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About thomas461

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  • Age: 52




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    Cumming, GA
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    Manager of Cat Herders.

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  • About me and my cars
    Currently working on my 1974 Early 260.

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  1. I will be there with Triples on... Fuel injection to come very very soon. See you Sunday.
  2. Bob's Speedometer did fantastic work on my non-operational tach for less money than a unknown used one. Here it is all cleaned up back in the car. Datsun 260Z Tach LED's - YouTube
  3. This really is a great show. I have pictures of the Caffeine and Octane back to 2011. There was a great group of cars out there this weekend. Especially the S30's. I haven't seen that much Datsun presence since the last Z Club Meeting To Steve's point there were some really nice cars out there as well as some we hadn't seen before. I talked with a guy from HybridZ who just picked up a sweet 240Z from Austin, TX, hopefully we see him at the next show or at least the next Club meeting. He moved it from Austin to Marietta. As for the younger generation in the new generation Z cars. These guys are a new generation of car guy (and Girl) and I wonder if thats how we looked to the older guys when we were young? I have found my car on all kinds of websites, some "what not to drive" but hey its exposure right?
  4. I also have the LED's installed (All of the bulbs in the car have been replaced). Steve and I talked about the problem with the flashers not flashing correctly. I read Dave's reply about the flasher assembly and figured I would give it a try before taking the Tach back out and replacing the LED bulbs I have in the Turn Signal flashers. I initially tried it with the Tridon EP35 and ran a ground wire and for the life of me it would not work. I went back to the FSM and had a look at it appears the poles are reversed. Note: I am doing this work on an early 260Z. So I created two jumpers and crossed the poles back to the factory flasher plug and magically everything worked. Needless to say having my flashers back working correctly no matter the engine RPM or speed was a joy. So for giggles I went back to the parts store and had a look. It turns out the Tridon EP34 reverses the positive and the negative poles on the flasher assembly. I thought surely it can't be that simple. I bought it; walked into the parking lot and plugged it into the factory flasher plug and moved the ground over. Now it works with the factory plug (Did have to add the ground wire as Dave mentions) Thanks Steve for the info on the LED's and thanks Dave for the note about the Electronic Flashers. One more thing: The bussman 232 that Steve said to use is an electronic flasher but I did notice something when I was at the parts store. It didnt say it was compatible with LED Bulbs. Both the EP34 and EP35 say they are LED Compatible and are only $12. Hope this helps. Tridon EP34 Trido EP35
  5. I had a similar problem with the tach in my 74 260Z. Like you I was a bit nervous and apprehensive. I downloaded the service manual and got it out of the car. I then shipped it to Bob's Speedometer Shop in Michigan. They did great work and I got my factory tach back looking better than it did when it was new. They can test it for you and tell you if anything was wrong before they start work on it. I did a review in the review section on Bob's Speedometer. http://www.classiczcars.com/reviews/showproduct.php?product=34&title=bobs-speedometer-260z-tach&cat=7
  6. Steve, Thanks I have been trying to pick one of those up on CL for a week. I didnt think to ask you to borrow yours to get it in the stand.
  7. Hi all, I have a 74 260Z (11/73) it is an original 2.6L runner with dome top SU's and a 4 Speed trans. It does run pretty good but I am looking for a bit more. Aren't we all? I purchased an L28 (N42/N42) and a 5 speed transmission (Wide Ratio) from a person who is moving out of state for a couple of hundred bucks. The question is as follows. Is it worth swapping now or wait and rebuild it? I did survey the motor, took the oil pan and valve covers off and they are both very clean, no sludge and no bits and pieces in the oil pan. I suppose I could also hook up a starter and run a compression test to see how well it compresses and leak down test. A five speed transmission is a tasty thought. This is something I could do in a couple of hours with little effort. The only way I can tell on this one without cracking the case is test the movement. Everything does move as you would hope but not being in the car I don't know if there are any "noises" etc. Thoughts?
  8. I am not familiar with the 240 but on the 260 I would say take the Tach Out. Mine is out and being reworked so it made it very easy gaining access to the Tripometer reset cable on the right side of the Speedo. There is a tiny screw that holds that cable on and I would think it would be all but impossible to get off and back on from underneath the dash. The Speedo cable isn't too bad to get at you can get at it from underneath the dash. Also, there is a small connector on the bottom left that has to be removed (Near the fresh air intake handle). Take out the front mounting screw and out it comes. 2 Bulbs and your in business. Note: I did have a quick look at the Manual for the 240 and it looks to be much easier than the 260. Two wingnuts, speedo cable and out it comes. You may have the same problem with the Trip reset cable though.
  9. Replaced all the lights with LED's!
  10. Steve - I installed all the LED's today to include the Dashboard replacements. What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday. Job that should have taken me 2 hours MAX took me 7 hours. Dirty Lens covers, Speedo cables, kids, dog, all kinds of drama. The end product was so worth the effort. I just need to get the Tach back from Michigan to have the dash back together again.
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