Cam's 1976 240k sedan
Great! Post up some pics of the Yon in Action. !!!
- Wanted 240K Skyline
Cam's 1976 240k sedan
Hows she treating you Cam? And what of the parts car mate?
240k Sedans For Sale
Message sent.
Spring ponderings..
So 240k spring diameter is 130mm, 280zx spring diameter is 150mm, R31 spring diameter is 160mm, Are we all sure none of these will fit inside the 240 strut tower? Just curious is all
Yahoo auction help......PLEASE!
And thats wrong because????????? ;)
Simo's Yonmeri tuning life.. 240k/gc110
Theres a few vic guys going up for the Skyline nats, but if anyone wants to arrange a coffe meet in someones shed or workshop, then i'm down.
Noddles Front Brake Upgrade
Hi Noodle, what calipers are they, and what RDA discs are they, if you dont mind me asking? Adam
C110 rubbers
Thanks for that, did a local search and found some listings from rare spares and scotts auto rubber.. Posted them on the c110 facebook page.
Swap 260z extractors for 240k extractors.
Anyone keen to organise a group buy?
Yahoo auction help......PLEASE!
Thanks all, sounds like Jason is the go to guy, thanks for the replies!!!!
available suspension upgrades
Oldies but goodies
available suspension upgrades
Just thought i would bump this, its good info...not sure whats still available 8 years later though
C110 rubbers
Want/need to replace my boot seal and the door seals on my coupe, just wondering if the correct profiles can be purchased from rarespares or even clark rubber. Does anyone know?
Thermo Fan and shroud
Would love to see a pic of that set up. What year exel was it?