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Everything posted by hr369

  1. exhaust pipes are in an odd location. they're right under the fuel tank. does this car have a fuel cell or the original gas tank? i'de look closely at the motor and trans mounts. do they look flimsy-homemade-hacked-crappy welds? first thing i would do is get rid of that small steering wheel. that dude must be a bodybuilder to steer that thing. do you have self control? when i was your age this car probably have been wrapped around a tree with me dead inside. if you're like me stick to the toyota land cruisers and vw busses. edit: looking more closely at the rear deck carpet, its way too high to be stock he must have a pretty big fuel cell under the back. i'de be concerned if it has room for a spare tire. if not, you had better pick up some roadside assistance insurance.
  2. i used just standard acid core solder for plumbing. fast forward to 6:25 on this video. it shows how to solder holes up in sheetmetal. this is old school for sure. dent puller and solder . yes you could use a washer as backing on the larger hole. Of course this is not the preferred way to repair. welding is the best but you said you did not want welding sparks to damage your paint. another option is if you could take the door off the car and mig weld it up. to minimize the heat damage to the paint you could use a moldable heat dam around the weld area
  3. anything behind the bondo to keep it from absorbing moisture inside the door is a good thing. i've used masking tape before as a backing until the bondo set up. then pulled it off and painted the bondo from the back side. i'de indent the holes a little before bondo'ing. soldering them would be my preference though.
  4. ZXR616, I think the fuel regulator, header and possibly megasquirt are the reason you don't get heat soak. Have you tweaked your MAT values or cranking pulsewidth in megasquirt ? edit: from the mazda megasquirt forums "i have upped my cranking pulses 30% to accomodate the e85"
  5. sell it to me so you can put some paint on that 620. Im curious as to how it made it from glendale az to atlanta. anybody know dean tilton? maybe he'd be interested in where it is now. edit: Dean Tilton passed away. i do believe this car was his pride and joy. Dean Tilton Obituary: View Dean Tilton's Obituary by The Arizona Republic
  6. megasquirt owners also deal with heat soak. someone suggested that the heat affects the copper windings inside the injector and reduces its pulse. for megasquirt owners there are no options? they do have MAT air density correction but it doesn't seem to help the problem much. would increasing pulse width during hot startups help solve the problem? will len's hellfire be able to compensate using software? M54 Megasquirt 3: Fuel Injector Heat soak
  7. this is what jeep did to prevent heat soak. notice the insulation is only in the center of the manifold. the zx injector fan also points to the center injectors. Injector heat shield - Jeep Wrangler Forum
  8. yesterday i decided to do a little experiment. i detached my fuel rail leaving the injectors still attached to the rail. i then turned on the fuel pump and used a 9v battery to turn on and the injectors one by one. i thought i would have had at least one leaking injector. not even one little dribble could be seen. i also checked the cold start valve for a leak. i then pulled the injectors off the rail and soaked them in an ultrasonic bath of solvent. ran solvent both directions thru the injectors. its been 10+ years since i replaced these injectors so they were due for a good cleaning anyways. car ran more smoothly at idle but the real test will be when i go for a long drive and try to restart. btw i have the plastic injector insulators and a new check valve. the 280z exhaust manifold looks quite a bit more meaty than the zx manifold. perhaps a zx manifold would help the heat soak problem. does anyone in a 280z run a zx exhaust manifold?
  9. can you hear the sound by revving the motor to the rpm of 60 mph?
  10. crack when you're taking it out you mean?
  11. hr369 replied to IdahoKidd's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    If the piston bore is ok couldnt a machine Shop weld the block hole up? Ive arc welded metal thicker in the Army when i repaired tank armor.
  12. hr369 replied to IdahoKidd's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    what were the rpm's when it blew?
  13. paint code: rust "THE CAR WILL NEED FENDERS AND QUARTER PATCH WORK HERE AND THERE INCLUDING ROCKERS. THE FRONT RAILS DONT LOOK TO TO BAD" Here and there? how about everywhere! very optimistic seller to say the least. rust belt car thats been spared the crusher. however, no reserve and some rare parts on it. dash, possible sport mirrors, seeker am radio... good deal if price doesn't go to far from where it is now. Datsun Z Series 240 | eBay
  14. just a thought i had on this. ive used this technique to spot bad tires in the past. its not exact but its worked for me. i get a 4' or so piece of 2x4 wood and drive a nail in the center. jack up the car and put the wood with the nail lightly against the tread and turn the tire. its a crude dial indicator. if the tire is out of round you it will get hard then easy to turn. you can also use white spray paint on the tread to see lighter or heavier areas.
  15. hr369 replied to Jason240z's post in a topic in Build Threads
    these are ford drain plugs that they used at the bottom of quarter panels. kind of big but there are probably smaller ones out there. it has a nice directional cover to keep water from splashing in.
  16. for those of you that are diehards and really want to get into zama, i've found the japanese page for the memorial garage tour. They have 3 tours a month. im going to probably ask my wife or one of her friends to call them and see if i can get a june tour. their telephone in japan 050-2029-5549 probably only japanese speaking person on the other end. Google Translate This cut n paste is from autoweek magazine. I would hope this is not going to happen to the collection. maybe time is of the esscene to get in to see it. The article was written january 2014. Eiichi Shimizu, a retired manager from Nissan's domestic market section who now is one of Zama's tour guides, confesses that there are other holes in the heritage collection. "We're missing so many models," he sighs. "We're hoping enthusiasts out there who own them will donate them to us." Shimizu says the collection lacks Nissan buses and work trucks. But, he says, "They're not hard to find on the road -- but people who own them tend to drive them until they're worn out." The building used to hold more than 400 cars, he says, but it was getting too crowded. So, Shimizu is asked, where will the heritage center museum put all the additional cars he wants? "Space is an issue," he agrees. "We're actually a little worried about that. Lately, we're feeling pressure from the plant here. They're threatening to take this space to expand production of battery modules. "If that happens, I will have to appeal directly to the president of Nissan to stop it."
  17. hr369 replied to MAgree's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    ebay.. you will get far more eyeballs on it there. a calif blue plate car with no rust should sell for around 5-6k i think 7 is pushing it. in california stop-n-go commute traffic i cannot see an automatic trans as a negative.
  18. hr369 replied to Jason240z's post in a topic in Build Threads
    how are you going to keep water out of that dog leg in the future? i ran a weld over the top of my joints so no water should make its way inside the leg. i think that joint sees alot of body flex and the body seam sealer over the years cracks. i know how people want to keep the car original in all respects but im sure there are ways to improve the engineering over what datsun did.
  19. cherry blossom time too cold for me. always freeze my butt off in my mother inlaws house. its old with no insulation. paper thin walls and drafty single pane glass. someone needs to tell them that shoji screens have an R value of 0. why is it the only women i see in kimono's are women in their 50's and 60's ? im getting ripped off! The micro mini's on the escalators are going to have to keep me entertained. if someone is interested in visiting rocky auto, i would suggest going in fall. they could see the fall colors in kyoto and check out the z's and not freeze. The toyota factory tour and museum are fairly close too.
  20. fastwoman - vw's that i've looked at have the accumulator located next to the fuel pump. Thats not to say other cars might have them far away from the fuel pump. But this is how bosch designed the system for vw's. good question on the cherokee using accumulators. i googled cherokee fuel accumulator and did not turn up any and the cherokee forums don't mention them. a vacuum line going from front to back would a pain and you might need a vacuum tank reservoir to keep a stable vacuum. i guess you could use the a/c hvac bottle in the engine compartment. the deloreans have the accumulator about 7' from the rear and it appears to be located away from the fuel pump. but... everyone knows how crappy that car performed. Fuel Accumulator Removal and Installation check valve alternatives - I ran across this high flow bosch check valve for the Bosch 044 fuel pump it threads right into the fuel pump and uses AN style fittings. Bosch 044's are around 100 bucks new. Bosch 044 High Flow Check Valve, -6AN outlet [bFP-CV6] - $50.00 : Jay Racing
  21. rocky auto is way down by nagoya. thats an expensive train/plane ride. but if you're down nagoya way you should visit the toyota museum. It has datsun's too. here is a list of 15 in japan. Japanese Car Museums: 15 To Get You Started : 7Tune.com if you're staying just in the tokyo area try the mega web museum. i don't know about nissan heritage museum. that would be my first choice to visit. i hear its not officially open to the public but there sure are alot of forums that have guys talking about visiting. anyone know who to speak to there on getting in? according to the zama website they have a z432 and a 240z-g plus 5 other regular z's from the 70's im going to nagoya and tokyo june 1 and would like to see the zama collection myself. i will be researching this further too. But, i think the most z's to be seen is at rocky auto. from the video's i've seen of the place he's got dozens on his lot.
  22. the volume of these bosch accumulators is pretty small. what would it take to fill one? 3 -5 seconds? if that indeed is a problem, they do make a very small accumulator. see the size difference. Big one is first picture. if you search on volvo hot start problem there are lots of forums with the same problem. i do believe many of the 70's and 80's volvo's use the same fuel pump check valve. I do believe thats part of the problem. Its too weak and allows bleed back when pressure rises after shutdown. Perhaps a different-better higher pressure check valve? The jeep cherokee guys have the same issues and they have resorted to the hood vents and injector fans too. they even had a recall because injector #3 was throwing a code. the band aid was a injector shield for #3 but didn't work very well. they use this fan timer if anyone is interested ELK-960 - ELK Delay Timer im wondering if there is any difference between the z and zx exhaust manifolds other than the additional o2 sensor. perhaps nissan made a beefier exhaust manifold that reduces heat soak?
  23. the problem with "restored" vehicles is they can bondo and paint over sins. does he have proof of it being a texas car? i'de want to see documentation. who did the bodywork? does he have receipts? are you sure those hideous 60's metal flakes will grow on you? Personally, i like this one better and especially if the price stays under 6k Datsun Z Series 2 Door | eBay
  24. Its not only a 78 280zx but its a 280zx fairlady with an L4. even more rare is paint code "original Az faded" original owner since 78-2012. Nissan 280ZX Fairlady | eBay
  25. The only affect the accumulator has on fuel pressure while the pump is running, is that it keeps the pressure more steady because of the reservoir of fuel it has. The magic happens when the car is shut off and the spring and diaphram take over and supply residual fuel pressure. Fuel pressure coming into the fpr is "always" constant and its the regulators job to raise or lower pressure. with the addition of an accumulator, its job has not changed. the only difference now is that pressure supplied to the fpr is more stable. the accumulator is kind of like a surge tank to prevent starvation on the race track. in our stock cars heat soak is the "race track"

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