Here's my story. I have a 73 240Z with a 5-speed 76 L28 FI motor. I went overseas for a few years leaving the car in storage. I totally rebuilt the motor when I got back, and now I seem to be having the wierdest problems. Two are the real biggies to me. 1) When I rev the engine in nuetral I can hit 7K with ease. When driving the engine chokes at 4K (simalar to when there's a hole in one of the airflow meter boots. A preveous problem)and will not excelerate unless I get off the gas and press down again. This gets progressively worse until I can no longer drive the car. I have a 76 factory service manual, my timing is correct, new spark plugs, XR-3000 ignition, PS-91 coil, ect. I'm hoping this is symptomatic of one of the EFI components going out. Can someone help me guess which one? 2) This one should be a little simpler. It has to do with the charging system. I can start my car, drive it to one location(if problem 1 lets me) and turn the car off. The car must then sit for an hour or so before I can start it again. I've tested the battery, alternator, and changed the voltage regulator. Please forgive my spelling, the North Dakota cold slows my brain. If I can't get it fixed my next move is to find anouther car and drop my motor in. (Rebuilds are kinda pricey, gotta get my moneys worth):classic: