Everything posted by thefastestz
Rust Job?
Since the Z is of unibody construction rust in the right places will make the car unstable structurally. Floorpans, frame rails, ect. all play a role in how sturdy the car is. A car with too much rust can be bad, because the car's overall structure is weakened. Too much HP on a rusty car has been known to tear them apart. It all depends on where the rust is and how bad it is. I would suggest uploading pics to this thread and to explaing what you mean about a bad situation. If there is too much rust then the car may not be worth any further attention. just my $0.02
Ahhh is this a 240z? i cant tell...
You can even attach pics to this thread if you see something suspicious, or somthing you want to know about. Take a digicam when you look at it. Hopefully everything turns out great!!
HELLO!! This is a great site!! If you do get a Z alot of the members here can help with just about any question you might have with it. NO matter how dumb you think it may sound, no one will rag on you. I know i've asked a some of those, I thought someone would flame me. I got an ansewer and no bunker gear(firefighter protection suits) was required!! Check out the classifieds there are good deals there sometimes!
little fuzzy
That turned out better than i could have imagined!! I don't think i could have even dreamed of a better flare setup/wheel combo! Great Work!!!
Losing wieght? 280Z with out bumpers....
Just how much difference do the bumpers make on a 78 280z. Are they heavy? Does anyone have a guesstimate of how much the wiegh? Just a question.
Racing Z 1
Racing Z 1
Hey! It's another Z-spaceship
Isn't that that Kamari full body kit? Maybe they shoud just stick to making expensive front air dams. :cross-eye
Z having a purge
Another obnoxious person messing with a Z
Good Idea! All i need to know is find out where that car is.....:devious: :bandit: J/KLOL
Another obnoxious person messing with a Z
Another obnoxious person messing with a Z
I guess it is okay to drag a Z. it must be fun. But they destroyed the buetiful looks of it. Looks like a dodge daytona front and corvette rear. yuck!!! Put the creators in Jail!
One of our own in bad accident
Well I just got back from the hospital around 11:00. I still have some pain I can't breath to deeply, eat anything heavy, or move too fast since anything that exerts any pressure to my abdomen hurts like crazy. Well my car is bad, real bad. The thought of an SUV collision to me now is more than a nightmare. I was hit by a Chevy Caviler. Their licence plate landed behind my drivers seat. The door came up and hit my hip. The car flexed alot, one of the front strut towers bent the carberator filter cover on my weber DGVs and there is quite a distance between them.. On the master brake cylinder one of the caps flew off. The engine still turs over though. After the wreck wy adrenaline must have been flowing cause I felt no pain crawled out the passenger side.. Thank God I will make a full recovery in a couple of months. I will be praying always from now on for all you guys that you never ever have to experience an accident like mine.
One of our own in bad accident
this is andrea, ernie's sister and i am on the phone with him right now from the Hospital, he wishes to share some words with all of you back here at the forum...(im typing it as he speaks) ERNIE: "Thank you for all your prayers, concerns and thoughts. My sister was able to print them out and send all your support to me here at that hospital. It was inspiring to hear from the Zclub and I truly appreciate all your endless support. Looks like I will be out of the hospital on wednesday but will have to take it easy for a couple of months. I am very grateful to still to be alive but i still feel bad for my car. hearing from all your guys made me feel better and made it easier for me to cope with the sentimential lost of my precious 240Z. I really respect this club, not only is there so much knowledge theres also alot of commodary, you can post a question without criticism and almost allows get a good (right) answer. Thank you all! ps. i'll probably have my 280Z to drive around, and in couple of years I have to have that 240Z." --Ernie aka fstr240z
best daily driver
Do you mind sacraficing a few comforts for alot more fun? Do you want a good balance? I have daily driven 2 280zxs, 240z, and 78 280z. My favorite by far is the fumes in cockpit, loud exhaust, roll down the windows, light on its feet, nimble, 240z. However the 280z is smother riding when you have to encounter certain bumpy roads but feels different, but feels good with a/c and all that and still turns heads. The 280zx was really great, smooth, still had plenty of grunt, just felt more proper. The t-top version is way fun for that cruise, I still miss that alot. If you are gonna be taking that girl out the 280zx and 280z are good. I have trouble taking the girl in the 240z cause she has no taste for a loud exhaust or messy hair. Plus I am prone to driving the car faster than I should. THe fume thing ain't so bad on my car, but i have heard in some cars it can be.
Rear left qtr
Hood swap???
The T-5 tranny is a manual right? Found in a camaro? I know if i go the V8 route in one of my Zs I want a manual.
Resistor type spark plugs?
What is the differance between the resistor type spark plug and the non-resistor type? I went to the parts store and they gave me resistor type spark plugs cause they were all they had, I thought that my car called for non-resistor type. I told the parts guy and he told me they fit and will work better. I do not believe him. I didn't buy them, but does it matter?
- My 240z
Nice Fairlady z looker
What would u guys say about this?
Sounds like a good product, but for $50 for 6.75oz., I guess it better be.
Unstable idle/failure to run properly
I had that erratic timing problem once and it turned out to be the condenser on the distributor($3).
2003 Brisbane Nationals
I've seen so many good looking 2+2s on this site that I will have to changed my view on the 2+2s looks in general.
2003 Z Nationals Brisbane
2003 Z Nationals Brisbane
can anyone name out those wheels? I agree with Gav 240z, that car doesn't look like it needs a front air dam.