I'm Back
After four months of screaming Drill Sargents, 4:30am wake ups, and some really horrible food I'm back. And for future reference if you are ever near Ft. Leonard Wood MO. RUN! Well I'm off for about two weeks then it's time to go to Germany, just in time for Octoberfest! Quick question is there anyone in Germany on the board? Also I like the new layout.
Storing Z
It drains the battery. Don't know how, only know that it happens.
Storing Z
Yep my time has come Ben. It's all good though. I can't wait to spend spring and summer sweating my arse off in Missouri.
Storing Z
Cool, good list going. Anything else?
Storing Z
Well I'm going to have to put the Z in storage for about 5 months. I'm looking for a list of things I should do such as unhooking the battery. Thanks all.
I feel the same way pal.
Here is a link to a video, please watch it to the end. Thanks. Video
Stupid Question of the Week
Why does it not surprise me that you had that information.
Expensive wheel caps
Hey Carl, excuse my ignorance but where the hell is Montrose?
For the guy who has everyting...
I wonder if anyone in in need of a bridge....
Nor Cali Meet
I agree, go for it.
how do I use Bondo?
Very carefully.
Nor Cali Meet
Okay, that is so impossible. I just got home, it took me an hour but I finally found a tandem bike. I got four tries before they stopped getting back up. Not a single time was I able to knock off JUST the front guy. I wasted about an hour and a half. Oh well I need to wash off my car and do some quick bumper repairs.
Nor Cali Meet
Quick question. Ya know those two person bikes? Do they count as 20 points since there are two people on it, or does it still count as 10 points?