Everything posted by bhermes
Fuel or Exhaust issue - not sure
I am very seldom driving without the windows being down so will need to check this out. Just replaced the plugs about 1 month ago and the ones that came out I beleive were black but no telling how long they had been in the car. I will check out the new plugs. Grantf assuming you are heading in the right direction what are you thinking is the cause? I am still trying to understand if disabling the BCDD is going to be acceptable. Also, should I be doing anything special with the gas I am using? Thanks for the input.
Fuel or Exhaust issue - not sure
OK, after reading a little on the BCDD, it appears to be common to disable the device. I would have thought it had a purpose. Any thoughts or comments.
Fuel or Exhaust issue - not sure
Have plenty of not-to-bright co-workers. I am a high school teacher and we are having a pool party/red solo cup party at my house tomorrow. I will see if I can get one of them to volunteer. Is there a way to confirm that the throttle position sensor is bad. I will check to see cost and maybe just replace anyway. Would this cause the car to idle badly. No problem at idle. Thanks for the qucik reply.
side mirror issues
Does anyone have stock side mirrors in good+ condition they would like to get rid of at a reasonable price?
Fuel or Exhaust issue - not sure
OK, a couple notes up front. My 76 is running pretty well. Starts great and seems to have decent power. I have a couple issues I would like to get a little direction on. I am new to the mechanic and restoration world but learning quickly. I have redone brakes completely (most if not all parts), upgraded to the 60 amp alternator and rewired for the internal voltage regulation, added horns and wired, added side marker lights that were missing, replaced internal door hardware, added new radio to name a few. All of these things I would not have been able to do without this forum / site. So thanks to all. Ok to the issues at hand. - I smell either a gas or exhaust smell primarily at high speeds (70-80 mph) during acceleration. I am leaning toward an exhaust leak but not sure and I am cocnerned maybe I should be running something different when it comes to the gas I use. - At higher speeds (again 70-80 mph) when I let off the gas I get a pretty good kick back. I am sure there is a better term. Car runs good even at 90-100 mph as long as I am on the gas. Not bad otherwise but just want to get this thing compeltely dialed in. - When coming to a stop and out of gear, the rpms will go to about 2000 until the car is almost stopped. If I leave in gear until the last second I can all but avoid the problem but still would like to get this resolved. Idles around 900-1000 rpms. I know that this is alot for one post but just in case these items are related in some way.
Exterior Paint Color
I have never done any hammer-on-dolly work and very little dent repair work of any kind. Will I be able to get one type of dolly and one type of hammer for this job based on what you can see from the photo. Also where can those type of tools be purchased? Are they expensive? I will check around. I am not really sure I can get to the back side of the hood. I will need to look. Sorry not with the car right now.
Exterior Paint Color
Interesting that you mentioned wraps. I checked into this a little a couple months ago but the cost I got was about $4,000. What cost are you getting for wraping? Do you have someone in the area to wrap or is this something you can do yourself? Thanks for the advice but not sure yet. I have someone that will paint my car for about $1500.
Exterior Paint Color
I know it may be difficult to tell for sure but for those out there that are body guys how would you repair the damage in the attached photo. This is really the only real body work that needs to be done on my car before painting. I am hoping that I do not need to get a new hood.
Exterior Paint Color
So I have done some research and have currently decided on a single stage PPG 72000 which should be a cross to the 110. Does amyone have input on my decision? Single stage vs 2 stage painting?
Exterior Paint Color
So I think I have settled on the 110 even though I really want the car to stand out against other red cars on the road. I think it still will. I like the orange tint but just am not sure about the 198 color. If I have searched properly I beleive this means that I need to get ppg 72000 paint. Can someone confirm. Also, I know very little about painting a car, really not good even painting a wall in my house. Is this a two stage paint and if so what does that really mean. What clear coat should I get and does it really matter. I know this is crazy but I may be doing most of the painting myself. I know a guy that paints cars well and he is going to walk me through the process and more than likely do a lot of the work. I just want to have my hand in the middle of every part of this restoration. Thanks in advance.
76 280 wheels need identification
OK, thanks. Any idea where I might get a couple of the center caps? I am thinking about doing some painting on the wheels but not sure. Long term plan is to get new rims and tires in about 1 year.
76 280 wheels need identification
I am just trying to determine if my wheels on my 76 280z are stock or not. I have attached photo's below. Also, what are they called?
Exterior Paint Color
Somehow the last post did not show on my screen. I will check out the 110 as well. Thanks.
Exterior Paint Color
Does anyone else agree or think otherwise. This looks correct to me but just want to make sure. Also, out of my ignorance for painting does this need a certain type of finish coat? Just really like the look and want to match as close as possible. Thanks grantf for the response.
Exterior Paint Color
Thread I started back in Nov. I am ready to paint within the next month and have 90% decided on the orange Z color in jackboxxx reply above. I need to know if this was an original z color and if so how to get the paint or what I need to do to identify. Any help and comments would be appreciated.
76 280z prior to painting
- DSC_0092
- DSC_0091
- DSC_0090
- DSC_00891
From the album: 76 280z prior to painting
basic photos -
Paint job to start July 8th
What and how do I start a "garage"? More than happy to send current pics.
Paint job to start July 8th
OK, my paint job on my 76 2+2 scheduled to start July 8th. I beleive I have settled on painting the car orange. A few reasons but the one that makes most since is that I owned a 77 280z back in the early 80's and it was orange. I am thinking about adding a MSA Type 2 body kit and a classic style rear spoiler. I would appreciate any feedback on my choices or other suggestions. Also, I am totally ignorant on adding a body kit or spoiler for that matter. I do not have front or rear bumpers. Not sure if this is a problem or if they or hardware for them is needed. Just looking for a little dialogue before I pull the trigger.
In need of a front RH marker light
Thanks. How did racing go. I need to learn more about it and begin getting my car ready.
Vinyl Seat issue/vinyl head liner
No. But I should have. I will see what they have to say.