Everything posted by Threehz
Engine Compartment Bath?
Wow that stuff is amazing and I've been reading some great reviews of it! Now since I can't start my engine, I'll have to let it air dry for a while. So after it's completely dry I just spray CD2 all over the engine and let it dry? (Again can't start my engine) Also in one of your pictures it looked like you sprayed the CD2 on just about everything in the engine bay, that's ok? Is there anything besides the alternator that should be covered? Does a 77 280Z have a computer in it?
Engine Compartment Bath?
Every day here is hot and dry so that's easy. As for starting the engine that's a no can do, the car has been sitting for eight years and I've got LOTS on my to do list before I try starting the baby. I'm assuming the engine has to be thoroughly dry before spraying with this CD2? I will definitely have some before and after pics!
Engine Compartment Bath?
Ok so within the next few days I should be towing my 77 280Z home and it's got leaves and stuff all over it and the usual dirt that would build up from sitting for 8 years. Also the engine compartment has a lot of spider-webs and such so I was thinking of giving the whole car a good bath and then giving the engine compartment a bath as-well. Being a 77 it's fuel injected but I'm wondering is there any reason I shouldn't wash the engine compartment or are there any things I should plug up when I wash in there? Also would it be a wise choice to go get some degreaser to spray around in there because I'd like to generally get it pretty clean in there before I start tearing everything out, and that'll help see if there any leaks or anything. So good choice? If so what's a good brand I degreaser I can get a auto parts store? Thanks guys! Can't wait to get her home and put up some pics!
BAP import parts for Z?
She's a beauty! Are you in any local z clubs?
BAP import parts for Z?
Good to know because that's the store close to me, thanks brother! Good info people thank you that'll be a big help. Z Train what kind of Z do you have?
280Z 76 and 77 Dash the Same?
Awesome man thanks for the good info!
280Z 76 and 77 Dash the Same?
Hey the dash on my 77 280Z coupe is cracked real bad and new ones are an arm and a leg, however I found a 76 280Z 2+2 being parted out and the dash looks fine in the picture, but would this dash even fit on my car? Thanks!
BAP import parts for Z?
Hey I'm wondering if anyone has used BAP import parts for parts for their Z and if they have quality parts there?
The Z Store
Just to defend Tym a little, I've been looking at MSA for a while and they sure do have some cool stuff, but for instance, their K&N air filter for my 77 280z costs 54$, the first generic auto parts site I checked has it for 23$. That's less then HALF, for an air filter? I mean it's the EXACT same filter too not higher quality. I'm sure they have great service and are great people but you have to agree that some of their pricing is outrageous. Anyhow I guess it's all what you want.
Best Weather Stripping Kit?
I cannot find Precision's website anywhere but you can get their kits third-party. Has anyone used any of the weatherstripping from ZCarSource.com? They have kits on their website but said they do not have the whole kits anymore just individual pieces. Anyhow anyone used any of these? I asked them who makes their product but the guy didn't know...
Old flat tires, fix a flat?
That's pretty wicked!
Best Weather Stripping Kit?
Yeah vintage has some pretty high prices, a bit too high for me, and comparing the Vintage basic kit to the precision kit, the only thing I see that is missing in the precision kit is the hatch seals, is that correct? @ZCurves, you say you weren't satisfied with the rear hatch from precision but they made good on it? What was wrong with the rear hatch? (lack of it?)
Best Weather Stripping Kit?
Well I've heard good things about Precisions kit and I heard the BD (Black Dragon) kit is a slight step down. However that's really all I know about weatherstripping kits for Z's let alone any car. So what's the best choice for a weather-stripping kit (Quality and inclusiveness wise)? It'll be going on a 77' 280Z coupe. Thanks !
Old flat tires, fix a flat?
Alright thanks for the input I did read up on the fix-a-flat and similars and hear some negative things about it being messy which is why I asked on here. Those car dollies look like a good idea however I might just put that money towards getting some new tires and just try and inflate them to transport it home for now. Thanks guys!
Old flat tires, fix a flat?
So I'm planning on purchasing a 77 280z in the near future however it has been sitting for 8 years and the tires are flat. I plan on having it towed to my house but I'm definitely going to try and pump up the tires before hand. However if they leak I was thinking of trying fix a flat on them then pumping them up real well for rolling it around my house and garage. Is fix a flat a worthwhile solution to this or should I try something else?
MSA Z Bash 2011
Agreed! There are some fine cars in there, great pics!
77' 280Z Sitting for eight Years
By harness do you mean the engine wire hardness? I may actually be very interested in that, I'll have to check it out when I get the car. I checked it out as thoroughly as I could and it looked really good, all the key areas, under and around the battery, frame rails, floor boards all looked great. Awesome thanks for all the great info!
77' 280Z Sitting for eight Years
Well I'm going to rebuild the car myself with the help of books and anyone willing to help. Are you a member of DZA? It says you can get discounts from a bunch of dealers, including zcarsource. Back on track of the original post, I went and checked out the car yesterday and it turns out it's in much better shape then I expected. There is barely any rust and the rust that is present is minor surface rust. It's still going to need a lot of work, however the exterior and interior are in pretty good shape. It still has original paint and it's in great condition for being 34 years old. Turns out it is the manual, 5-speed YEE-HAW! So hopefully in a couple month's it'll be mine and I'll get pictures up and a lot more info and the journey shall begin! @az240z, I saw you've had a couple Z's, a 78 and 77 280 and I'm wondering if either one was close to the condition mine was when you got it, as in had either been sitting for a long period of time?
77' 280Z Sitting for eight Years
Yeah I found them a bit ago and that will definitely prove to be a valuable resource! Thanks for the info, what part of Az are you in? I've also seen that there is Z Car Source, Z shop up in phoenix which will be very helpful, along with the Arizonazcar who make specific z car products and I've heard they are high quality.
Howdy Folks!
Thanks for the welcome! I actually just thoroughly checked out the Z I've been thinking about getting. It's a 1977 280Z and turns out it's in MUCH better condition then I expected, so hopefully in a couple months I'll have the money saved up to make it mine.
77' 280Z Sitting for eight Years
EDIT: double post, the site lagged out on me.
77' 280Z Sitting for eight Years
Yeah that's my plan, replace all hoses and rubber items, flush all fluid systems out thoroughly, I'm also guessing rats or mice have gotten to the wiring which is gonna be a bugger but at least it will be a fresh start. So brake system will definitely need replacing? Since we're on this track, what EXACTLY will definitely need replacing after sitting this long. Fuel system obviously and you said cooling, brakes, electrical (wires? computer? fuses & sparks plugs definitely).
Howdy Folks!
New to the forums and new to Z cars! I'm actually pretty new to the automotive industry and mechanics of cars in general but I'm learning as much as I can. Anyhow hey! Name is Kai, I live in Tucson, AZ, home of the scorching hot summer and plants with spines. Like I said I'm pretty new to the whole hobby along with this site but I'm going to be purchasing my first Z soon and I'm sure I'll be on here all the time. So if anyone has any tips, resources or sites to go for information on Z cars or automotive restoration, or anything else you think will be helpful I'm very open to it! Also if anyone here is a fellow Arizonan then I'd love to hear from ya and get some tips, places to go, local clubs or shops or anything else of the sort. Cheers!
77' 280Z Sitting for eight Years
Hello Classic Zcar Club, been checking out things on here for a little over a week now and it looks like a great site! Ok so here's the deal, I've never owned a Z car before, but it's been my dream since I was a kid and now it looks like I'm going to finally make it a reality. I found a 1977 280Z, 2 seater, still has original paint and the exterior seems to be a pretty good condition. I haven't yet taken a close look at it but in a few hours I'm going to head over and check it out in detail. It has been sitting under a ramada for eight years without being driven. The tires are flat, but it looks to be in pretty good condition, we'll see though. It was in perfect running condition eight years ago when the owner injured his hip in a car accident (the Z wasn't in the accident). So his hip prevented him from getting in the car because it's so low to the ground and that's the story as to why it's been sitting. I live in Tucson, AZ so we don't have rust issues with salt, or LOTS of rain/water but any car this old is bound to have some rust. Now I've been doing a lot of research and found some good sources for what to look for in an old car like this and what rust areas are key to spot out and investigate. However I like to gather as much information as possible before doing anything. So what should I look for? What areas are the worst areas to have rust on? Where will rust be hiding? Will it sitting on flat tires for some years cause any other problems? Anything else anyone can think of that I should look for while I'm there will help me a lot! I'll probably be showing up a lot on these forums, especially once I get my Z because I'm completely new to this hobby. So if anyone has some really useful sites or resources for restoring cars, Z car information, or anything else automotive hobbyist related I'd love to hear it! Thanks!