Everything posted by hr369
Fuel system modification plus 73-74
S30 Heater Service Manual dated 2-73
Automobile pollution control the Datsun way circa 1977
anyone going to new zealand? LD28 crank cheap
I sent a v07 from hawaii to los angeles and it was 115 and that was using the usps. I crated it in 1/4" plywood and weighed 55lbs, but you could probably wrap it in heavy cardboard and do it cheaper.
anyone going to new zealand? LD28 crank cheap
Well there is medical tourism and sex tourism. How about car part tourism expensive to ship. I guestimate 4-500 shipping Definately only if you're in the neighborhood. I have heard NZ has a good supply of these. You'de have to buy up more to make the trip pay for itself. I emailed him to see if he can get more airfare is only 1200 round trip for me on hawaiian. I always wanted to see NZ
anyone going to new zealand? LD28 crank cheap
These do fit inside a checked baggage suitcase http://www.ebay.com/itm/162237300884?ul_noapp=true
really cool s130 fairlady car cover
power antenna switch heating up
My antenna is slowing down. I even put wax on the mast to speed it up but didn't notice much change. I will try deoxit on that antenna switch and see if it makes any difference. thanks.
One Confused Z
Back end looks like a first gen RX-7 They even come with flares! I bet its much cheaper than that 1974 s30 rocky auto just put up for 10,584,000円
Water pump
Have you checked your freeze plugs with an ice pick lately? That's another thing to keep an eye on if they're original's. Sounds like the seal blew fast and furious style. When was the last time you replaced the radiator cap? I had a head scratcher like this recently too with an Aisin water pump in my toyota. I would do a pressure test with the engine cold and it would test fine. Then i would go for a longer drive and it would lose coolant and system pressure and start boiling. My warning sign was a little noise too.
Running 2 Radios in my 240z
I would run the signal seeker on a seperate small 4 ohm speaker. That thing wasn't designed to run modern speaker(s) That radio is rated @ 4 watts output. You can get an antenna splitter to run 2 radio's on one antenna.
OE stereo install 75 280z
I've always thought that the metal plate goes directly behind the plastic faceplate to protect it from distorting. But... looking at the manual for the 78 with the clarion, it shows no metal plate. Perhaps an oversight in the manual? My 78 had the metal plate when I got the car and it was directly behind the plastic faceplate.
s20 header glowing
Don't know how fast. Therre are no comments with this photo but he's got some screen shots of the dyno with it topping out at 8k rpm. It's in the victory50 photo album on facebook. This guy has built a mechanical tachometer adapter for the s20. It bolts onto the front of the head and he also makes lots of other parts that are NLA on the skylines.
s20 header glowing
From the album: used fairlady's
- s20header-glowing.jpg
- glowingheaders.jpg
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
So i thought i'de fixed the radio part of this player by reseating the 4 big transistors on the back but I was wrong. I must have jostled this resistor and it came back to life for a while but i lost the radio sound when i was putting the case back on. FRUSTRATING. So, an oldschool technique is to wiggle, prod, shake things until something happens. This is the result.
Pricing 240z Rally Clock w/ Fully Functioning Oscillator?
Yea, just checked tracking on it. 11 days in customs. I wonder if they opened it. Must have looked suspicious under xray with that plug hanging off the circuit board like that. I hope we're not on any lists anywhere. I will find out the next time i fly. If there is SSSS on my boarding pass i'm gonna be mad.
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
ok, popped it in and NO smoke on the desk!
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
I've got a 1n4001 and will pop it in this spot. Play smoke on the desk instead of the water
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
It's not a big problem if the diode is in backwards. The current just won't flow thru the circuit. I'm more concerned why these things burned up I'm thinking they put in ones that were too small. I'm thinking the gears got harder to turn over the years and the motor drew more current than they designed for that circuit.
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
hitachi makes a zenier. 40ma rating. http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/zener-diodes/4012603/ The 1n4001 are 1.0 amp.
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
All the other diodes have the diode symbol printed on the circuit board and the red band is the cathode side on them.
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
Dave, we got it wrong! Even though it says "C9" ,the designation for a capacitor, on the board and does NOT have the symbol for diode like all the other diodes that are identical, there is a diode in this spot! Alan snapped a picture of his hitachi and its shows one of those identical brown ceramic diodes in this spot.
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
how much is blue selling his for? maybe i can undercut his price??