Everything posted by Threehz
While I'm Here, What Should I Do?
I have not pulled the transmission aswell, but to do everything I want to do I think I'll have to. All I really have to do to remove the tranny now is disconnect it from the rear diff and I can just drop it down?
Corroded Turn Signal?
Good idea that should be easy enough to rig up! Thanks!
Corroded Turn Signal?
So I take off the covers on my front turn signals and the driver side looks good however the passenger side seal must have leaked because all the reflective chrome is heavily eaten away. Here's the driver side And here is the passenger side It seems that only that reflective strip has been eaten away, is that a piece you can buy individually this seems like a problem that could be relatively common?
While I'm Here, What Should I Do?
Right now I don't see a reason why I would ever want to get rid of this car, ever. So I'm trying as much as I can to do things the right way. If I wasn't a poor college student then this would be much easier but someday I plan on giving this baby a complete refreshment. Eventually I want to replace my header and exhaust system with the MSA performance system but getting things cleaned up and the car running has to come before any upgrading. About the header and intake manifold, I've been looking at the engine and wondering what all I can remove relatively easily. I'd like to take as many parts off the engine for dedicated cleaning as I can, which will also make getting in all the engine's nooks and crannies much easier. Check! on the water pump! Engine is very dirty on the outside, inside wise, oil that has been sitting inside for 8 years looks surprisingly fine however I'd like to clean out the whole engine. I'm definitely going to clean out the pan. How does one go about cleaning the engine top to bottom? I was just thinking of dropping the pan and pouring in some clean oil from every plausible hole? As for painting the engine I saw some threads about this and matching the original Datsun color, it's tempting but I'm a little reluctant because it seems a little frivolous (paying for college comes before painting the bottom of an engine). If it turns out that painting it is incredibly cheap then why not, does anyone have any estimates or how much did painting their engine cost? Thanks for all the good tips and advice!
While I'm Here, What Should I Do?
Yes yes indeed, those are pretty much the two main reasons for me removing the engine. I want to clean and refresh all components and root out all the obviously kaputt parts and replace them, and then of course I want to completely clean and repaint the engine bay. With the engine out I have seen many things that I wouldn't have even thought to check and now I see need replacing or at the very least an extreme refreshing! Not to mention all the things I found during the removal process heh. My main question is there anything actual engine-wise to be done? Like any work that can be done to the actual engine while it out that is easier and would make a real difference?
While I'm Here, What Should I Do?
So I've pulled my engine and today I plan on giving it a deep cleaning, the car sat for around 8 years until I purchased it in May. I haven't started it yet I've simply gone straight in to remove the engine and clean everything up thoroughly and replace everything that needs it. Now since the engine is out is there anything that I should do to, maintenance/refreshment wise?
Why does the 260z get a bad rap.
Well despite all the variables of driver/car condition, I didn't see if it was mentioned if the 300zx was a z31 or z32 and if it was the twin turbo or not, which would make a huge I would think.. All the factors contribute to the legacy of the 260, especially to the general public because of the short production time. Every car lacks in some area or another and that's why there are so many different types of cars because everyone has different uses and different tastes. I see all the original Z's as beautiful and they all have their own personalities, as for the 260, all it's owners will just have to work double-time to turn around the bad rep
Bought an '83 280zx Turbo today
Congrats! That is exactly what I want to do. What about the tranny, is it the T-5?
Mystery Holes?
Interesting, that would definitely make sense, sometime in the near future I'm removing the dash and that should definitely reveal what these holes lead to. The car has AC which I thought was stock, is AC on 77's only 'stock' as in dealer installed?
Mystery Holes?
So while removing my engine I found some very strange holes in my engine bay. One on each side of the firewall around the transmission, they both look like they were punched out, but not hole-punched, the metal is frayed and torn looking. One has a tube coming out of it the other is just the hole. They just don't look stock because of the way the metal is torn and that they're not clean cut holes. So if anyone knows what these are or can give some guesses as to what they might be? I guess eventually I'll find out where they lead and if nothing else. Anyhow thanks and here's a picture, I can get a closer, better quality one of just them if it helps.
The pull is complete!
Yesterday I pulled the engine on my 77 after lots and lots of waiting and preparing it piece by piece! Got caught up a few times, and had some very scary moments but now she's out and ready to be given a deep cleaning, along with the engine bay. Since I got the Z and started on my plan to give her a really deep clean and restoration there have been quite a few times when I've thought maybe I should have just got her running and skipped all this nonsense, but the deeper I get into it the more I see that this is the right way and the more pleased I am with my plan which is very motivating to say the least! There she is and her strong little straight six heart! One of the best feelings for me will be knowing there isn't one pine needle left on or in my Z. Every little step brings me closer to that! Let the bath begin!
1975 one owner California 280Z...finally up&running, sort of
Yeee haw! So up and running sort of means that it starts I'm guessing, have you driven it at all? Great find hope it surprises you in more pleasant ways then not!
Engine hook broke off what now?
Ahhh I wonder if bolting the chain to the engine from where the tranny was bolted to it would damage the bolt, tap or engine hmmm. Exhaust manifold definitely seems sturdy, I think I'll somehow loop up that or the whole back end of the engine with this cable I have lying around. Thanks for the tips Blue!
Engine hook broke off what now?
Ok that's much better, I'd just like to know what are the most stable parts of the engine? What parts can I safely hook and pull it up by?
Engine hook broke off what now?
Inspiring, however what does it mean?
Engine hook broke off what now?
Well I've finally gotten to the long awaited step of removing my engine! We hooked up the engine hoist and started pulling it out, while trying to seperate it from the tranny the rear driver side "loop" on the engine for attaching the hoist broke off and nearly took one of my fingers with it haha. On a less funny note how should I remove the engine now? It's in a rather precurious position, it's still hooked on to the loop at the passenger front side of the engine and now the engine is hanging lopsided and the driver side engine mount isn't even aligned with where it rests, it's forward and low which is not good, so i can't lower it back down correctly... Anyhow any help would be very much appreciated! thanks guys!
In WAY over my head with this one!
If I had money I'd at least shoot you an offer I hate to see a car in decent condition like that get neglected. I'd love to turn that 240 into a asphalt eating beast.
In WAY over my head with this one!
How much are you asking for her?
- 1970 Fairlady Z for sale
Cleaning all fuel systems?
I always forget how endlessly useful that place is, thank you Blue.
Cleaning all fuel systems?
Good to know, so let's say I drop the gas tank, would it be ok to take it to the self serve car wash across the street, spray it full of degreaser and then powerwash it? Or will this possibly damage the tank's lining/leave bad residues? I know there is recoating products for gas tanks which I'll probably use if I drop and clean the tank.
Cleaning all fuel systems?
So right now I'm in the middle of removing my engine and everything else in the engine bay to freshen up and clean it all. 77Z been sitting for 7 years. When I drained the gas tank there was about 6 or more gallons of old gas and some of the black gunky stuff I'm gonna assume is varnish. Having that gas and gunk in there I'm guessing the tank, lines, pump, rail, injectors, and every other part of the fuel system has been at least a little gunked up and I'm wondering what is the best way to clean all that out? Thanks!
Busted Knuckle
I busted my first knuckle working on my Z just now! Other then that just removed the alternator, just have to disconnect exhaust, and tranny and it's engine pulling time!
At Last ... 1976 280z I GOT MINE!!
Very nice find looks like it's in pretty good condition! I for one definitely share your enthusiasm so congrats on the great find! However it looks like your passenger side horn is bent down.
Lizard Skin Products?
Anyone used these products and have any comments about how they work? A friend of mine suggested using them when I repaint my engine bay. It's Lizard Skin products (http://www.lizardskin.com) the sound control and ceramic insulation. Thanks guys!