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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. I have measured the current into the starter solenoid in the past, and while I can't find my notes, I believe it was approaching 10 Amps. Seven or eight maybe? I do know that it's enough to eventually burn up the insides of the ignition switch: So if you're planning to use a push-button non-stock starter button, you could use something beefy and maybe get away without a relay. But if you're planning to use the stock ignition switch, I would suggest a relay to cut down on the current to the switch. I think it's mistake that Datsun didn't do that from the start and if you're already making changes to harnesses and stuff, it would be the perfect time.
  2. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    For the people who say stuff like "Flu kills hundreds of thousands every year, covid will be just one of them", I took a quick look for some covid/flu comparisons for the US.* From >> https://www.cdc.gov/flu/season/faq-flu-season-2020-2021.htm Flu activity was unusually low throughout the 2020-2021 flu season both in the United States and globally, despite high levels of testing. The low level of flu activity during this past season contributed to dramatically fewer flu illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths compared with previous flu seasons. And from >> https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weeklyarchives2020-2021/week10.htm here it is in graphical format: When comparing the data, I get two quick takeaways. First... There were very few flu cases or deaths in the 20-21 season, and in fact, there were so few that they aren't even recognizable on the chart when compared with previous years. And second (and even more important)... The data shows a clear discrediting of the belief that "covid is just another flu". Why is that so clear? Because in 2020 and 2021, many people adjusted their lifestyle in an attempt to not get covid. Those lifestyle modifications included such things like social distancing, wearing masks, remote work and learning, etc. And a welcome side benefit of those covid mitigation techniques is that they practically eliminated the flu in 20-21. (cite the same source as above for details) But those lifestyle changes clearly didn't eliminate covid. Despite those mitigation efforts we unfortunately STILL gave up over 600000 people to covid. We didn't give up many at all to the flu, but IN SPITE of all of those lifestyle changes we unfortunately gave up a whole bunch to covid. So the data clearly shows that covid is way worse than just another flu. It's way worse. Not only have we lost more people to covid (in just one year), than the past TEN years of the flu combined, but the techniques employed to slow the spread of covid were pretty much crushed the spread of flu, but were not nearly as effective against covid. Why? Well it's certainly not because covid is just another flu. And when people compare covid and the flu like this: "Flu kills hundreds of thousands every year, covid will be just one of them." They are downplaying the severity of the pandemic. I'm hoping that downplay isn't intentional. I'm thinking they just haven't seen the data. *Sorry @DC871F, I didn't get any source citations for your numbers, so I can't work with them.
  3. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Interestingly enough, I packed so much stuff to do in Colorado that there wasn't much time left to develop a haze. I think I made it to just two brewpubs the entire time I spent there. Something had to give. Haha!!
  4. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    @DC871F Could you please cite your sources for the info above? I'd like to review the data.
  5. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I didn't go to the invade denver event, but I was at the show on Sat as well. I was asking if you were at the show because I met a guy named Seyler* during my whirlwind trip to Denver/Co. Springs, but I don't remember where. I can't remember if it was at the show on Saturday, or up in Denver on Monday maybe. *although I thought it was spelled "Sailor".
  6. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    @DC871FCould you please cite your sources for the info above? I'd like to review the data. The reason I'm questioning is that Zed Head's numbers (cited with links from the CDC) do not support your claim and I'm wondering if it's a math mistake or what. According to the estimates cited by ZH, there were a TOTAL of 209 thousand who died in the US from the flu IN THE LAST TEN YEARS, while there were about 500 thousand who died from covid IN JUST LAST YEAR. When I look at that data, my takeaway is "in just 2020 alone, over twice as many people died in the US from covid than the last combined TEN years of the flu." That's what the numbers look like to me. I'm not sure I'm looking at it right... Am I misinterpreting the CDC's numbers?
  7. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    @DC871F I believe I can usually figure out what people are trying to say when they post stuff, but in this case, I'm sorry but I'm at a loss. What does traffic death statistics have to do with covid? Why are you posting that?
  8. Your diagram looks great. Gave my brain a twist with things in different locations than the original diagrams, but who am I to stand in the way of progress. Are you creating a new diagram because it's going to be different than stock (with things like relays where there originally weren't any)? My go-to diagram for all things Z electrical related is the fantastic color wiring diagram* created by @wal280z. WAL's diagram is for the stock system and I'm guessing yours will be for non-stock? *Yes, it's 77-centric, but I start there first to get my bearings regardless of the year.
  9. LOL. As it should be.
  10. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Welcome aboard! Were you at Zcon two weeks ago in Co. Springs?
  11. I added the wire colors to the sketch SteveJ mentioned.
  12. @Pilgrim Next time we need to figure out a way to get more of the forum guys together. If for nothing else, just to put a face with a name!
  13. And jars of Vaseline. https://youtu.be/1yzKmekm80A?t=10
  14. The arcade / museum in Manitou Springs. Lots of machines from decades gone by. Here's the results of Wal280z's grip test. No surprise: And here's my vote for the best pinball machine ever made. Bally's Fireball:
  15. And a great time was had by all!! Here's a couple pics from my collection. Zup, CO, and wal280Z up on the mountain overlooking Colorado Springs. We're on the old Gold Camp Rd. This road used to be a railroad between Cripple Creek and Co. Springs. Since it wasn't used anymore, they took up the rails and turned it into a "road" sorta: There were a couple places along the old train route where it was easier to tunnel through the hills than go around them. Some of these tunnels have completely collapsed and are impassable, but some of them are still in use. Here's tunnel #1: We stopped for a break a little later in the day. This pic needs no explanation: Quick sightseeing stop at Helen Hunt Falls: Quick stop to see Starr Kempf's kinetic sculpture artwork: Bristol Brewing: Cog railway to the top of Pike's Peak: My crappy pics from the top of Pike's Peak don't do it justice at all, but here's what I got:
  16. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Thirds that.
  17. Haha! Well that was inconclusive, so who knows? All we know at this point is that while the retaining straps are asymmetric, maybe even Datsun didn't care which way they went in. I mean, with so many people putting them in randomly over the years (because they never knew they were asymmetric), it clearly doesn't matter all that much. Thanks for the measurements!
  18. Also forgot to ask... @CanTechZ, did you check the angles on the cross member as well? Do they reflect the same differences that exist on the retaining straps? If so, that would also help positively determine the correct direction for the straps. I have a cross member here that I could use to check, but I would have to spend some time just getting it clean enough to get good measurements. if yours is already clean enough?
  19. Thanks for putting some quantitative numbers on my "they look different to me". So are you sure the clamps were in the right way before you took them off? In other words... Are you sure about that "56 degree end goes in front and the 50 degree end goes towards the rear"? Has your rack ever been off the cross member before? The rack I was messing with here when I noticed the difference had poly bushings in it, so I know some PO had been in there in the past. In other words... I have very little confidence that the straps were in the same position as when they first left the factory.
  20. I haven't held those retaining straps against the rack since I took them off. If I get a chance today, I'll do that and snap some pics. Back when I first noticed the seeming asymmetry, I'm sure I tried that, but I don't remember how it turned out. And yes, they're rusty. Not "bottom of the sea boat anchor" rusty, but typical "fifty year old east coast car" rusty.
  21. Doubtful but possible? The gusseting on the curves should make that relatively difficult. I think you could bend an ear down, but I'm seeing differences further up the radius.
  22. The threadlock stuff is probably something like "90% strength after 24 hours, but could take up to a week to reach full strength". That's the typical ambiguous CYA cure statements they usually use. I think the CA based stuff requires steel ions and either moisture or lack of air to activate or something like that. There's a chance that the zinc plating on the hardware could slow it down some. In any event, I would be willing to give it a twist after it sat for 24 hours and see what happens. I also know that tight fitting threads would hold better. Some of the hardware store stuff is so sloppy that you're asking the threadlock to fill too large of a gap. Here's hoping you're good!
  23. As far as I know, the bushings don't have a front or a back. Of course, the later years have a left and a right, but I've never seen any mention or heard any chatter about a front and a back. There's no mention in the FSM's that I could find. I was surprised to see what I (think I) saw. Makes me wonder if they really intended there to be an F/R and just didn't put that detail into the manuals. And it's not like I've ever heard anyone talk about problems there. "Yeah, I got some weird steering play that I can't figure out. I wonder if I got my retainer brackets on backwards." said nobody ever.
  24. Since this topic is about steering racks... A little while ago I was messing with a donor steering rack and I noticed that the rack retaining straps appeared to be asymmetric. I've never ever seen any chatter about it, but it appears to me that these straps have a "front and a back"? The difference is subtle... I've included a sketch I whipped up to exaggerate and highlight the difference: The jury is still out on which way the straps should be installed, but here's what I found. I think the more gradual end goes towards the front of the car, but since I've never been in possession of a rack that hasn't been worked on in the past, I can't be sure: Thoughts from the collective? (This started on a different thread, but I thought it might be good to collect steering rack specific stuff here as well.)
  25. Just another tricky day for you.

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