats on your recent visit to Japan; he seems to have disappeared from internet land?
  16. 240 in OZ commented on Alan Pugh's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  17. Victor Yes, but the material is non-weatherproof. Also the bottom of the "bag" was badly perished so I cannot ascertain if it was fully sealed off at some time in the past. It may just be a crazy previous owner mod, who knows. But, why choose to store the antenna in this fashion. The mast has obviously been broken off at some stage and the unit replaced. Why not remove the old power unit all together? Regards Joseph
  18. Hey Chris Thanks for the reply; let me know what you find out. If it turns out to be original Ill arrange some pics and post them. Regards Joseph
  19. Hey Guys I did a little exploring in my 240z over the weekend just passed and decided to remove the inner hatch plastic trim panels. When I removed the panel covering the radio antenna side I discovered a non-original, non-powered antenna installed (as expected) and also a curious looking object wrapped up in a blue cotton type material bag. It was pushed into the cavity between the inner wheel well and the reinforcement metal in the area. On closer inspection I discovered that the object was plugged directly into the original power antenna wiring harness and was also secured to the hatch area using the original threaded rod which is secured in the cavity. Upon removal and unwrapping I discovered what is the original Harada brand power antenna. The mast has been removed, the mast tube is gone along with the antenna connection to the lead. The motor doesnt work and the extender coil has been snapped off. The case is in pretty reasonable condition. I am curious to know if the bag that I found it wrapped in is original or not? The bag was badly perished on the base. It is of a blue, non-weatherproof material and it has two slits cut into it, one corresponds to the wiring location on the case and one corresponds to the mast location. The bag was double thickness of material. The car is a 71 240z. I had a 75 260z 2+2 which also had the original antenna in it and I remember that it wasnt in a bag. So, is this original maybe to early cars only? Anyone else seen this? Regards Joseph
  20. Hello Interested readers I removed the clutch master cylinder on may car and found the makers name on the side that I couldnt read while it was installed on the car. The makers name is Tokico, which matches the slave cylinder, rear wheel cylinders and also the brake master cylinder of my car. I assume by this that the unit I have is the original/correct unit for my car. I do believe that it may have been removed in the past however as the flare nut on the line was a little rounded where someone has had a go at it with an assumed open end spanner. I removed the line successfully using a flare nut/line spanner. What is interesting is that the makers name appears to have been ground away; ie if you wernt looking for the word Tokico or Nabco you wouldnt be able to recognise it. Not sure what to offer re this. The units (slave and master) are being sleeved and rebuilt this week. Regards Joseph
  21. Richard Thanks for the reply/info on the clutch master cylinder. The thing that I am concerned with at the moment with mine is that I cannot find Nabco written on it anywhere. On the side that is visible from the drivers side fender there is Japan and 5/8" only, no makers name. I am yet to see what is on the other side, but based preliminary investigation appears to be nothing. Are you saying that in going from the firewall along the cylinder itself you hit the line BEFORE you hit the reservoir? I have been doing some searching for details and have found this shape master used in Japanese home market cars, but am yet to see it in "export" models. Would you have a pic of yours? Thanks Joseph
  22. Hey Mike Thanks for doing that. What text does yours have on it, both sides if you are able to see the reverse side. I wouldnt mind a few more replies on this one so I have a bigger sample to base my decision on. Thanks Joseph
  23. Mike Thanks for the reply. I think that all master cylinders, both clutch and brake, are in imperial measurements, no matter where they were manufactured. I have the original Tokico slave and it has an imperial size. Please take a close look at the arrangement of the line into the cylinder body itself. See how in mine, if you go from the firewall to the reservoir you come across the line first; others I have seen have the line past the reservoir, going from the firewall. Joseph
  24. Hello It looks like I may need to have my clutch master cylinder sleeved and rebuilt. I am trying to ascertain if the unit that is currently installed in my car is correct/original equipment as supplied by the factory or if it has been replaced with an aftermarket unit. I dont want to invest money into having the unit done and find out that it isnt correct. The car in question is a 1971 240z, Australian (RHD) specification. Is anyone out there able to post pics or a description of the clutch master cylinder that they have installed in there car if they know it is correct/original equipment for a 71 240z. Im not sure if the LHD and RHD markets varied as to what was factory installed. I have attached a picture of it. The text on the side visible when standing beside the drivers side front fender says 5/8" and then Japan. I havent been able to ascertain what text, if any, is on the other side as I cannot get my head in there to take a look. I tried sticking the camera in there blindly but the photo didnt work out. If anyone is able to help me out asap it would be appreciated. Regards Joseph
  25. I think they may be the overflow hoses? They may be used to run fuel into the air cleaner box if a back up occurs in the system. Joseph

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