wires, wires, wires....EVERYWHERE ?!
sry guys its a 1972 240z! and whats an FSM? im a noob .... lights and everything on the car are on and working except for speedo since i have a snapped cable
wires, wires, wires....EVERYWHERE ?!
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wires, wires, wires....EVERYWHERE ?!
wires, wires, wires....EVERYWHERE ?!
hey guys, so this is my first z its a 1972 240z. i dont really know much but im taking it one step at a time to get it ready for summer. now im at the point where i want to know what in the world all these disconnected wires are doing unconnected and how or why they are there! this might be difficult since basically everything works with the car and i dont really know where the wires go or what they do. the wires are all in the car and i know what some of them are (ex. radio wires blah blah) except one disconnected at the front of the car at the right headlight. here are pics. any help would be appreciated!:classic:
speedometer not working!
alright guys i finally got down to it , weather permitting since its still cold in canada (grr), and i found that after i unscrewed the cable cord from the tranny, this fell out i also unscrewed it from the back of the speedo and this is what it looks like, not that i think it matters since its snapped on the other end ahah so now the question is, where the heck do i get a new cable? do i just pull this old one out?
wide body kit?
thanks a lot! im on the whitehead website now. i just really like the look of a big butt on the z's ahah but nevertheless, the body now is really nice. im just trying to decide if i should go with wide or not since im getting a paint job in the next few weeks and i dont want to paint and then get the kit if i decide too.. plus choosing a nice colour is hard enough -__-
wide body kit?
hey i was wondering if a wide body kit is available to purchase for a 72' 240z? or are they only custom made? i live in canada so if anyone knows , msg me!
noobie bought a z !
thanks everrude for the pic help, i really like your z! and thanks joker72z, i might as well be on both forums since that one is close to home
shifter wiggles
thanks a lot!!
shifter wiggles
maybe i just answered my question, did a little research, but to shifter bushings go in those spaces??
shifter wiggles
hey i bought my first 1972 240z. little things here and there need fixing and heres one of them. my shifter is extremely wiggly! i just took the center console out to see whats going on and it seems theres a lot of space on both sides of the shifter. is there anything that shoulda been there, or can i just cram it with spacers? heres the pic
noobie bought a z !
i uploaded them and they were approved! how do i bring them here?
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