Everything posted by bhermes
Gas tank rubber pads
Anyone know where I can get a set of 4 fuel tank pads? 76 280. I had them 2 days ago and can't find them anywhere. Need to get the tank back in and start driving. Thanks.
Spark Plug Wires
Makes sense. Hopefully tank will be back in and tune up complete and back on the road late next week. Thanks.
Spark Plug Wires
I just bought the kit from z car source which comes with NGK's in blue. Just think its odd that they would be standard in blue not black. Thanks.
Spark Plug Wires
Ok for the stock purest is it necessary for me to get black? The ones I have set up are from z car source and are blue. Thanks
Spark Plug Wires
This may be a really stupid question but I am getting new spark plug wires. Were the original wires black? blue? Anything I need to know before buying them or plugs or cap and rotor? Thanks
New Fuel Tank
Found spec in FSM in FE section. States between 10-80 ohms when dry/no fuel. I think I also read that it should read 32 ohms when half full but not sure. I am going to try and clean and see if resistance values decrease. I will also look at advice above if soldering is needed. I found one for sale in my area which is rare for $25. Not sure if it works either but will be checking this weekend with a meter. If both end up working I will have one for sale soon if anyone is in need. Thanks.
New Fuel Tank
Got it. I have a copy of the fsm and will check. I thought I remembered 90 to 10 but wasn't sure. I will try and clean up and maybe the resistance will drop. I will check on getting the o ring. Thanks.
New Fuel Tank
The tank is cleaning up nicely, outside. After scraping off all the fuel dried on outside and some rust I found about 10 small pin holes. Welding them up tomorrow and spray painting black. If decided to try and get my sending u it working properly if possible. I am looking for the resistance specs. Just a quick check and I seem to be getting readings from 140 down to 16. Not sure if the higher resistance is full or empty setting. Any help finding resistance numbers would be great. Unit looks a little rough but may just need a little cleaning. Thanks.
New Fuel Tank
So I welded the pin holes in the tank. Luckily no explosion. It appears that the cleaning and coating I did a couple years ago may be ok but the G3 filter should tell the real story. Everything should be back together by the weekend. One question, is there any test to prove if the pickup line has a hole? Only other concern I have on the tank at this point. Thanks.
New Fuel Tank
Sense the problem is only occurring once every couple thousand miles, and no real rust in gas drained from tank (maybe a little particle matter), I have decided to repair a couple small pin holes in tank by soldering and simply painting the outside of the tank. Not sure if there is a preferred paint for this? I am also, from advise from others on this site, going to stick with my current fuel pump and add a clear filter between the tank and pump. Couple other notes; replacing fuel filter, plugs and plug wires, cap and rotor, one injector, and ignition switch. Hopefully as the problem occurs less and less as time goes on maybe the problem is working itself out. Who knows. Thanks.
Restoring the 280Z EFI Fuel pump (if possible)
I have a pressure gauge and it consistently reads 32psi. I understood this to be acceptable. Good to understand how the strainer and original pump works. I will add the filter back in between tank and pump. Thanks.
Restoring the 280Z EFI Fuel pump (if possible)
Just reading this thread. I have been having possible fuel delivery issues and was thinking of replacing the Airtex pump with the 269 dollar pump. Does the Airtex pump have a inlet strainer? The car runs fine 95% of the time and then stalls. Thought it might be an issue with the pump not having a strainer or not be that great. Tank had a couple small pin holes that might be causing an issue with moisture or air pick up. Holes were where the straps are located on the tank. Repairing the holes Thoughts. I have another thread but this was extremely interesting and trying to get on board with not wasting parts and saving bucks.
A lot of parts to get
Anyone else have comments. For example I bought a fuel pump but it obviously was not the best choice. Cheap but issues. Any thing to consider in regards to injector or other parts. Carpet fits doesn't fit etc. Thanks.
A lot of parts to get
Ok. Going to do some work on the 76 2+2. Fuel tank replacement (maybe) Tune up including; dist cap, rotor, plugs and wires Fuel pump (replaced about 2000 miles ago with after market cheap pump) Fuel filter #2 injector Ignition switch Carpet Rubber seal kit That's all for now. Any comments on best place and price to get these parts. On limited wife's budget. Thanks.
New Fuel Tank
That looks like what I found a couple years ago when I first dropped my tank cleaned and coated. I am thinking that the last bit of debri is clogging the fuel pump inlet. Since I have no filter between the tank and pump and no strainer in the inlet of the after market pump. I suspect my coating job was not perfect. Tried but who knows. Not sure I can correlate the problem to fuel level. Sending unit does not work accurately. Stalling has only occurred once in the last 2000 miles. Give or take. Thoughts.
New Fuel Tank
I was reading some past threads about the E8312 pump I have. It appears that this pump gas no strainer/inlet mesh filter. I'm thinking that when it was installed prior to my tank cleaning it may have been damaged. I am considering remounting the tank, replacing pump with clear filter between rank and pump. Comments. Does it make any sense that this might cause a once every 3 weeks stalling while driving. Thanks.
New Fuel Tank
Could this be my problem. Do you think it has a filter inside. Not sure if specs are the same. Comments. Don't really want to spend $260 but well worth it if it fixes my problem. Thanks.
New Fuel Tank
New Fuel Tank
Fuel pump out. A couple questions. Is there a mesh on inlet. I don't see one. Do I have to remove something to get to it. Secondly and maybe a dumb question but is there a way to tell if the pump is original. It was supposed to have been replaced but I am questioning if it actually was. Thanks.
New Fuel Tank
Thanks. After looking at my tank I don't think it is too bad. Going to have a friend look at who used to work for a radiator shop that repaired them. I am now going to remove fuel pump at see what it looks like. Replaced once but prior to the last time I.cleaned and coated tank. I have messaged on a couple replacement tanks just in case.
New Fuel Tank
Yes. Had some trouble with fuel line kinking and removed. The tank is leaking so it needs to be dropped and repaired and replaced regardless. I will then put back in the filter. Thanks for the advice on the injector. How about a replacement tank. Anything cleaver or am I stuck with refurbished tank at 330 plus 270 core charge. Don't know if the will except mine as a reasonable core.
New Fuel Tank
Ok, after 3 years chasing my stalling issue, I am back to my initial assumption. I has always suspected the rust and condition of my fuel tank was the issue. I attempted to clean and coat the tank myself but the tank is in bad shape. I am going to have someone look at the tank one last time but then looking for a replacement. If anyone has one please let me know. Has anyone had an issue with hydro-locking? Or maybe just rust clogging fuel pump. Also it appears that one of my injectors is bad. Is there anything I should know when getting a new one. Thanks.
Last try on this issue
No on the tapping. I will try that soon. I am not beyond buying parts to get this fixed at this point. I hate to use up parts unless needed but I am hating more not driving. Thanks.
Last try on this issue
One quick piece of info. The pressure gauge read 36 psi after it stalled the last time. While at McDonalds it would not restart. Tach seemed ok. I like the video idea. Also in t he driveway it would not restart. Started fine a few hours later.
Last try on this issue
Ok. Drove about 500 miles, several short to medium drives, no issues. Last week I drove about 12 miles to get gas. Put in about 4 gallons. Drove across the street and ate McDonalds, 10 minutes. Started up car and started poorly. I smelled pretty strong gas smell. Came back about 8 hours later and car started fine. Drove home and two houses from there the car stalled and I coasted into my driveway. I just can't seem to get this car over the hump. I guess back to mechanic. I just don't have the expertise to solve. Almost acts like flooding or vapor lock. Not sure if the type of gas could cause this problem. Just wanted to give an update.