Everything posted by thefastestz
Anyone know this car?
whoa!! that car is i tx! I wonder where?
Z availablitity
Here in south texas I have only seen in my life 4 240z's and I own 2 of them the others are in a junkyard. 1 260z I had a chance to buy it but I was 19 and couldn't come up with all they were asking for it. Lots of 280z's are what I've seen, around here. Still a Zcar is a very rare sight here. I know the owners of all the 280z's i've seen on the road. I have never seen a 240z besides mine on the road here. You see mostly all 280zx's if any thing else. Sometimes you'll see a Z31or 32 but those are rare sights too. I do see alot, I mean alot of 350Zs. Almost every time I go to Corpus Christi I see one.
is it just me or is this guy on crack
Hey ZMEFLY is that your new z in your avatar. If it is it is pretty sweeeeet!
A message for ALL !!!!!
Sean Dezart: Yes i do belong in Iraq. You said it well. My liitle 19 yr old girl cousin is out there. Many of my friends are out there, many of them women. I really wish it was me out there rather than them.
A message for ALL !!!!!
you know maybe i am wrong and i probably am. Maybe all i'm saying is just verbal spagetti. After all the info i've read, heard , and saw. (well i don't really trust the media anyway.) i have come to at least one conclusion: it is time for the US to step out of the UN. I know that is a very rough statement to say, but i also feel the UN is not functioning as it should. Or maybe different countries and different people have different ideas about what that function is. Maybe the UN needs to be fixed. I don't know. Maybe it is just the fuel filter. You know when those things clog up, Your Z (or Zed) won't run right. I'm gonna go back to a good ol' Z thread.
A message for ALL !!!!!
what is wierd is that so many people are formulating opinions without any knowledge to back up thier opinions. example of a conversation i was in today: (I am a college studet and this took place at school) Student 1: we should have never went to war. the UN sanctions were already working.(no , i am not making this up.) student 2: its all about oil and we are just trying to get thier oil fields. student 1: what do you think? ME: Earlier you said the we had no reason to cause war and that the un sanctions were working. student 1: yeah. Me: well can I ask you, what were the un sanctions that were placed? student 1: UUUUUUUUUUUr....... Me: Then how do you know saddam was following them, or that they were in fact working. Me: You (student 2) think that we are just fighting for thier oil. why do you think that? what information led you to belive that. ( I was expecting an argument of some sort.) student 2: I don't know i just don't think that we should be out there. Me: Then say that, don't go off talking about oil. No one said that texaco is going to build a pipeline to iraq and start pumping it here. student 2: well the US isn't all as good as every one thinks. we ship our POWs to egypt to get tortured. ( I should have followed the steps from that first post in this thread at this point it would've been perfect.) ME: I haven't heard that but they should do what they have to do. If an Iraqi soldier has info that could save US soldiers from dying and he won't tell, you have to do something. You aren't the one out there holding a machine gun getting shot at. What would you do? Better for the enemy to suffer some than let your own people die. After that the conversation on this subject ended. Still there are alot of college students that have strong opinions on the war with nothing to back it up.
when i first bought my 240z my horn didn't work. I found out that the horns that are in front of the radiator were not pluged in..
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
Mine is simple. fstr240z- faster 240z I had worked hard one summer at a grain elevator and cotton gin(i live in texas, and i am a college student). I was working 7day 12hr weeks for close to 3 months. I was able to save $3000 for my 240z. My friend asked me are you going to make a better looking 240z or a faster 240z. Instead of getting a new paint job (which my paint wasn't all that bad for a daily driver) I purchased performance parts. So I made a faster 240z, thus the name faster 240z.
What are you paying for gas?
Here it is a $1.52 / gallon for 87 octane. I always put 93 octane so I am paying $1.72 / gallon.
Help - Need car tomorrow
I had this problem on my 73. if you line up the door hinge and the striker plate correctly it should be fine. You said the bolts were stripped did you try the socket set? ( if you have those kind of bolts there, 10mm socket head bolt is what mine had.)
keyless entry kit from VB
I bought one of those keyless entry kits frome VB. I gotta say my experience was very negitive. I could not use them on my 73 cause i could not find any reasonable way to mount them. I really couldn't see any good way to do it. I tried on my 78. I saw a way to mount them but I failed and it was very fustrating. I got them mounted but they did not have a smooth motion and when I got the door back together I could not lock or unlock the door, with my hands. The culprit was the attachement to the door lock stem being too FAT. The catalog says EASY installation but since they are universal sets they do not actually cater to the Z. If any one has had a positive experience I'd like to know. Heck!!! if anyone has got them on even if it was fustrating I'd like to know how you performed that miracle. I am not talking to my tool box for a few days due to all the fustrations. Maybe it will work better on my sisters 99' silverado! Lots more space for those BIG actuators that are in the kit.
300 ZX engine in a 240?
Does anyone have a car with any of these swaps? I wonder how high the stick shift sits over the counsole. I am really turned off by how high the auto stick usually sits on the SBC v8 conversions.(at least the ones I've seen.)It looks all wrong for the Z to me.
Front Spoilers
I 've been wondering about a front spoiler myself. I Need one! Does anyone know what the (can't spell it right) Kamuri (somthing like that) front spoiler comes from.
73 240z on ebay
No, take that back, I would look for other spoiler options.
73 240z on ebay
I agree with 2 many looks good but the whale tail.....blah! It is however okay I wouldn't be proud to drive it. However if I would've paid for the body work I would have told them to keep the sock tail lamps and to make the whale tail blend into the car more.
removing head lights?
I removed the headlights without even removing the wheel there are a few screws behind the headlight is the fender well. the assembley just comes off , replace the bulb and put it back. Sounds easy but it would help the remove the wheel. It was fustrating for me trying it without removing the wheel. I did this on a 73 240Z.
has anyone put 225/60R14 on thier 240z?
that subject would be OOPs not opps, maye it is time for me to go the sleep.
has anyone put 225/60R14 on thier 240z?
on a 14x6 rim?
has anyone put 225/60R14 on thier 240z?
Has anyone put 225/60R14 on thier 240z without chaning the stock wheelwells?
tet's start some stats here
tires (tyres) brand : 240z- Bf goodrich , 280Z Yokohama Type : 215/60R14 Size :240-Radial T/A. 280-YK420 Wheel type and size :240- slotted aluminum mags 14x6?, 280- american racing 14x? review : 240- good daily driver tire with good trac over stock. 280z-ditto. but these are seemed better than the T/A when I tried them on my 240.
my first time
I hope one day i get to do what you did! I am going to attempt to make a good race/street car out of my 73'. Those Hp numbers are what I will be trying to achive. I've been told with and N/a set up that will be hard to reach. I going to buget like $5,000 on my engine what ever it turns out to be. I'm Still learning and researching all the options though while I i'm saving up the cash. In a year or so I hope I know where I want to go with the car and how i need to get there.
1973 240z
That price for the DGV's is pretty good if you don't want to spend to much $$$, on the triple webers. I like the DGV's they are very reliable. I think they are a very good replacement for those flooding 73' SUs. If your thinking of buying them texas Z, to replace some carbs on a Z, I know you like 'em. Mine are running trouble free and thats what i like about them.
one day...
What do you think this car is worth.
The blue car looks better than that yellow one (the original bumpers make a difference), I think this one does too. I like the engine looks on it, it has a turbo if you care about that. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2406257335&category=6187
What makes you drive craZy?
I like listening to strung out! When I really feel like driving though I turn off the radio. If there are no cars on the road I will drive fast, but i do occansionally do 100mph in traffic.