What's a good lube the for steering rack?
I will take your advice Mr. Mortensen. TY.
What's a good lube the for steering rack?
Thanks for the feedback guys. So pump white lithium grease through the filler plug with a zerk fitting and a grease gun, got it! How will i know when its full? Do I clean up the grease on the boot covered area of the rack when replacing the boots also? And no need to grease the new boots right?
What's a good lube the for steering rack?
The guy at the local auto store said gear oil. Would he be right? Sorry if this question was asked before, pretty silly I know but I searched and didnt find an answer and don't have access to the FSM right now. Also, there's quite a bit of grease in the rack boots, am I going to need to replace seals or is this normal? Sorry for such noobish questions.
$50 paint job?!?!?!
Using rust-oleum diluted in mineral spirits and a paint roller! can there really be any redeemable qualities in this?! Would any of you dare to do it to one of your car? Just YouTube it. Doesn't look half bad to be honest. This guy spent about $180 but did a bit more pre and post work I'm actually impressed http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/ieb51/i_painted_my_car_with_a_roller_pics_ama/ I might just do a flat black on mines in the meanwhile.
In need front lower control arm bolts ASAP
Just got the bolts in today! Looks to be in great shape. I've got my anti-seize lube, ready to knock it out tmrw. Hopefully it'll all go well. Muchos Garcias! Thanks for the heads up Pete. Glad to know I wasn't the only one with the problem. Hopefully the shop didn't accidentally cut into your crossmember like I did in the process. Smh...
In need front lower control arm bolts ASAP
You can say that again blue! Dave was my knight in shining armor today! can't thank you enough bro!
In need front lower control arm bolts ASAP
Well in the process of trying to replace all my front end bushings I ran into a prob with my LCA bolt being totally seized to the sleeve. Tried everything including heat with no success. In short I was forced to cut the bolt off now I can't find a replacement. Anyone know where I can get one or does anyone here have an extra pair for sale?
Voltage regulator wiring dilemma
Well it is cut from the harness but the wire "from" the VR is connected to something else on the car (can't really tell from the pic), my guess is battery but I cant follow the wire very far as it is shrink wrapped with a bundle of other wires that seem to lead towards the battery. Can you tell, by looking at the connecting points on the VR, what the wire's purpose was originally? Thnx Zed for all your feedback.
Voltage regulator wiring dilemma
Had to jump my car the other day but prior to that the lights would brighten as I give the car gas. I'm goin to try and replace the VR before replacing the whole ALT. The problem is that the orig VR has a wire spliced, it's a white/red wire from the middle column of the harness. Is this a common thing to do and do I have to splice the wire for the new VR. BTW looks like the wiring on the car has been fiddled with quite a bit. I really want to go with the MSA ALT upgrade but will the VR adapter still be a PNP set up because of this wire splice and how can I fix it? Here's a couple pics to better illustrate... the circles are where the spliced wire connects on the VR. PLease help this hopeless newb...:stupid:
OMG my car won't shut off!!! Help!!!
Thanks for the tips so far guys but I got another question for y'all (of course). So I want to go with the MSA upgrade Escanlon mentioned but the orig VR has a wire spliced. Will the MSA upgrade still be just as PNP as it's meant to be? Looks like the car has a few mickey mouse wirings going on. Here are some pics, hope someone can make sense of it all. I tried looking thru the FSM but that mess is to complicated for a simpleton like me. God I hope I even uploaded these pics right. Had to get a photobucket acct just for this.
OMG my car won't shut off!!! Help!!!
Hey thnx Zed. Looks like you hit the nail on the head with this one. I know I should've searched the forum first but I'm posting from a phone without wifi and I just wanted to get back out there to start taking the ALT off. Well I put the old ALT back on and everythings fine. I'm such an idiot. What a waste of time and energy. Gonna try n get my $$$ back tmrw then buy one from a more reputable Z dealer. Thnx again mate! Aye aye!!
'ello mateZ!
Oh please, it's nothing to look at! . Not yet anyway. I'd probably get laughed off this forum...
OMG my car won't shut off!!! Help!!!
Ok I just replaced my alternator and volt reg today because it didn't start earlier. Got the parts from Autozone because I wanted something quick. Now I can't turn the car off! Had to unplug the distributor to shut it down for now. Did I plug it up wrong? The back of the new ALT doesn't look exactly like the old. The old ALT just had a wire connected to the E and A locations but the new ALT has a BAT and two E locations for connections. I feel like such an idiot. I'm going to put the new ALT back an see if it helps. Please give some insight, I need all the help I can get!
'ello mateZ!
Yeah, P-Town in the house! I lived there for most of the 80's and still very fond of the city. So many good memories growing up there. They still got the best Pho restaurants outside of the OC. Well, pleased to meet you Decoy. Maybe our Z's will meet someday on a dark twisted highway.
'ello mateZ!
I am officially the owner of my first Zcar!!! A 72' S30 to be exact. Looking to restore this baby back to her prime condition, with a couple modest mods of course! Looks like there is a L28/P79 set up already, so I think I got a decent start point. Anyway, she runs pretty well so I'm leaving the engine alone for now, but just bought a front suspension rebuild kit and an Energy Suspension master kit and it should be here by Fri. Only problem is I have very little knowledge in mechanics but willing to try anything. I've been searching the web for the install instructions for all the pieces because I don't think neither kit will come with one. If anyone knows where to find this I would much appreciate the info. Glad to be here and hope to meet the whole lot of ya's. Long live the Z!
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