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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. Oh, and welcome aboard!! Beautiful set of cars you've got there!
  2. I think that final generation of RX-7's are one of the most beautiful looking cars ever produced. I would probably own one if it weren't for the unusual rotary underpinnings. I just don't want the hassle. Too bad it wasn't available with an aluminum block V-8.
  3. Thanks guys! So for 77, everything should be black, but prior to that, everything should be silver. For me moving forward, it sounds like it really doesn't matter which color I go with, as long as everything is the same color. Makes me wonder why I've got a mix-match... Either my PO put earlier arms on, or the black finish came off over the years. I'll take a pic or two of what I've got as soon as I've got a stable picture host set-up.
  4. The wiper arms on my 77 are unpainted silver (stainless?), but the blade holders are black. I believe the blade holders are original (the two metal bar torsion spring style). They are metal, but painted or anodized black. Anyone know what the 77 wiper arms and blade holders should look like? Should everything be black? Should everything be silver? Or is correct to have silver arms and black blade holders?
  5. Derek, I feel your pain. Here's to hoping PB changes their mind and re-allows 3rd party posting. Not likely, but I guess it could happen!
  6. Wait... You're saying that the part for sale here is the same part that didn't sell on ebay for almost a year now? You're saying this is the exact same part??? And not only that, but it's being offered here for MORE than it was on ebay? Really??? Here's the revision history from the ebay auction. Seems it was up on ebay for almost a year with a number of price reductions along the way: And here's another shot of the one from the ebay auction. It looks nicer than the one being offered here. Like someone hosed it down with Armor-All right before the pics to make it look all shiny for the auction:
  7. I'm not sure how "short sighted" their management is. Looking at it from their point of view, I'm a waste of space. Sure I look at their ads, and I've even clicked on a couple of their vendors ad links to suppliers, but they surely can't get a lot of real money out of my existence. From their perspective, I'm sure they believe people like me are not bringing in money, but are taking up space. I suspect if they can weather the current shite-storm of bad press and hostile attitudes, they will be in a better financial position in a year or so. I can hope that doesn't happen and they change their mind and go back to how it was three weeks ago, but I doubt it.
  8. Well the big draw for me was a place to host my photos without a money outlay and make them available to youze guys. In other words, they would host my pics, and in return, I would look at all their ads as payment for the service.
  9. There was some discussion about a plastic valve cover here on the forum a little while ago in this thread: http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/57530-sold-240z-2400-valve-cover/?page=2#comment-521058 There was also a recent ebay ad for a similar part. The asking price was $550 and ended - no sale at that price: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-nissan-240z-260z-280z-280zx-RARE-ABS-valve-cover-JDM-1970-1971-1972-1973-/252459745803?rmvSB=true&hash=item3ac7c6020b%3Ag%3AH94AAOSwp5JWZ6Qw&afsrc=1&vxp=mtr&nma=true&si=ukwOSXVYy0FSfXGrdddCOdYZ3%2BY%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Here's a pic of the no-sale $550 one from ebay:
  10. "Late to this thread but better late then never.... " Wow. I disagree. I think never would have been better than late. Your first post ever on this forum - "Nyeah Nyeah Nyeah! Pbbbbbbthhhh! My part sold for exactly what wanted, so for all you people who said anything I didn't like about my auction... you are smart a$$ with little minds or have personally problems." It might just be me, but I would rather see someone come to the forum and try to participate in some way other than simply trying to profit from it's members. Add something constructive to the community before you start trying to make money off them. I mean... I get it. I understand you're trying to sell parts for the highest price you can get. Who doesn't?? Just add something constructive to the community instead of coming here to wave your fantastic awesome success in the air and rub members noses in it, and call people names simply because they have opinions you disagree with? Never would have been better than late. @Mike
  11. BBQ

    Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I like that Alton explains the science behind much of the tasks. Understanding what's going on lets me port the concepts to other recipes. Like the difference between giving a man to fish, and teaching a man to fish. If you understand the "why" in addition to the "what", you can use the same knowledge in other applications.
  12. wheee!, OK, you're allowed one strike, and since you're already ashamed about Nickelback, I guess the lesson has been learned. On quick search, I turned up lots of other artists from Alberta, but here's some that I recognized and don't turn off. Everybody's working for the weekend, right? Joni Mitchell K.D. Lang Tegan and Sara Loverboy Blind Melon Chitlin'
  13. From looking around on the internet for other people having problems, I believe the answer is "yes". It will disappear as soon as they get around to enforcing their newly released surprise policy on you. Probably hasn't happened to you yet because you don't do enough of it to get their attention. They are probably waiting until you have done enough of it to make changing direction really really painful. Painful enough they think you will consider paying $400 per year to fix it. Make it free until you are hooked, and then make you to pay to fix it.
  14. Were the hinge detent wheels worn on yours? I've got flat spots on mine from years of them not spinning properly and sliding instead of spinning. I've got a spare set of hinges here that I intend to rebuild before installing, but it's lower on the priority list.
  15. BBQ

    Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Alton Brown is my cooking hero. My son now even records old Good Eats episodes and shows me things he wants me to make for him. "You should make this for me" he says
  16. Haven't they been known to pick a song or two?
  17. Ewwww... Really? I'm so, so, sorry, but I have to hate you now. Crap. That's incredibly inconvenient.
  18. That looks fantastic. I sure wish I had reinforced frame rail jack points on mine.
  19. Sweaty, I know it's not the end of the world, and I'm actually less connected to this kind of stuff than many (most?) people are these days. Just bugs me that they lured me into putting all my eggs in that basket and then after I was hooked, they started charging an unreasonable amount of money. I was out in the Z yesterday, and the old song "The Pusher" done by Steppenwolf came on the radio. Made me think of Photobucket! Mike, I know I could put all my photos here, but not all of them are Z related. I do put some here though, if they are specific to this forum. Doesn't seem right though to put pics here and then link to them from a different Z forum. I know it's OK, but it just feels like cheating.
  20. Could be, but I've not turned up a comprehensive catalog that has pics and reliable dimensions. I decided on the Escort core because it was the thinnest, smallest, most generic, cheap core that I could find with tubes that stuck straight out on the same side. No long funky bent tubes. No weird mounting flanges. Generic, small, thin, and cheap because it's from a ubiquitous cheap car that was produced in high volumes. There could very well be something even better out there, but finding it is the hard part!
  21. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man. Great pics Zup and Happy 4th!
  22. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Canada
    Haha!! Sometime, my friend, I'm going to make it to your neck of the woods and we can have Poutine and Beer. Guaranteed good times.
  23. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Canada
    Happy Canada Day!! Is that an occasion for Royal Pudding? As is tradition?
  24. I'm not sure I was completely clear before as to why I question the business practices at play here. Here's a snippet from any photobucket pic that I have uploaded. On this pic you can see the easy to use short cut buttons they provide. You simply click on the type of address you want, and it's loaded onto your clipboard, ready to paste into the forum of blog of your choice. They tell you on that same page "SHARE THIS PHOTO", and provide you the means to easily do so. They have been ENCOURAGING THE SHARING OF THE PHOTOS FOR YEARS!!!!! And now, once you are mired in so deep that it would be a huge pain to change course, they change their policy and hold your links hostage to the tune of $400 per year!! I'm not happy.
  25. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Heat & AC
    Yeah, that was me... Here's the thread, but it's mostly useless because Photobucket SUCKS: http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/56726-heater-core-alternative-escort-core-into-260280/ Used to be loaded with pics, not all you get is this:

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