Everything posted by hr369
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
This tape is over 40 years old but still doesn't sound half bad. There is a hack to make you own mp3 adapter.
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
I have 2 sets of 260z mounts that could also be modified to fit the later radio but it's a bit of work. Got an electrical harness for it yet? You could probably use a 78 radio harness on it.
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
Remember these? Get your own valid XHTML YouTube embed code Almost forgot. Gotta clean this label up to print some new ones. This is going to be LOTS of work.
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
Comparing an earlier one to a later i've noticed differences in the radio pcb. On the older radio there is a 472 green mylar whereas on the newer one (mine) there is none. Could this be the mystery cap? On the older radio there is no pad or wires (lower left hand corner) for the auto tune circuit. Top picture is older radio bottom picture is newer radio (mine)
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
The legs that hitachi put on most of the components is a strange design and they're a bear to try to solder to. I ended up just removed them and soldered the components directly to the board. This thing is built like a brick sh!thouse. Weighs a ton.
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
I didn't have an antenna attached is the reason it didn't lock onto anything. I wanted it to do continuous scanning because this thing has probably been sitting 20+ years and there are A LOT of gears that turn when its scanning. I also faked an 8 track tape being inside and the motor turns and it changes tracks like it should. I had it on for quite a while and if the function of that cap is to filter out the current from the signal pulse, shouldn't that cap be getting a little warm from filtering out the 8 volts? It's not warm at all.
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
I think i owe you some radio mounts for your 77
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
Dave, you da man. I put in the 2 diodes and a 222 mylar (0.0022) from my old hitachi radio graveyard and auto tune came to life Now all i gotta do is track down some Steppenwolf and Deep purple 8 tracks and I'll be rocking out 70's style. https://youtu.be/koRaDwKz8yk keyword: cst-2000zd cst2000zd if anyone needs to repair their auto tune circuit on their jdm 8 track.
WTB series 1 antenna switch
Thanks! I was going to replace that but it's now one less thing to do. A+ seller here
Ask TonyD. He's probably itching to get rid of some of his collection after getting ripped off and he's good at packing containers. There are some guys in australia that are sending old datsun trucks OUT of the country. What's the deal with that? got too many trucks? https://youtu.be/Y6WQwg8gqFs Look how many you can pack in there!
New Tech Tips Web Site Name
What ever happened to Kammy? Anyone know if he's still in hawaii and if still has the z? How about datsunz-techtips ?
WTB series 1 antenna switch
zKars, just got the switch. Your's is a much better looking switch than the one on ebay Thanks! In fact the electrical connector looks brand new. Do you have more than 1 of these?
Pricing 240z Rally Clock w/ Fully Functioning Oscillator?
Gav, that would be me. Eric set them all to me. Let me calculate shipping and i'll send you a paypal request. Get your own valid XHTML YouTube embed code If you want I can send you this oscilator that i've mocked up to run off the standard plug. Let me know.
1977 OE hitachi radio MOUNTS
how good are you at fabrication? To make up a crude set wouldn't be that difficult. If you don't want to do that then, i'de suggest buying one of those $150'ish 280 radio's on ebay and rob it for the mounts and put it back on for the same price you bought it for Maybe clean it up a bit and offer SANE shipping costs. Some are crusted with dirt and body oil ack... Most people sell those with the radio's unfortunately.
WTB: Hitachi Radio
WTB: Hitachi Radio
If you want an exact replica you would need to change the OK stamp back to red and use a color printer but it's a good place to start from. I've seen some labels without the red OK stamp too. final-worked-1081-labels.doc
WTB: Hitachi Radio
Just went back into my photo archives and found this radio i had. It's an 1081A with the green light that came out of this early car #721 that was totalled a few years ago. However, I cannot verify that the radio was added later as I don't know the history of this car. Perhaps other people know the history and can verify if it was original to the car.
WTB: Hitachi Radio
Brought another one back from the dead. Not bad for a 46 year old radio. The power light burned out so I replaced it with a red led. Much brighter than the old bulb. In daylight I could barely see the light with the old bulb. The single jpg of the radio label was what I had to start with. It was the best one I could find on the web. Tweaking aspect ratios and tweaking layers isn't my cup of tea but considering what I started out with, it turned out pretty good.
- WTB series 1 antenna switch
Pricing 240z Rally Clock w/ Fully Functioning Oscillator?
Eric, I was speaking theoretically on going backwards. Do you think i would forget the pawl? He just has to be careful that he doesn't put the full 12v from the car into the motor poles. Those motor wires are very thin. Gav, what are you going to use for a box? please post pics when you get it running.
WTB series 1 antenna switch
saw that one. Thought ide give someone here the chance to offload one they dont need before going there, Ebay and paypal fees have gotten rediculas.
Pricing 240z Rally Clock w/ Fully Functioning Oscillator?
I think i read somewhere that Ron was doing these conversions from later to earlier rally clock. I do know he does a conversion to update the old 240z jeco with a quartz movement. There is a guy on youtube that put another motor from another car clock in his jeco clock so its possible. Jeco made other rally clocks for other cars too. They're a bit different looking but it's probably a good bet that they used the same motor. I believe the synchronous motor should just spin the wrong way if you reverse polarity to the poles and both oscillators are reverse polarity protected.
Pricing 240z Rally Clock w/ Fully Functioning Oscillator?
Eric, that's a really bad picture but my wife says she can read the kanji. We went over it a 2nd time. Blue- power supply , black-earth Here is another photo. It doesn't give wire colors. Just says power supply and ground. Not sure what the "B" and "L" mean. Any ideas?
WTB series 1 antenna switch
My latest project to keep me out of trouble is fixing up this old signal seeker. Anyone have an antenna switch?
Pricing 240z Rally Clock w/ Fully Functioning Oscillator?
Eric, I have serveral unmolested harnesses here and they match what you wrote here. Also, this diagram shows how the oscillator is powered. Blue + and black - Since we're getting into harness configuration I might add that there is a later harness for the s30 but the wires are all the same color as the earlier harness. Just the plug on the clock side is different.