Everything posted by uras1
Rear bar brackets + number plate lights
will see when im heading down next but hopefully soon. as long as they arnt as bad as mine i will be happy
Stash of 240k's
i think so.
- 240K in the news
E.O.I 240k Coupe TAS
looks pretty clean, would be over 6k in the current market easly. hard to put a final price on it though
Another 240K on eBay ( Coupe )
u buy now
Stash of 240k's
i have only seen him drive the gold one around, he also said he's doing a full 73# racing copy
V8 Convertible
keen in spares, let me know a price
Stash of 240k's
yeh i have meet that guy before, he's ok but yeh doesnt want to part with any
Catalogues & Brochures
Hey guys. Anyone else have a collection of Australian and Japanese materials and collectables? I'm always on the lookout for cool/rare stuff to add to my collection.
My 240K(c110) build thread
did you get a 4 or 5 speed for it?
Rear bar brackets + number plate lights
let me know hoybo skyc110 - pretty much will do all the things you said . will nickle plate and paint. and one fitted glass instead of plastic covers?
Rear bar brackets + number plate lights
Hi guys. Pulled my rear bar of to find the brackets are well rusted. Dont really feel like doin a 500km round trip to get some :stupid: Should look like this http://page13.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/r87663738 Also my number plate lights unit is rusted and the lenses are almost dust. Any help much appreciated:love:
Welcome Kenmeri <3
if i dont have any luck i will
Welcome Kenmeri <3
I decided i had to make start on some smaller stuff. Mirrors seemed the easiest to start with. These ones came with guards i got from japan and i have a few other sets on the way in a container, will restore them and keep as spares. As expected these where pretty rusty and plenty of wd40 was used haha. The mirros where painted with a spray can and it was falling off so i pulled them apart and put them through the sand blasting cabinet, still need to fix a few smalll dents but the mirrors and glass are pretty good condition. Down side was the rod that holds them to the base was pretty much gone. I broke one in half and the other one broke on the eye. I had no other option apart from make new ones. I also gave the front bar brackets a clean as well will expoxy and paint them black when i do the mirrors this week hopefully
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
carbs or injection?
Welcome Kenmeri <3
cleaned my hood lining to this parts cleaning
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
looks good, i would be very happy with that
Another 240K on eBay ( Coupe )
Stuff worth looking at off Yahoo Auctions.
they are from a 4 door, unsure if hardtop is the same
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
working fast
Another 240K on eBay ( Coupe )
wonder if its complete
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
are you goin to make gtr style door trims or retain the alloy bottom piece?
Mr. Loud and smelly
yup, it lives on
Mr. Loud and smelly
mustard custard lives again, did brad do the exhaust?
was away on weekend so i didnt get to add anymore, will try this week