Everything posted by hr369
240 Rear Bumper From Futofab On '78 280
That looks damn good. Personally I don't like 280's without bumpers they look unfinished to me. These give your car the classy factory finished look. You know what would make that back end even better looking is a 1 piece bre style spoiler.
Inside The Guts Of A Rally Clock
errr... i meant insides of a rally clock oscillator. Anyways....ran across this page in japan. this guy is an electronics guru that fixed an oscillator. I had never seen the insides of one before but there sure are alot of things that can go wrong. No wonder they use so much juice. with no schematics to work with he succeeded in finding what was wrong. a burned out transistor. http://blog.goo.ne.jp/vrc-tezuka/e/250f389a49a12a856565a0c7e324e2f0 and another page where a guy took a 9$ clock and put it inside his calendar clock https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fminkara.carview.co.jp%2Fen%2Fuserid%2F1773801%2Fblog%2F33293852%2F&edit-text=&act=url
Great Christmast Gift Idea
How the heck can someone track down a car in another state and was sold over 20 years ago? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4HIFrLMVbk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK7MAZj86LE
Nice Zg Repair Pics
yea but a nice zg there is worth a prettier penny
Front Frame Pulling/spreading/holding (Cool Trick)
Interesting way to fold the tops of the rails back into position. You would think it would just smash in the rail but once you remove the radiator support, the rails are very flexible. Very simple fabricated radiator support he made. Probably stronger than the swiss cheese factory one. That looks like a rust free fairlady. Over there they're worth lots more so expensive frame machine time is worth it.
- Affordable Chrome Plating; Year End Forum Promotion
I Wish I Could Read Japanese
tolerances are usually given in our numbers and metric. no translation for those needed. BUT... is that 170 canadian dollars? I oughta buy a bunch and bring em back when i go to japan in april. its only 10 bucks over on amazon.co.jp http://www.amazon.co.jp/NISSAN%E3%80%8CL6-ENGINE-TUNING%E3%80%8D-engine-%E3%83%A0%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B7%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BA-ebook/dp/B00J7XJANY/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1418877732&sr=1-2&keywords=L6 edit: thats the kindle price. thought it was the hardcopy.
Vin 2041
This 240 is a better deal than that beverly hillbilly's one. Look at the attention to detail on this one. It looks like one of those factory restored ones from the 90's. BUT... check out the funky clamps on the a/c dryer. Not concours http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-Z-Series-WATCH-VIDEO-STEAL-IT-200-Miles-CONCOURS-dElegance-Collectors-1970-Datsun-240Z-Series-/281524595584?forcerrptr=true&hash=item418c2c6b80&item=281524595584&pt=US_Cars_Trucks
Long Range Electric Car Batteries
the aluminum air batteries need to be changed yearly according to the article. that could get expensive. notice it gives no approximate replacement cost. i love the idea using 2 types of batteries. one a workhorse and the other reserve.
Yahoo Japan Okinawa Auction Burned Up Fairlady
Ebay Seller Some Interesting Datsun Books
http://www.ebay.com/sch/timn/m.html?item=301415663900&hash=item462dc6091c&pt=Motors_Manuals_Literature&vxp=mtr&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 who would have thought a bob sharp catalog would be worth 19 bucks. The complete datsun guide looks interesting
$2.45 A Gallon In Alabama
hey i'm still paying 4.99 for diesel and 4.21 for unleaded in hawaii. I heard it was under 2 bucks in oklahoma
Jdm L28 With Single Hitachi Carb?
That doesn't look stock. He calls the original flat top su's `euro dual carbs` He's got a lot of inaccurate things in that listing.
Calendar Clock Knob Missing
he is the first one i tried. No have
Jdm L28 With Single Hitachi Carb?
ok, slap myself for using the wrong search words. This has been covered before. They came in the gloria. That intake manifold looks like a clifford research 4 barrel manifold.
Jdm L28 With Single Hitachi Carb?
I have never seen this configuration on an L6 before. Must have been a real slug engine offered in the lower end cars. Hard to believe they're still floating around out there. Must have been sitting in the back of some warehouse covered in an inch of dust.
Calendar Clock Knob Missing
I just recently bought a 1 knob calendar clock but the little plastic knob is missing. I've been searching the net and cannot find anything on people replacing their lost knobs. In my search for a missing knob I may have found a replacement. The 280zx quartz clock has a very similar knob. I haven't yet tried to fit the knob yet. It does look promising from the pictures. Keeping my fingers crossed
Lets See The Concensus On This S30
whoa pick another font on your ebay ad. Thats like reading old dot matrix. That car is a desert cruiser. Tinted glass and a/c. Nitrous for those long straight stretches. I think the blow thru turbo setup would be tempermental in a colder climate. Rather have efi myself.
Yahoo Japan Okinawa Auction Burned Up Fairlady
another one bites the dust. aint nothing left on this one thats worth saving. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpage10.auctions.yahoo.co.jp%2Fjp%2Fauction%2Fm132027649&edit-text=&act=url The state of the product: barbecue
Rocker Geometry Woes
Is it possible that he put in different size valves? I've read where 81-83 valves are .080 shorter. Nah.. on second thought he probably used what was already in the head, even if it did need to be replaced. Somebody has a new apprentice?
thought some of you zx guys might like this. others will think its blasphemy. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/64040-720zx-time-to-finish-it/
Armored Car Shot Up With Ak47
With the ceo of the company behind the wheel. Now thats what I call trust in the quality of your product and your employees who installed it. Notice he first aims for the boss. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8i5d5toEDk#t=96
Sanden 508 Compressor Mounting Bracket For A 1972 240Z
"factory brackets" ? I thought the factory brackets were for the hitachi compressor only? He wants to install a sanden 508. I've seen sanden brackets for both sides of the engine but the most plentiful is probably the one that goes under the air pump on the 240z. I think the four holes he is speaking about is the holes in the engine block located under the air pump. You can occasionally get these on ebay or you can make your own. The one i had that was from a kit looked fairly simple. If the four holes he's talking about is the old york mount and its still installed just get the york to sanden adapter. If you want to locate the compressor on the passenger side, you can find an old york mount and get an adapter plate for york to sanden. search ebay for "york to sanden conversion" For the money, this kit is the best option i've seen http://nostalgicac.com/compressors/compressors/sandenvbeltcomp/datsun-240z-260z-280z-compressor-upgrade-kit.html If you want to build you own here is half the work already done http://nostalgicac.com/mount-kits-pulleys/misc-compressor-mounts/universal-mount-kit.html Be aware that some of the sanden's out there are made in USA, Japan, Singapore and China
Check your fuel filter!
How many microns is a paper filter? They now make Stainless mesh 10 micron
1974-75 Door panel's,New Member here.
part number is 80901n3600 and courtesy nissan may have them. They show $311 each.