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  1. bbaker posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Last Monday my 72 z was broken into and and attempted to be stolen the only thing that saved it was the fact that it hadn't been driven for two days and the idiots probabaly know nothing about the choke on older cars so it wouldn't start and they bailed. But they did manage to break the tumbler on the ignition switch so now I can start my car with any key, stick, stiff piece of cardboard or any other thing that will fit. So my question is this, Has anybody had any success with any keyless remotes or push button starter switches with a remote key switch since I have to replace this any I should probably upgrade to something a little more theft proof Thanks for any suggestions
  2. bbaker replied to bbaker's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Just an update to my brake adventure. Found 82 Toyota 4x4 pads fit perfect but also found one side of the passenger side caliper was frozen solid which explains a lot. Now the real fun begins. Call the semi local Kragens tell them what I have first thing they ask is what engine. Tell them I dont know I think they only came with one engine . He says go look under the hood it should say what engine it is. I tell him I will but it wont do him much good then repeated the fact they were retro fitted into a z. He proceeded to tell me that a 240 was made by datsun and not toyota. So I told him thank you for that brief bit of enlightenment but do you have calipers? He said he needs the engine size so I told him it was an L24 he said thats not right they only came with a 22r. So the next question from me was if you had that information why are you asking me? He couldnt answer but after all that and describing the caliper it turns out they do carry it and will pick it up today. I appreciate the help from you guys the education I get from here is priceless
  3. bbaker posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I have a 1972 240z that I rescued right before it went to the junkyard rebuilt the motor cleaned it up and have been driving it for the better part of a year as my dd decided it was time for new brakes and rotors. Bought new rotors and pads and dissasembled everything and found out the calipers have been changed to 4 piston calipers. My question is where do I start looking for the pads that fit? Nothing looks modified so it must be a direct bolt on replacement from something but what? I woulg greatly appreciate any ideas thank you
  4. Of course, if you live in Mayberry, they will go "Shazam!" Newman is as about as close to mayberry as you can get in california
  5. I am getting ready to polish an intake for my 72 240 and found the coolant tube that crosses between the the two manifolds is shot.As in plugged up bent and in general just jacked up. Does anyone know where i can find one? Or can I cap off the holes and not use coolant through the intake? Or can would hose barb fittings and heater hose work in there. Just looking for opinions on what would be best. Thanks for any help
  6. On my 72 240 the throw out bearing started barking like a dog when i let the clutch out in first gear and seems to be progressively getting worse over the last three days. I am going to change the whole clutch this weekend but I also noticed tonight that the tranny seems to want to grind some what between gears and I have a slight whine in third gear. Could this also be related to the bearing or should I go ahead and start looking for a 5 speed now because my 4 speed is going south and getting ready to leave me walking home
  7. bbaker posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Does anybody know who sells the Gunson Color Tune in the central valley in california?
  8. bbaker posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Can anyone recommend a place in the calif. central valley that will ceramic coat a set of headers?
  9. bbaker replied to bbaker's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    hi travel'n man just got the car a few weeks ago it is still stock doesnt look like the motor has ever been apart. had a blown head gasket when I got it just finished fixing that and found its smoking quite a bit and compression on #3 cylinder is somewhat lower than the rest so I think it best to just go through it and freshen it up. I want to keep it all stock or as much as I can anyway. Does Dave Rebello have a web site? and where is he located? I am sure there are places here in calif. but I havent found any local to me Brian
  10. bbaker posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Hope I am posting this in the right place I am looking for a source for 240 z pistons for my 72 anyone know where I can find them?
  11. bbaker posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    just got my 1972 240z last week have wanted one since high school looking forward to the resto project

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