nope got aussie thru and thru, yeah cant get nothing hear either, im thinking i might have to fabricate them myself, ive got the skills and the time but seeing as everything in my carbs are worn eyond recognitin, ittl take me foreever to measure and make
ok i just got myself a 260z ('74 shell with a 75' engine) it hadnt had fuel through it in about 15 years. so i removed the plugs oiled the cylenders and all the rest. and any way it started on maybe 2-3 cyl and was smoking like crazy, im putting the smoking down to oil leaking thru the valves over the years. its not runing very very rough on 4 cyl. but it still smokes and wont idle...foot to the floor to get it to run. ive worked out that all the jets are just pouring out fuel and flooding the engine. im guessing i need new needles and seats in my carbs, were can i get kits, how do i do the replacment. and could there be anyother ideas/ reasons to why my cars being a pain. thanks Linguini
hi all, ive recently bought myself a 260z 2+2. and i can tell you its gonna be a LOOOONG journey. but hey keeps me off the sreets....for now. i was a 2nd year mechanicla engineer apprentice, unfortuantly due to ongoing medical ilness i had to quit. hence why i bought the car. to keep myself occupied. its a 74 shell with a 75 engine in it duel carb. btw where can i buy carb kits, because mine are totaly shot. thanks