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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Build Threads
    Great work. Weird about the two rods being undersized. Let me make sure I understand what happened... You checked all six with plastigage first, and all of them (including 5 and 6) appeared to measure within spec with the plastigage. But then after cleaning out the spent plastigage and lubing everything up for final assy, the crank bound up when 5 and 6 caps were tightened? The implication here being that the plastigage test was unreliable for some reason or that the spec is actually a little too tight at the lower end?
  2. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Heat & AC
    Well here's a philosophical question for you... The system is normally under pressure, not vacuum. So if it hold's pressure in the correct direction (higher inside the system than out), is it really the end of the world that it won't hold pressure the other way (vacuum inside the system). Many seals are designed to hold pressure in one direction only. Did they do that on the A/C system? Like I said... Just enough to be dangerous.
  3. There was some chatter in this zcon 2017 thread. Not specific to Texas folks though: http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/55922-zcon-2017/
  4. Mak Never heard that, but I like it. I was just figuring that you're only ever going to have to do this once, I would have designed for overkill. Even though it's not a "safety part" like seat mounts, crash safety, or suspension integrity, the cost of failure is pretty high. It'll rip up the underside pretty good if that thing goes out. On the good side, (depending on how loud your exhaust system is), you'll most likely hear knocking around before an all out failure. RE the other comments, siteunseen and I went off on one of our all too often ADHD inspired Blazing Saddles excursions. Sorry for the distraction. Rossiz was going original classic and Cliff and I went with the satirical irreverent version.
  5. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Heat & AC
    Your leak detect efforts sound like they're working great. Holding vacuum undisturbed overnight is the litmus test my HVAC buddy goes by as well. Good luck with that step.
  6. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Heat & AC
    I've got the whole system from my old 74 and my goal is to adapt that to my 77. I don't know what differences there were from year to year, but I'm hoping there weren't significant changes from 74 to 77. I think my evaporator has a little copper line coming off it. Is that the thermostat you're talking about? I don't have any pics of this stuff, but I'll try to snap some when I get a chance. My thinking on my system install is that about the only stock parts I really really need is the evaporator expansion valve stuff and the condenser. Those are the things that are highly physically fit intensive and finding alternatives would be a real pain. I'm thinking that mounting a compressor from a different car is a bracket making exercise that I can handle. And the controls part is also something that I don't think needs to be stock. I don't plan to use the whole vacuum controlled stock system. I'm planning to stick with my manual control system and have a separate way to turn the system on. Of course, I only know enough about HVAC to be dangerous...
  7. Couple comments: That throttle speed screw looks like everyone I've ever seen. If that pic is recent, you still have a BCDD. I can see the wire is still connected. I assume you capped the AAR port on the top of the TB? Looks like it's open in the pic. "Eventually your plugs are going to fowl" - What's the matter Colonel Sanders?
  8. Beautiful. I've always loved the look of those headlight covers. The Grow Warehouse - Hydroponics and Organics - In Colorado. Owned by Cheech and Chong?
  9. Thanks! Yeah, that's pretty much the version I remember. I never heard the scientist version. I mean, It's poop humor... Why try to Classi it up and involve scientists?? So I'm not sure that's not the first joke I ever heard, but that's about when I made the leap from "What's black and white and read all over?" kind of joke that your teachers tell. This is the first one I remember that came from friends, not authorities. The first one I didn't just smile from because I "got it", but the first one really laughed at.
  10. Haha!! First jokes! I don't remember all the details of my first joke... All I remember was the monkey trying to put the cork back in.
  11. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Heat & AC
    I've got my dash out for the off season working on the Escort heater core install. But one of the other things I'm going to start on is adding A/C. I'm going to put the evaporator in this time before I put the dash back into place. That'll be my first step. I'll be going through the exact same thing you are in the future. I know I don't need it like you do, but I want A/C. I'm going to have a bunch of questions about parts availability...
  12. Chewing gum in line?????
  13. Re hatch logo arrangements - Do you have any M6 logos? If not, I vote for the last one. Re the drive shaft coupler - I don't know what thread inserts would add there. Honestly, I was never completely comfortable with the choice of aluminum for the coupler. I know it would have been more difficult to work with, but I would have used steel for the whole thing.
  14. Cool. I love it when a plan comes together. @TomoHawk, there has been all this discussion since you started the thread. You get yours apart too?
  15. I would love to see this thing in person. Too bad we're on opposite coasts. If I make the trip, it won't be until it's done so I can drive it.
  16. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Trouble I tell ya... Trouble. I got your backs, but remember that I'll be wearing beer goggles too. You look maahvelous!!
  17. Bang bang, Vroom vroom?
  18. Reminds me of something I saw on craigslist... There's a Roadster for sale nearish me. At least that's what he says it is... Kinda hard to tell from the pic, but at least his asking price is realistic: https://southjersey.craigslist.org/cto/5990416097.html
  19. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Yeah, I can see that. That's what I was thinking when I said it was faster. Just listen for the beep instead of waiting for the display to settle. I'm not judging. And that brings up one of the reasons I don't like autoranging... It takes longer for the display to settle because it has to first figure out the correct range and THEN display the value.
  20. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    A perfect, irreverent, questionable judgment, barely legal, authorities attracting... storm.
  21. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Yes, that's the one. We need to keep the two of you apart. I fear it's a perfect storm...
  22. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Personally, I'm not a big fan of auto-ranging. I've found them to be annoying. And I don't think I would use a "continuity" setting much either. I just use a low Ohms scale. What is "continuity" anyway on a meter? Some arbitrary threshold below which they sound the beeper? About the only advantage I can see is that it might be a little faster than waiting for the reading to settle?
  23. HAHAHA!!! I didn't think of that. Yeah, let's hope Sharpie isn't an etch resist!
  24. I'm not going to take my battery terminal off to put tape on the posts every time I park the car. Needs to be something that I can do discreetly and easily. "Easy for the owner to use while making it difficult for the thief to detect, disable, or bypass."
  25. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    One other detail for now... I don't have the flat tops for that car. HE has the flat tops for that car. And they're ON the engine. Modified flat tops with some custom improvements:

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