Everything posted by Threehz
Best way to take on a restoration?
That's about the basic plan I was going for, As for body I want to keep it original, except possibly a non-stock color paint job the only thing I haven't decided is the color. When would you suggest refinishing the engine bay, as in cleaning it all up, stripping, priming and repainting?
Best way to take on a restoration?
So I've finally got my Z in my hands and now I'm deciding on how exactly to do the restoration. I know a plan is key to doing a right job. The car was running in '03 however it then sat for eight years. It's in very good shape and I'm hoping once I go through replacing all the hoses and fluids and the likes it might just start up. I don't plan to do a "restoration" in the sense that I'll be restoring the car to it's factory state. I also do not plan on making it a completely modded car. I love the Z's for what they are but how I see it is, there's lot of mods you can do to improve performance while not spoiling the car's originality, and in one way improving performance is only building on what the car is, a sports car! Anyhow I want some opinions from people who've done this before on how they go about a restoration. I've never restored a car before so it's a fresh field to me. I've been reading "How to restore your Datsun Z-Car" and I believe that will come in very handy. I really just want to get a feel for what order you would do things in or what steps you'd take first and what things you should wait to do. Thanks guys!
Official Paint Thread?
26, that is a great little page! Very helpful. And yeah I've searched and found lots of paint threads usually about one color though. For instance there's multiple threads about that Safari Gold. But I was thinking like Grant's picture of non-original paint-jobs on Z's.
Official Paint Thread?
Hey I'm wondering if there is an official paint thread anywhere on here? I've seen one stickied on another forum but I'd love to have a thread on here with primarily different paint jobs on Z's. I've been thinking of just getting my Z repainted with it's original job but I see so many flashy and nice paint jobs I'm getting an itch to step out of the box. Anyhow If we don't have a thread already then maybe this can be it? Post pictures of Z's with new paint jobs (or old I suppose) and preferably include paint codes if possible and or names of paints.
Finally Bought My Z!
Haha yeah turns out that the PE had a really kickarse system installed, it's got 4 speakers, 4 tweeters and that sub so far that I've seen. The aftermarket deck it has only has a cassette player but behind the passenger seat there's a 10-CD changer installed, I thought it was an amp but that's even better heh. And thanks I sure am excited!
Where's the Louve?
I have a dremel tool and I think taking a little metal grinder to it will take off most of it and then using a razor or just breaking the last part free will work. Thanks for all the input!
Where's the Louve?
Good advice thank you! It's very very hard so I've been thinking that chipping away at it might be the best solution. I guess I'll try some acetone pinpointed on just it and see how that fairs.
Finally Bought My Z!
Yeah I really like the side stripes a lot and the entire original paint job for that matter.. Thanks for the vinegar tip Walter I would not doubt I have a problem like that in there. @Bonzi have you used Simple Green on chrome? The bumpers are still pretty shiny but not the shiny they could be and I'm wondering what would work best on that?
Finally Bought My Z!
Yeah it has little rust dots here and there but the only real rust I've found is on the driver side back wheel well, not the well but the outside right behind the well, I'll get a picture of it soon. Shouldn't be too much of a problem I hope. As for the needles thanks for the tip Walter, the cowl is next on my list, I need to remove it because it has enough pine needles to make a tree! I'm sure the drains are suffering from it so hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to remove it and clean in there. Grant I can't say I've sniffed the seat covers but when inside of the car there is a nostalgic smell of good old times I can't really explain it but it is one of a kind and I hope it stays. I hope to keep updating as I move along through this journey!
Finally Bought My Z!
Well today the girlfriend and I gave Daisy a pretty good bath, washed out the engine bay but there's still a lot of dirty, some grease on her body that didn't seem to come off and there were pine needles in every nook and cranny imaginable and then some. There's a lot of pine needles left to get out of the engine bay, and spider webs on her underside, most of which have more needles in them.. She looks a lot better for the most part though. Tonight I think I'm going to hit her up with some simple green, specifically the engine bay, see if I can clean some of the gunk up in there. Anyhow I've got a picture of her post-bath and then some shots of the interior as well! Note that nothing has been done to the interior except some windex on the windows.
Where's the Louve?
To the point, just bought my 77 280Z and the Louvers seem to be 'glued' to the hatch. Well one side isn't even connected because the lock is broken, or just missing the little latch piece. However the other side's lock works, but the louver is 'glued' down with some kind of VERY hard drying goop. I have a picture, I don't think this is stock, but maybe someone has seen this before. Anyhow any advice on it, or NOT TO's would be great. I was thinking of just tearing it off or prying the thing open and breaking the goop. here the picture of where it's glued.
Oh I forgot about that Z&P, I remember reading about them taking it out of regular oil, however I believe they make special brands that still have it, however NOW it's considered special oil haha.
Finally Bought My Z!
You know it brother! Today shes gonna get a good bath, body and engine bay and then it's time to dig in!
Alright sounds like a solid plan to try the diesel oil because from the looks I'm sure this thing is pretty gunked up.
Finally Bought My Z!
Oh and the hub-cabs are off because we had to pump the tires up fyi, been sitting for eight years also.
Finally Bought My Z!
Say hello to Daisy, she's a 1977 280Z, coupe, 5-speed manual, I believe ALL original except she's been re-carpeted and has an after-market stereo system in. Ok so I've been talking to a few of you guys and said I'd get a picture up tonight however the sun was setting so I snapped a couple pics before it did. She got hosed off before we took her home so she's not as completely filthy as she was but she won't get really washed till tomorrow! Here she is! YEEHAW!
Yeah I do have some good faith in the old Z, yesterday I went over to see if I could pump the tires up because today I'm gonna bring her home, the tires pumped right up and held air fine, I was impressed. Lifting her that 6 inches off the ground really brought her that much more to life, like a beast rising from the dead haha. I think you're right though I just always like to gather as much info as I can before I dive into anything because I have a track-record of diving in head first with eyes partially open. Anyway today I'm picking up my Z and bringing her home so expect to see some pictures by the end of the day!
So running a cycle of ATF one I get her started wouldn't be a bad idea? I've heard of using oil for diesel engines because it also has a high level of detergent, anyone else done this?
Awesome! p.s. Conedodger, even though I know what your name actually is, every time I see it I see Corndogger and it makes me laugh! My dyslexia never fails me heh. Oh and double PS your 240 is a killer!
Awesome thanks guys! Good info I was just feeling like I was missing something but now it makes perfect sense! Any specific brand or type that's more ideal for the job?
Sorry if this is a stupid question but I always thought ATF was automatic tranny fluid... I'm about get a 77 280Z that's been sitting for 8 years so I have a lot of work to do before starting her up, now I keep hearing about pulling the spark plugs and pouring ATF in and letting it sit overnight then trying to hand crank it etc etc.. What is ATF referring to in this case? Because I would assume you would use a very light oil to do the aforementioned task. Thanks
Engine Compartment Bath?
I've read it's gone in and out of Autozone and sometimes pep boys depending on where you live and just if they've ordered it, however I've also heard if you talk to the people there they will possibly order it for you? I found this also online (Corvette Central also sells this on ebay and has perfect seller ratings so it appears to be a reliable source) http://shop.corvettecentral.com/Corvette-CareCD-2-Engine/Accessories/Car-Care/-p8701579.html
Engine Compartment Bath?
Yeah light oil seems like a good idea to remove all the greasy dirt built up in there and definitely won't have a bad effect at all. Reading up on this CD2 I'm very interested in what it is exactly. It is definitely a cleaner but I've read it is an acrylic so it dries and hardens in heat (you're definitely supposed to run your engine after putting it on) so it keeps off dirt and other grime for up to a few months. So the CD2 seems more like something for finishing rather then initial cleaning of the car but maybe I'm wrong. I'm a little confused about it still haha
Engine Compartment Bath?
Nice ride! Did you put the T-5 from a 82 ZX in her?
Engine Compartment Bath?
Awesome! Thanks for the great info man, and as for the battery, it's an 8 year old battery so it's gonna be coming out no matter what. Hey your car, Blue, is a 77 280 aswell? You got a gallery of her anywhere she's beautiful!