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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I should have expected that. Unfortunately I couldn't find any details about the internals of the Nissan stock filter. Not surprising, but unfortunate. So I don't know if Nissan included a bypass valve inside their filters or not. The advantage of putting a bypass in the filter is you can use it in applications whether there is a bypass built into the block or not. The disadvantage of putting a bypass in the filter is it takes up space which could otherwise be used by filter media. In other words, you can have more filter in the filter if you don't have to put a bypass valve inside. So if your're positive that the application where you are putting the filter has a bypass valve elsewhere, you don't have to burn that space with at valve inside the filter. And since Nissan designed both sides of that equation, I don't know what they did. But if you want to send me one, I would be happy to cut one open for you. And still... The claim that if you change your oil and filter at reasonable intervals and never let it on there so long that it clogs up the filter, it doesn't really matter.
  2. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Don't make me come down there to make sure that happens.
  3. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    What filter are you running? I'll see if I can dig up details on the internals. And by the way... In theory, the filter bypass only ever comes into play if you let the filter get so dirty that it clogs up the filter media. I know you're going to be changing your oil on your nice new motor way frequently enough that's not going to be an issue.
  4. Bummer. It's back? Or it never left completely?
  5. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Pretty much all of the new filters these days include a bypass valve built into them. You might not need that bypass in the block at all?
  6. If both the pickups are moved by the vacuum advance plate, then it really doesn't matter which one he uses. Just set the timing with a light and everything else should come out in the wash, right? The two pickups never change with respect to eachother. They're a fixed delta under all conditions.
  7. Right. On paper, that's not it. Of course, however... There is still the possibility that it's intermittent, and it was 740 Ohms that instant with the wires in exactly that position when you measured it. Aren't I just the bluebird of optimism?
  8. You can certainly measure the resistance of the pickup coil. I assume (but haven't looked) that there is a spec in the FSM to compare it against. But I'm thinking that if there is enough heat up there to cook the insulation on the wires, that just wrapping them with tape wouldn't change much. You would just start cooking the tape instead of cooking the wires. Bottom line? I think it might be a red herring, but I'd keep a close eye (and nose) on it. There should never be a hot electronics smell in the engine compartment. I know exactly the smell you're talking about, and that should not be happening.
  9. They changed the PCV routing scheme for 78 and the word on the street is that dealers would upgrade the PCV system of the previous years to the later (78) design whenever a car came in for servicing. The 78 PCV design included a "capped off T" on the rubber duct between the AFM and the throttle body, so from your description, it sounds like your car has the 78 style hose routing. So for your PCV system, you should refer to the 78 FSM instead of the 77. Here's a pic of a 78 scheme:
  10. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    <Sigh...> So is the Lambda covered well by the current vaccines? I know it's just a matter of time before this thing uses the unprotected pool of donors to mutate into a form that is NOT picked up by the vaccine, but I'm hoping that hasn't happened yet.
  11. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Thanks Dan!
  12. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Of course your health care is your personal choice, but one of the points I've been trying to make previously is that the info you get in order to make your choice should come from reputable sources. If you're getting your vaccine guidance from some guy on the internet (like that fear mongering youtube video), then I think you should seek more reputable guidance. If you're getting your vaccine advice from a Facebook friend, then I think you should seek more reputable guidance. Call your doctor and ask them. Simple as that. Ask your doctor what they think. Ask them about the risks of getting a vaccine and the risks of not getting it. Ask them if they recommend getting it or not. Ask your doctor about the bad things you've heard like tracking chips and sterility. Ask them what they think about those risks. Don't listen to me. Don't listen to Facebook. Don't listen to Youtube. Don't listen to MSNBC. Don't listen to FOX. Don't listen to that wacky "news" site run by the religious cult from China. Don't listen to internet "news" from someone who calls themselves "the first port of call for the argumentative Indian." Call your doctor. YOUR doctor. Call your doctor and ask. Call them and use their guidance to form an opinion that isn't fed to you by some guy on the internet. I've been struggling with figuring out how to put that into words.
  13. Sage words from a wise man.
  14. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yes, of course health is a personal decision. But my Z car friends won't catch your anal sex by standing next to you in line at Starbucks. In fact, by standing next to you in Starbucks, here's a partial list of things they won't catch from you: Your cancer. Your drug addiction. Your heart disease. Your obesity. Your diabetes. Lots and lots of people die from those, but the difference is YOU can't take me or my friends down with yours. And not only that, there isn't a vaccine to help prevent any of those. If we had a vaccine to reduce diabetes, I think it would be very popular and I don't think people would be diving for different corners because of it. I think I put my thoughts on the matter into reasonably good words earlier: https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/63698-covid-19/?page=67&tab=comments#comment-621155
  15. Big ol' bummer about that...
  16. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yeah, I don't like it when volunteers come to my door either, but if they have a permit, it's the American way. No different than the Jehovah’s Witnesses, or Democrats trying to convince you to vote for their candidates, or Republicans trying to convince you to vote for their candidates, or a volunteer trying to talk you into donating blood. This is nothing new. Volunteers in some locations have been going door to door to talk to people about getting a covid vaccine for months and months. But that youtube video is not at all what I got from the speech in question. For anyone who didn't watch the speech, here's what Biden said: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "We are continuing to wind down the mass vaccination sites that did so much in the spring to rapidly vaccinate those eager to get their first shot, and their second shot for that matter, if they needed a second. Now we need to go to community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and oft times door to door, literally knocking on doors to get help to the remaining people to protect them from the virus. Look... Equity. Equality. It remains at the heart of our responsibility of insuring the communities that are the hardest hit by the virus have the information and the access to get vaccinated. So... As we shift from these centralized mass vaccination sites where doing thousands of people a day, we're going to put even more emphasis on getting vaccinated in your community, close to home, conveniently, at a location you're already familiar with." And then he detailed a five point plan to put more emphasis on making sure vaccines are available at: 1) 42000 local pharmacies, 2) Family doctors and healthcare providers, 3) Family doctors and other doctors that serve younger people, 4) At work, work sites, or at least providing paid time off to get the vaccine, 5) Mobile clinics for festivals, sporting events, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My takeaway from that speech is that the large mass vaccination sites are no longer seeing enough traffic to make them viable, and it's time to close them down in favor of shifting more emphasis to other smaller more neighborhood-centric locations instead. The hope is that some people who felt apprehensive about going to the large facilities would feel more comfortable getting a vaccine from the trusted local neighborhood pharmacist or doctor that they've been dealing with for years. But because some people may not even know that trusted local neighborhood options are becoming increasingly available, we need to try harder to reach people wherever we can to get the word out. I'm sure not everyone gets exactly the same thing out of it as I do, but that's my take. So @Mike , back to questioning everything... Did you watch Biden's speech for yourself, or are you just letting some guy on youtube tell you what your opinion is? My take on that youtube video is that it's purposeful fear mongering falsely shrouded under a cloak of "humor". And as conedodger highlighted earlier, that kind of fear mongering isn't really helpful.
  17. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Granny, Thanks for helping all of us!! Hope tomorrow is no big deal!
  18. It's about a month away, and I've officially started training for the event. I figure the sooner I get familiar with the foreign environment, the better. Less shock to the system that way, right?
  19. Methinks somebody's got a problem!
  20. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Well THERE'S your problem!!
  21. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    When you winterized it last year, did you drain the bowls or was there fuel in there over the winter? My armchair mechanics opinion is that it's just a "simple matter"* of taking the carb off and giving it a good deep cleaning. * Proof is left to the student.
  22. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Great. So you're saying it's going to get worse. That's fantastic. Can't wait. As or the IR gun, I think you would have better success with an IR camera (FLIR?) instead of the gun. I don't know if the guns are pinpoint accurate enough to highlight the small area of one fuse. You're really looking for the differential between one fuse and another and I don't know if the gun would be good enough for that. Physics says there would be power dissipated any time there's an ohmic connection passing current. So don't forget the fact that the fuse clips are crimped onto the ends of wires. That's another ohmic connection. And one that you can't clean like the fingers on the clips themselves.
  23. Haha!! Done that!!
  24. Captain Obvious posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I'm no Holly expert, but if you can nurse it to mid-RPM's, but it still dies when you punch it, I would suspect crud in the mains. I would agree with your expectation if it was an accelerator pump issue. Even with no accelerator pump at all, you should be able to nurse it to WOT and full load. And even if you didn't nurse it, I think it would bog bad, then catch and scream. I think your mains are plugged and you're just running on the idle jets.
  25. So you can hear the fuel pump running, but fuel is not making it through the fuel filter... Have you had the fuel pump apart or disconnected? If you had it apart, there are some uni-directional parts inside that are relatively easy to assemble incorrectly. And you didn't have it apart, but had it disconnected... I've heard about some people getting the connections backwards and the pump wont pump if running in reverse. Another idea is the FSM says it might be difficult to get the fuel pump to prime if the tank has been run completely empty. I've not had that issue, but they warn about it. And lastly (just because I have to)... Maybe your filter is clogged?

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