Everything posted by thefastestz
Check this out
That engine bay doesn't look 7 grand to me. I somehow don't belive all that story. Show perfect? I didn't see that either. Spending 3 grand to get it show perfect I saw that.
well heres my new car
Sweet!! My first was a 280ZX I liked it. I still have a soft spot for them, but I like the first generation cars better. I guess driving a good 280ZX may be better than having to deal with a 30 yr. old car that might have rust problems, Or maybe not.
- My 280z and 240z
My 78' 280Z
- MY Zs
Japanese Stock Wheel.
You Know those leather skins that tie to the steering wheel usally thickens them up a bit. Doesn't it? Plus if you like the way the stock wheel looks you get to keep it. Personally the skinny stock wheel doesn't even bother me.
Leave stock or not leave stock
#319?! stock all the way! You lucky person!
Blue diamond baby
I wonder how hard it is to get out of the car after a long drive and how many scars the owner has. Like it though.
The Ghost Rider
The Ghost Rider
Can fiberglass be affected by high Heat?
There ought to be a law....
Really it ain't that bad, not my cup of tea anyway. Maybe if you put some FFAATT pieces of rubber on the corners to fill those flares more it would be different. Those driving lights could be downsized quite a bit. my $0.01 (Really my opinion isn't really worth the extra pennyLOL )
Can fiberglass be affected by high Heat?
I just noticed that the rear fiberglass bumper on my 78' 280z rests(in contact with) on the tail pipe of the stock muffler. I haven't driven it much yet but will this cause any warping or cracking? I know paint blemishes in the area are inevitable.
240Z racing a Z06 Vette
240Z racing a Z06 Vette
I have always been a corvette fan and a Z fan. I confess before I got my first car(before I knew what a Z was) I was a corvette fan. When I got my first Z I caught Z fever, and thats cause it was a ZX. That video almost made me cry. I have always wanted to see the car i love most do that. The fact that i heard that L motor sound just took the cake for me.
"yeah, that's easy for you to say, you drive a...
HA! but hey I still have a soft spot for the 280zxs.......
My first car was a Z, I also paid for it myself. That didn't stop me from being a revhead. I fixed it when it broke had my fun, and I didn't pay too much for insurance. i also had the option of a 240sx but I am glad I chose the z(well ZX) which as my first. I liked them so much thats all I have ever bought. Now that I have a 240z and 280z I like them even more than the zx, the Z was the way to go for me.
World's 1st RB26DETT Z33 (350Z)
I wonder just how much faster it will be, If it becomes faster at all. (Has to be though) Also I wonder if the extra performance is worth the $$$$$.
1971 Datsun 240Z Series One 4 speed pictures
Wow!! U guys better pick that up right away. That car looks too awsome and it is an early Z. Wish I had the money.:disappoin
Evel Knievel Z
Your Cars' Name?
I don't have a name for my 240z. When I talk to it with the accelerator pedal, and a down shift. It ansewers back.
'70-'71 240Z Wanted to Buy
If i get to make it to graduation day with my 240z's I'm gonna be so happy cuz i'm gonna get to get started on a L28turbo conversion.
'70-'71 240Z Wanted to Buy
My car still runs and runs strong I just do not know what that sound is and no valve seat isbroken loose. (as said in the engine thread where I give a description of this prob.) Texas Z I might be selling both my cars together though for about $3000 obo. well less. Its that time again for tuition to be due in august, and I need to scrape up 5 grand. I am not driving it though to school. Since I do not know if the problem will lead to any engine damage. I was driving it like this with no problems for 2 weeks. If I some how get to keep my 240Zs then I can just swap the cylinder head over from the parts car. If someone buys them well they can do the same, but I have a receipt in the records of the previous owner replacing valve seals and stuff like that on the blue car. Since the cam oiler was loose I think one of the valves just got stuck. The noise has quieted now quite a bit. Since the replacement of the cam oiler.
AWD Dodge stealth V8 conversion for 240z.
April fools!:classic: