Everything posted by hr369
WTB: Hitachi Radio
You've got a rally clock and that wasn't original equip to OZ s30's. To be authentic, you will just have to get rid of that thing. I'll take it off your hands. Thanks for the link to new faceplates
WTB: Hitachi Radio
Oh heck yea. Those are nice. Why are you asking for used faceplates when they make new? You want the antenna switch too right? I do believe they all used the same antenna switches. This is a shot of my last signal seeker.
WTB: Hitachi Radio
well the last 2 signal seekers i've had were good at receiving static. Their sensitivity is poor and sound quality even poorer. I turned it on and let it tune and listened to it for 10 minutes. Yea, thats cool and never turned it on again. The earlier faceplate will adapt it to the earlier dash with the 2 screw holes on the bottom corners. I'm not sure about the mounts however. I've not tried it myself. But as you know many things datsun had made or made are interchangeable I've got a couple faceplates that need work. I think it would be easier 3d printing new ones. The plastic is very brittle from old age. I can measure the holes in mine and tell you if your fairlady radio is the same just out of curiosity sake. Thats too bad on the damaged console that was shipped. Was it shipped from JP to OZ? Edit: The shaft hole size of the signal seeker is the same as the newer am/fm and i'de bet your fairlady radio is the same too. The difference is in the mounts and the owners perception.
WTB: Hitachi Radio
You can pick up one of the cheap(er) fairlady L AM radio's and put a signal seeker faceplate on it and nobody will know the difference.
US$4,500 for restoration and paint
It was the 2 GALLONS of "plastibond" that set off red flags for me. Sounds like he wants you to fund other projects in his shop. He's getting sandpaper from another customer because 1/2 yard of sandpaper aint gonna go far. and.. i hope that roll of wire is for a wire feed welder. If not, then 2 gallons of bondo and baling wire sends shivers up my spine You can get por-15 in mexico and have it shipped to you. With all the maritime shipping traffic in panama i find it hard to believe you can't find it locally. I think you just have to look harder. http://www.por15.com/International_ep_42.html
US$4,500 for restoration and paint
I would stay away from shops that ask ME to buy the materials for them.
Need help with my 1978 280z 2+2
photo of all the spark plugs would be helpful
$80,000 to paint my Z!!!
Ship it to overseas to restore and ship it back.
DIY Alignment -- Did I do it right?
Pulling to right could be tire pressure, caster, crown in the road. What is the wear pattern on the tire? scalloped, outside worn, inside worn?
78&79 Z
What i've done in the past is take a piece of paper and write down every good part on the car that you can see. Then write down the price you think it will sell for. Then find all the parts that you would want for yourself and add that in too. Add em all together and see if its worth your trouble. Parts are always more expensive when YOU need them , right?
Finally replica door panels for 77-78 z's
For the record, my personal experience with the niles clock is good. I've had about 8 of them over the years. All worked right out of the box and keep excellent time. They don't seem to suffer from the old capacitor problem that the citizen have. I've got 2 of those on my desk that need new caps. The clock face on the niles doesn't seem to degrade over time like the citizen's white lettering. The niles always looked like brand new afterpainting the second hand orange. That does seem to fade on both clocks. Plus, i think the niles are a better looking clock.
Finally replica door panels for 77-78 z's
Couldn't you take the lock rods and other parts from the later 280 and change your doors over to fit the 77-78 panels? 5 cm from the rear.
Finally replica door panels for 77-78 z's
Wasn't the electric fender mirror an option on the S31 ? Don't these look like power window controls? crap, now im wanting this power window setup for my car. Power mirror controls were under the speedo
Finally replica door panels for 77-78 z's
A power window knockout in a S30 door panel that fits 9/74 - 7/76. Power windows were available before the S31? Or possibly someone thought ahead and they put this knockout in the tooling for all door panels These door panels have a nissan dealer date of 1993 on them. Kanji is name Miya for you archeology buffs. When i first started this thread i should have said guy in canada is having these made or has a source. I've talked to people that are selling repro's and they say they're foreign made. They won't say where though.
78&79 Z
I thought the 79's only had the plastic door sills. You are talking about an s30 and a s130?
- More Ebay price madness. 'Z' Hub caps this time
How to turn datsun z into a toyota
It's brutal what they do to this poor old Z.
Do not use the global shipping program on ebay
To deliver to germany from usa took 21 days using global shpping. To deliver to denmark from usa took 8 days using first class international These packages were dropped at the post office the same day.
RHD Combo switch for Sale. $400 USD
Thanks, there are so many variations on these. I've verified one of mine is a 9-71 thru 7-72 and the one i posted you are correct it a later style. It's is a 74-76. I've heard that you can solder on different harnesses to make it fit other years. Not sure on that since i've never done it. I've put the earlier one on ebay for the same price as you got. I'm curious to see what it fetches.
s20 Engine for sale
So $86,000 with 10 days to go and the engine could bring $59,000. I can think of several cars I would like to have and still have change left over... price should get up to about 150,000 usd. i would be shocked if it went higher
s20 Engine for sale
and skyline. If you want to start building your kids college fund, start buying whats left of the supply of new s20 engine parts. I'm sure they will appreciate far more than any wall st. investment. I'de love to see one set up with the lucas fuel injection. There is a skyline for sale now with one of these engines. It's been languishing around the 10251000円 price but still has 10 days to go. Notice the vin# One owner vehicle. He wants to trade it for a toyota 2000gt. Good luck with that. Has anyone ever seen a skyline with an s20 go for more than a million $ or whatver 2000 gt's are selling for lately? https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpage6.auctions.yahoo.co.jp%2Fjp%2Fauction%2Ff169939660&edit-text=
s20 Engine for sale
Final sell price 59,000 usd. I guess this price makes economic sense if someone is restoring a car that originally had an S20 but the original engine is missing. At these prices someone needs to step in and start making reproduction engine blocks and heads.
RHD Combo switch for Sale. $400 USD
Wow, where did you sell it? ebay? Yours looks to be a newere one. Are you sure thats from a 70? The connector on mine looks to be an older style. Your turn signal connectors look like 74-76 style. Heck i've got 2 i should probably sell. Both have the pass function.
exaggeration or lie?
Ok, could apply too. " I swear I never saw underneath those patches. That's work from the previous owner" No i'de rather not identify this individual. This is more of a humours poke at the ad's out there on the auction websites. But my god how can you not notice those shiny new floors? dis·in·gen·u·ous ˌdisənˈjenyo͞oəs/ adjective adjective: disingenuous not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.
RHD conversion project car
Sad, another project that someone started and couldn't finish. Anyone know the story on this car? boxes including: moldings, glass, interior, wiring, lights... everything except no engine or transmission" Looks like quite a few nice parts on that car and in boxes. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-Z-Series-432r-Clone/262253357302?_trksid=p2045573.c100034.m2102&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131003150253%26meid%3D7b9f747ac8854d88a5921588d677f121%26pid%3D100034%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D8%26mehot%3Dpp%26sd%3D161953692140