Everything posted by uras1
Tailight garnish pics
yeh once mine arrives i can spectro it at work and find something close, trying to aim for orignale
Tailight garnish pics
Tailight garnish pics
its kind of inbetween semi and flat. hopefully when mine arrives the colour isnt to fadded and i can match something up.
Tailight garnish pics
After picturs of GTR garnish to look for a colour. Close up pics would be great if anyone has any.
Stuff worth looking at off Yahoo Auctions.
either, might have a bid and mount it on my wall
WTB: Datsun 240K Coupe
that thing doesnt look good at all
4 door parts on offer
i can remove it, but i will have to take screen out and drill stuff if thats ok, also whats the bonnet like?
4 door parts on offer
what about cowl panel, much rust?
Welcome Kenmeri <3
also picked up a bonnet, has rust but is better then mine but wont tell how bad till i take off old paint. also bidding on one on yahoo
Stuff worth looking at off Yahoo Auctions.
http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h160965270 4 door people apply
Stuff worth looking at off Yahoo Auctions.
still considering picking up one them coupes, if i do hopefully them parts are still in it
My 240K(c110) build thread
getting there
Welcome Kenmeri <3
im trying to start up my own yahoo here haha. so some more parts arrived got skyline garnish badge, rear interior trim plastics, boot seal and weather shields which where both bent in the middle like a bananana . managed to massage them semi flat but will have to wait to test fit them to see how they go and hopefully no crease marks in them.
Stuff worth looking at off Yahoo Auctions.
nice. another step closer
Stuff worth looking at off Yahoo Auctions.
mirrors - http://page13.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/r86278208 i guess you have order door rubbers and door catch i see
Stuff worth looking at off Yahoo Auctions.
haha need a dash cover the same
Stuff worth looking at off Yahoo Auctions.
thats not bad at all actually
Another 240K on eBay ( Coupe )
see the rusty coupe got pulled, either sold private or he thought he would get more haha
My 240K(c110) build thread
These dont leak:ninja:
Kpgc110 Magazine
To easy, next time i do it i will ship directly to everyone to save on extra postage here
Stuff worth looking at off Yahoo Auctions.
prob sell for 30K maybe also for any that doesnt know how to use yahoo heres the link for kenmeri - http://auctions.search.yahoo.co.jp/search?ei=UTF-8&p=%E3%82%B1%E3%83%B3%E3%83%A1%E3%83%AA&tab_ex=commerce&auccat=26318 yonmeri - http://auctions.search.yahoo.co.jp/search?tab_ex=commerce&ei=euc-jp&fr=auc-prop&rkf=1&p=%A5%B1%A5%F3%A5%E1%A5%EA&auccat=26322 Taillights - http://auctions.search.yahoo.co.jp/search?p=%E3%82%B1%E3%83%B3%E3%83%A1%E3%83%AA+%E3%83%86%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB&tab_ex=commerce&ei=UTF-8&rs=4 Hayashi - http://auctions.search.yahoo.co.jp/search?p=%E3%83%8F%E3%83%A4%E3%82%B7%E3%80%80&oq=&pstart=1&auccat=26318&f=0x2&slider=0&tab_ex=commerce&ei=UTF-8&b=1 SSr - http://auctions.search.yahoo.co.jp/search?ei=UTF-8&p=ssr&oq=&slider=0&tab_ex=commerce&auccat=2084005140 Work - http://auctions.search.yahoo.co.jp/search?ei=UTF-8&p=work&slider=0&tab_ex=commerce&auccat=2084005140 if your after a search link let me know
- Welcome Kenmeri <3
New years car fest Japan
just seen someone else has posted this , close it please
New years car fest Japan
thought i would chuck this up http://www.flickr.com/photos/ka_ry/sets/72157629078399665/
C110 Wiper motor
anyone know if 2 door and 4 door share the same wiper motor?