Weird Myths or Facts about your Z car
In his defense, I guess I could see turbod s130s being similar to earlier Supras
Rear Driver's Side Seat
I don't know if this is the right place to post, but I recently put a harness in on my 79 S130 and now the rear seat's effectively useless. I don't know what use the single seat would be to anyone, but if you want it get in contact and it's yours for the price of shipping. Cheers
1979 280zx Headliner
Same thing happened to me recently. I went for Stick It Web Spray Adhesive which forms a web on both contact points, then works effectively like a stronger velcro when you press them together. Doing that then reattaching the sun shades on top of it got the job done if you opt to stay with the vinyl. I haven't heard of people switching it out for anything else, but if you end up going with fabric post how it goes; chances are eventually I'm gonna be replacing mine as well. Cheers
Cold Start Issues
Thanks, I'll look into the AAR later today with any luck. Cleaning out and rebuilding the AFM made a difference, but it still requires some gas after turning over. Coincidentally I'm currently waiting for a manual to come in the mail, and yeah, it's looking like I'm at a point where I might just end up waiting for it to get here before doing much else.
Cold Start Issues
After I've driven it at any point durring the day it'll start fine, even if it's been off for a few hours. The first time I start it after it sitting for the night -- when it is indeed warm enough to turn over -- I have to give it gas immediately and keep it on for a while to get it to idle. Haven't gotten around to changing the filters, but last time I filled it up I did put in some additive that's supposed to help clean it out. This weekend I'm changing all the filters and rebuilding the mass air flow sensor; with any luck that should help but you never know with cars this old.
- Cold Start Issues
Cold Start Issues
Howdy, I recently got my first Datsun, a 280ZX from 1979. It runs great, but it has some cold start problems -- and I mean that literally. In the morning when I try it it cranks but won't turn over; when I get home after a day of it sitting in the sun I do have to give it some gas to get it up to idle but it eventually starts fine. I checked the oil and it isn't any more viscous than it should be. I've read that the stock air pumps from this model can sometimes result in this sort of issue and that it may be worth replacing if cleaning it doesn't work, has anyone else experienced something similar? Thanks in advance, Julian