Everything posted by Captain Obvious
Craigslist Scam
Steve, Well that's definitely the same car. That for sale ad on Hemmings looks legit. Someone probably just copied the pics and started scamming. Zed Head, The craigslist ad is already gone. But curiously... It doesn't say that it was flagged for removal. It says it was deleted by the author. I've corresponded a little with the scammer already, and I've considered sending them another message and stringing it out some, but I just have the interest. Unless someone has any good ideas, I'm just going to let it die.
- 1971 240z brake booster swap?
- 1976 280Z Restoration Project
Craigslist Scam
Friends Over For A Party In The Shop Yesterday
Haha! I should have put out an open invite, huh? Would have loved to have you over too! By the time we got to number four strut, it was "almost easy". Once you figure out the best order of events and which spacers, drifts, and little bits and pieces to use... It's almost assembly line.
Friends Over For A Party In The Shop Yesterday
Darn right. It was epic! Two more Z's with tight new rear bearings headed for the road soon!!
Bringing a 1977 Z back life
Well then that's extra awesome that was truly the first real start. Great work! If you want, I'll look in my box of stuff for a TVV. I've switched over to a completely different throttle body and I don't need the TVV anymore. If I've got one, I'll send you the one from my 77. Sorry to have steered you wrong on the 78 version.
Friends Over For A Party In The Shop Yesterday
And there was some beer involved. And grease. Lots of grease. The aftermath: You, my friend, definitely earned your keep yesterday!
Bringing a 1977 Z back life
That's awesome! And I would recommend putting some brake lines on the master cylinder before you put some miles on it. So... Was that really the first start? Or did you start it a couple minutes before just so you wouldn't look like a doofus cranking and cranking and cranking?
Dashboard wiring
No worries. So what year are you working on here? And my guess for that two position connector continues to be illumination bulbs. And based on the location in the car (which can now be seen in the wider angle shot ), I'm suggesting the bulb that lights up the gear shift position. Maybe that connector is supposed to tuck lower and go to the gear shift?
Dashboard wiring
I'm confused. I'm not sure what connector you are even interested in... In the first pic (of the wiring documentation) you centered the camera on a three position connector labeled LW/R/LR. But then in the second pic you are showing a two position connector with G/W and R/B. So which connector are you asking about? And close-up pics are great, but "context" could be more easily obtained if you were to pull the camera back a little. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_men_and_an_elephant
Combo switch
Green/white and red/blue is usually instrumentation lighting. Dash lights, HVAC illumination, ash try light... That sort of thing. I can't tell from that close-up where that connector is, but I suspect it's for a bulb somewhere.
1975 280z getting crushed for scrap metal
Yes, the metal mounts. I can get the plastic part if it's cracked. But I don't have the metal "L"s to put the plastic on.
Bringing a 1977 Z back life
Sweet. And if you want to swing by PHL and pick me up, I'd be happy to give you a hand. I got just one good arm right now, but I'll do what I can!
1975 280z getting crushed for scrap metal
Got something else... If any of them still have the engine, I need the spark plug wire loom brackets. The divider thingies that bolt to the valve cover.
- Duffy's 1/71 Series 1 240z build
Bringing a 1977 Z back life
Yeah, same thing at the P-n-P yards near me. When I go, I look like I'm going on safari. Everyone else looks like they're out for the weekend for good behavior.
- Duffy's 1/71 Series 1 240z build
Wiring EU Taillights/TS Problem
I have no idea what the differences are between the harnesses, but is there the possibility you could remove and reposition the contacts from the connector shell(s) to convert what you have into what you need?
78 280 Re-Assembly
Yes, evap, vapor, CARB... All the same thing. I wasn't correcting you at all. "Evaporative emissions control system" is the official name in the FSM. You were closer to that than I was. It's all good! The evap system uses that goofy check valve-ish device between the tank and the carbon can. You can see that device hanging out in this pic, near the bottom: On the tank side of that check valve, there could be some pressure buildup (due to a purposely high "cracking pressure"). But on the carbon canister side, there should never be any measurable pressure in that line. Point is... If it passes air, you should be OK. Smoosh it a little, or just let it be. The LAST thing I would do is cut it and introduce more leak points in the system.
Bringing a 1977 Z back life
Gotcha. So when you go back, pull off the brake master cylinder first. Easy-peasy and no flight suit required. Easy job up in the engine compartment. Once the M/C is off, take a look at the area where the master bolts to the booster... If it's clean and dry inside and not wet with brake fluid, then we're a GO. If it's all rusty and paint a-peelin from brake fluid, then just leave it. But if it is clean and dry, then the rest of the work is done down by the pedals. One pin with retaining clip, and four nuts. I've been able to reach all that stuff kneeling outside the car. I haven't had to resort to laying down face-up on the car floor. Not that bad. A bad day at the junkyard beats a good day at work. And much thanks if you grab one for me!!
78 280 Re-Assembly
That is the vapor vent line. If it passes air, it's probably fine the way it is. But if you get energetic, you might just smoosh the outward bump back in a little. That might help open up the ID a tiny bit more. If it bugs you.
Bringing a 1977 Z back life
Bummer. I didn't know about the glass specifically, but I'm not surprised. Just about everything else is different with the 77-78 doors. So, you mentioned the brake booster... Did you grab one? Sure I'd pay $25 for one that is dry and not rusty inside.
Looking for someone to share vendor spots at Carlisle - FREE!
Thanks. Me too. I'm headed to the first doctor tomorrow. I suspect this is a season-ending injury...
Combo switch
Gotcha. Working back through PO's work is always tough. Hope the rest of it goes smooth!