July Dyno Day and Car Show in Sacramento
SIZZLING SACRAMENTO SUMMER SHOW AND SHINE W/DYNO ALL CARS WELCOME 2 CAR SHOWS IN 1 CLASSICS (1980 AND OLDER) & MODERN (1981 AND NEWER) 1 BEST OF SHOW RAFFLE -MUSIC -FOOD -GAMES FOR THE KIDS -PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT AFTER SCHOOL YOUTH ATHLETICS July 25, 2015 8am-4pm $40 Pre-Registration $50 at the Door 4100 Duckhorn Dr, Sacramento, CA 95834 Contact Herman at (916) 572-3775 or Hermanmahurin@gmail.com to register
Rosemont/Sacramento Car show
June 14, 2015 9am-2pm $25 registration @ Ninja Sush 8937 Folsom Blvd Sacramento, CA 95826 -Raffle -Live Music -Food -games for kids Contact Herman at (916) 572-3775 or Hermanmahurin@gmail.com to register
Fuel Delivery Issue Solved (?)
No worries Rob. I talked to Gary on the phone and he told me to just take it to the shop he takes all of his tanks to for the boil out. I was going to swing by before I take it to the shop and probably after it too
Fuel Delivery Issue Solved (?)
They were necessary, assuming here, bc the 260 have issues with vapor lock as percolation. Most tanks have the vent at the full neck, my tank does not. It just has them at the high point of the tank to allow the air to push it down into the lines. This is the same reason for the eletric pump, which with my mods, should be unnecessary
Fuel Delivery Issue Solved (?)
L Yeah, I understand that but the filler cap was awesome before hand and I was able to drive until the vacuum build up within the tank. Once the cap was loosened the vacuum was released and the lines worked good. So now I'm looking for affordable lines to put into the vent ports
Fuel Delivery Issue Solved (?)
Well this is the hope, yes. I will find out for sure next week when I get it cleaned out then run all new lines
Fuel Delivery Issue Solved (?)
It's been a little while since I have posted on here. Last time I had was right around ZCON right when I started having issues with my car having issue which appeared to be percolation or even vapor lock, which I assumed could be within the engine bay itself. After switching out the NEW mechanical pump for another new one and wrapping up the fuel lines with header tape to prevent percolation, I headed to ZCON where I didn't make it to Bakersfield (from Sacramento) without having the issue again. So I towed it over the grapevine to a true auto part shop that had the parts that I would need in order to get her up and running again. Getting under the car, I found that the PO dropped the tank before at some point and swapped the return and feed lines at the tank, bypassed the electric pump from the tank (bc 260's had them). So that got fixed and I swapped the old, working, electric pump for a new one and got her back on the road. Made it all the way around San Diego without having any issues.... Until we left. This time, I didn't make it to the grapevine and I had to catch a ride with others from the caravan home and get my Z towed home (god bless uship.com for that one). Since she has been home I tried getting her around from time to time and I couldn't kick the issue. So I started to drop the tank bc that would be the last issue within the fuel system that I hadn't touched or even looked at yet. I got the sending unit out, sending and return lines out, fill neck off and the vent line from the drivers side off. I dropped the tank a little bit lower to try and remove the top two lines from the tank, just to see it slip onto my lap bc the PO cut the line near the spare tire, left it hanging, and pulled the line from the front of the tank at the top vent area and proceeded to then wrap the two vent lines with electric tape causing my tank to create a vacuum and wouldn't allow my tank to feed fuel to the lines and into the engine. I will now drop of my tank to the shop on Monday to get it dipped and cleaned out OFFICIALLY and then run new lines from the tank to all the vent areas and hope that THIS SHOULD cure all my fuel delivery issues.
HELP!!!! Car cutting out on acceleration
Changed out the fuel pump and no more problems. Seemed to have oil or something coming off the bottom of the gasket, but I'm assuming that was the oil used to lube it up upon install
HELP!!!! Car cutting out on acceleration
nope, all good there
HELP!!!! Car cutting out on acceleration
I've been on the phone with him, on and off, for hours today and run through all the "basic" issues. I am going to replace the fuel pump in the morning to see if that may be the issue
HELP!!!! Car cutting out on acceleration
Was running perfectly and everything is tight as can be
HELP!!!! Car cutting out on acceleration
Bolts are tight and hoses are great
HELP!!!! Car cutting out on acceleration
it's like a gurgling sound
HELP!!!! Car cutting out on acceleration
I just took out my fully rebuilt 260z for an "around town" trip that was longer then usual. The issue I am have is that when I parked my car and then got back into it, I had issues accelerating. It almost felt like one of the carbs may have been cutting out and I was revving up pretty good with no great acceleration. As I would stop and go, it was come and go, but when I went to get onto the freeway I topped out at 70mph with the engine making a loud slurping noise. I have no idea where to start looking and this car has to make the 800+ mile drive to ZCON in a week and a half. Please help. Info on Z: Stock L26 (all emissions taken off professionally) and Manual Transmission Early SU carbs No ac running car only has 300 miles on it since the rebuild
Looking to buy my 1st (to me) 240z.
If you are thinking only $1000 for body and paint, are you doing it all yourself? Because the cost of that at a shop will take a major hit in your budget, way more then just $1000