Everything posted by rgnewleaf
- Fuel Volatility
- Fuel Volatility
Difficult to start when hot
My 77 runs well except when restarting after it warms up. I can restart right away with no problem. If I wait 10 min or so it starts on one cylinder then two and if I start moving it will be running on all six in about 200 yards when accelerating. If I wait 30 min or so to restart there is no problem. I have no idea where to look. Any ideas or similar experience out there.
oil pressure sender
It reads max oil pressure when the ignition is turned on and goes to less than zero when the engine is started.
oil pressure sender
from NAPA auto parts. Echlin
oil pressure sender
I replaced my oil pressure sender on my 77 280 and it now seems to read backwards. Is this the aftermarket sender. I replaced it with another, also aftermarket, with the same result. Is this a problem with aftermarket senders?
77 280 Z oil pressure switch and rough running
Thanks for the reply, guess I will just have to live with the rough starts.
77 280 Z oil pressure switch and rough running
In the service manual it instructs to use a "conductive sealant" when installing the oil pressure switch. Nissan dealer says they use teflon tape. I don't believe that is conductive. Any advice? Second, after running for a while going into town and restarting it misses badly until I take off and then it hits smoothly on all six. It used to do it only after a an hour or so on the freeways. Now it does it on a trip to town. It has me baffled. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Rod