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  1. Me again. So I came out here to work on the z again, now the ****er won't start... I replaced some more hoses on the fuel rail the other day and now it won't start. I was reading more and someone said something about ecu flash codes. Do z's even have ecu flash codes? If so how do I check em?
  2. unrelated question: the fusable links, what the **** is the deal with those. i understand how they work and the nacessity for them, but really? mine have to b on there just right or the car wont start... its rediculous, ive found fuse conversion kits for around $40-50, u guys found any cheeper ones?
  3. so basicly, i should just replace all my fuel lines, and might as well replace my fuel pump and filter while im at it
  4. i thought i had posted it, i did pinch the FPR vacume line, and there was no change on the fuel pressure gauge.
  5. When I pulled them the other day hey were as U described blackish. The I'm working a 15 hr day today and tomarrow but ill post pics ASAP. I really appreciate all your help
  6. i did all 6 when i first got the car, they were all 126-130 i believe
  7. like compression test?
  8. yey guage came today. dead it sits at 26psi, idle 30-31psi, and 3-4k 30psi. ill post a video in a bit
  9. so i think this guage is bunk.. nuthing happend when i pinched the FPR hose, and it didnt move when it was at 3000 rpm. so RIGHT NOW im ordering the fp guage and T fitting...
  10. wierd. so my buddy had a fuel pressure guage. just popped that bitch on. it idles a just a little shy of 30psi. what im wondering now is why does it stay at 30psi when i pinch the return line? pretty sure it should shoot the psi up right?
  11. somethin like this for the T fitting? http://www.summitracing.com/parts/MRG-2975/
  12. ya i realized i wrote maf sensor instead of AFM. on with the tinkering i go. thanks
  13. wooow. the shitty part about living on an island... Ace, Napa, and Carquest all dont have anything even close to what i was looking for. what a bunch of assholes... my machanic buddy i ran into said its prob the MAF sensor but im ganna continue with trouble shooting before i go and spend $200 on something i potentionally dont need...
  14. wooow. the shitty part about living on an island... Ace, Napa, and Carquest all dont have anything even close to what i was looking for. what a bunch of assholes... my machanic buddy i ran into said its prob the MAF sensor but im ganna continue with trouble shooting before i go and spend $200 on something i potentionally dont need...

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