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  1. cheezee posted a post in a topic in Fuel Injection
    wassup guys i was just wondering if anyone has done a efi conversion using triple carbs? reason why i asked is because i have 3 japanese mags that had a tech article on how to convert your triples to efi itbs but the thing that sucks about it is that i cant read japanese. my guess is that its something like this: http://www.zccjdm.com/catalog.php/azcarbum/dt84283/pd1957179/D__O.E.R._SPORT_INJECTION_KITS_
  2. cheezee replied to cheezee's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    i have another question, i checked my carbs and the main jets are #200 is that too big?
  3. cheezee replied to cheezee's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I'll double check all of the valves settings again tomorrow thanks guys
  4. cheezee replied to cheezee's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    K guys I checked my timing and set the timing light gun to 0 and adjusted the distributor, guess what? Idled like crap so I set the gun to 10 degrees and adjusted the distributor ran good and idled great, reved it couple of times with no back firing came back to check I totally forgot to plug in #4 spark plug wire earlier when I was checking the plugs, plugged it back in and idle went up again reved it and it backed fired through #4 again
  5. cheezee replied to cheezee's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    i did a compression test and cyl #1 read 119 and the rest 120 this is after i did a valve adjustment to spec .010 exhaust and .008 intake, i also checked the distributor and its set all the way to retard, im guessing that may be the cause of the back firing? spark plugs all look like some one rubbed charcoal on it.
  6. cheezee posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    k guys im having trouble with my exhaust fumes from my exhaust smelling like crap! it stings my eyes, nose, and makes me cough, it also gives me a major headache if i leave the car running for a long time. also number four cylinder is not firing, i know cause i pulled the spark plug and it had no hesitation on the idle, i also did a compression test and adjsted my valve already. the car is running on triple mikunis and back firing out of cylinder 4 is that whats causing the smell and hesitation on WOT? it is the choke?
  7. cheezee posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    im in the process on doing my stroker soon and got all the parts that i think its ready for the build but was wondering if you guys are using the wrist pin for the ka24e pistons or the wrist pin for the L24? i tried fitting the wrist pin for the ka24e pistons into the 240z rods but it wont go in, its a little bit too big. thanks for the help.

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