Driving Music...
I was wondering what other music to add to my collection and there are pleanty here that I've never heard of I'll be looking for'em. St Stephen. I know many a people that would give there first born for some of bootlegs you've got, I never could take to that. I like a good engineer on the job they can make a good player Great. Darylick
If I would have read Rob's a little more clearly, about Whitworth spanners, I wouldn't have thought of it as a brand name, but an actual standard sometime the australian terms confuse me. Whitworth is what I had confused with imperial:stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: just wan't to publicly acknowledge my ignorance Darylick
My father who is a british car fanatic, told me many years ago that imperial and SAE are also different though very close (different standards), he had a seperate set of imperial wrenches, along w/SAE & metric for his MG'S, Ill ask him about this next time I talk to him within the week. Bambi thank for explaining "spanners" Darylick
Driving Music...
I can't stay away from this one: Classic Rock: Jeff Beck,Tommy Bolin, Hendrix Contemporary Rock: Foo Fighter Hard Alternative: Rage Against the Machine Hip Hop: 2 pac Latin: aterciopelados, Jimmy Bosch Blues:John Mayall Blues Rock: Root Boy Slim (and the Sex Change Band), Cowboy Junkies Punk: Dead Kennedys 80's: King Crimson, Gang of 4 Country: David Allen Coe Blue Grass: Left Over Salmon Techno: Juno Reactor Jazz: Charles Mingus, Mile Davis Classical: Bach Reggae: Peter Tosh Chick Music: Shakira, Prince, Seal Sorry I can get Carried away with this At one time I was a Pro. Muscician, but I played the Girls and the Drugs much better than I could ever play Guitar. MP3's I've got just under 40 gig, players in both cars. If you didn't know Apple Comp. just came out with a new file format, and also came to an agreement with ASCAP & BMI (the music Lawers who really make the money from sales) to release a few 100 thousand songs and sell them on the web at 99 cents a track. This is why their stock has climbed over the last week. Darylick Life is a Dunghill everybody stands on their own and speaks out about someone elses
- I know
defroster tape resistance?
Tanny I printed a copy of your post hopefully it doesn't come to that much testing. Hey george, I've got 2 rear glass and as far as I know they both work I was hoping to figure out if one was in better shape than the other before I install one. I'm thinking I'll have to chose one with a visual and continuity inspection and install it before I'll know the true shape it's in. Thnx again Darylick
- I know
I know
You're looking for an event tracker, let me know who this is and I can keep them up to date with the event w/ ZCCC z car club of colorado, i'm a member and they don't do such a good job w/ keeping the web site up to date, also w/ events at 2nd creek raceway. darylick Life is a Dunghill, everyone stands on their own and speaks out about someone elses
defroster tape resistance?
I should have my z out of the body shop within the next month or 2, and I was going to have the front and rear glass installed before, so I can drive my baby home. The interior won't be in at this time so I'll just do the best I can visually and w/ an ohm meter. and then do further test when I get her home. I presumed that the z car was equiped with a defroster from factory because of lack of ventalation in the rear of the interior. I agree w/ your comment about snow. but here it is almost middle of may and we just got another 4" in the foothills of colorado in the time it might take to have a couple of beers at local Grog shop. so my intention is not to leave her cold but the weather here no one can predict. Thanx again darylick
defroster tape resistance?
Thank you for getting back to me. It sounds to me that my best bet is a very careful visual inspection of the tape weight (thickness), and a complete circuit check of continuity I hope it would be rare to have dead spots in the tape. It would be difficult to isolate each line. I know I just repeated what you guys have told me, but incase i didn't understand I could be corrected......excuse me but my limmited electrical skills are showing. Darylick Life is a dunghill, everyone stands on there own and speaks out about someone elses.
defroster tape resistance?
I've got 2 rear hatch glass, not sure if either one works. but both are very clean and there are no breaks in the defroster tape. I'll be checking resistance knowing infinate and 0 are bad, is there a way to tell if one is healthier than the other? also I will be selling the extra what would be the value? Darylick Life is a Dunghill, everyone stands on there own and speaks out about someone elses.
How many Z forums do you participate in?
I'm also a member of Zdriver. This "forum does an outstanding job (thank you mike and keith), and has a wealth of information from all it's participating members (kudos to all). though this site is a forum for pre-74 Z it covers very solidly many of the questions that I have on my big bumper ride. someday with all that I have learned I will be able to contribute to this site (other than buying cd's, coffee mugs etc) the way others have done for me. Just an observation, though i'm sure (and I hope) it will offened someone. Forums are a place for people to learn & share ideas on specific subject. Clubs are place for the weak so they can feel elite or superior to others. Many people belong to clubs so they can be part of a forum. Some people belong to forums so they can be part of a club. HOW DO YOU PARTICIATE? the reason I write this is that very early on in my relationship w/ this site. I was having a tough go of things personally and was unemployed and homeless, this was reflected in my profile. A member of this site PM'd me that he was not impressed with my profile this led to an exchange of e-mails that were nothing more than hateful (and the e-mails would have continued if I wouldn't have stopped defending myself, and let him have the last word) this has always effected the way I feel about this site. Life is a Dunghill everyone stands on their own and speaks out about someone elses. darylick
air flow meter
could someone tell me the id of a zxt afm. I've got the three inch cold air induction and the MSA TB. or is there even a better choice than a zxt. any concerns w/ making such a swap. wouldn't a larger AFM mess with the balance of injection system? Darylick
Who are the worst drivers?
I voted taxi drivers. When I'm on the road I usually avoid. 1. drivers that have stuffed animals on the dash. 2. any car with more than one bumper sticker (worse, are the ones w/ stickers from local head shops). 3. next would be those cars whose windows have yellow smoke stains caked on so thick you can't see in. 4. any vehicle where I can't see the top of the head of the driver. 5. finally women who drive extremely large SUV's (probably picked out by there husbands). 6. cars with more than one cheesy compact spare tire on the pavement. 7. and if I'm looking through the rearview and someone comes up on me without a front clip, I get out of the way. oh yeah...... can't forget those who drive with family pets in their lap. Darylick
h4 conversions and other lighting ????
Looking for feedback on the diamond lenses you see on e-bay, you obviously get what you pay for so what's the give? or are there any other inexpensive h4 conversions worth considering,maybe something with a flat lense and/or uncut.(aware of both the autopal and hella products).I realize there are posts on this subject I have yet to read, but if I use a low wattage bulb, should I concern myself w/ electrical upgrades to be done on my "77". Whats with the lighting laws, specifically what happened to yellow lense fog lights, My opinion the best for snow driving (not that my Z should be exposed to any). As I undersatnd there illegal because of distracting, kinda amazing conidering the crazy displays of lights I have seen. Could my Z be Grandfathered in to legal. What ever happened to to Cibie stateside? .... while I'm at it.... has anyone wired their marker lamps to also work w/ the turn signals? Alternating flash? Thanks, Darylick