Everything posted by siteunseen
1971 HLS30-14938 "Lily" build
My computer is 'frozen up'
Cold air issue
That means 2 things.
1971 HLS30-14938 "Lily" build
Somebody posted this stuff a day or so ago. It's close to what my dentist uses on my teeth. Amazing how it works at the dentist and now that I can jb weld my teeth myself no more white coat anxiety and a lot less money.
Cold air issue
Yeah it's nice to live where you do you rascal. Merry Christmas Dennis.
Cold air issue
I can't find @240260280 photo of all his cars covered in his driveway, Nova Scotia I think. Did find ol' Blue pretty deep.
Cold air issue
They watch me struggle to crank my old br600, 2009 model. It won't hold fuel so pull pull pull but when it starts it does fine. It needs a $65 carb and when I put that on I'm putting this new one on my mantle!
Cold air issue
Best present ever! My neighbors, young money makers with 2 young babies that i took under my wing, helping in their yard and feeding their animals just dropped of my present. I'm speechless... There really are Christmas miracles.
smell of gas inside car
Raw gas smell or burnt exhaust would be a good tell.
weird sound upon cranking
I've watched my Dad whack the solenoid with the handle end of a big screwdriver and it fixed it for how long I'm not too sure. If it's an older starter clean the contacts and make sure the small wire up top seats onto the terminal good and tight. All of the connections while your bent over. I've read shining the ground metal on the starter fixed one. The black one from the battery to the starter mount bolt. Good luck!
Cold air issue
I'm somewhat anxious about this drop in temp. Haven't had the problem since 1989, now it's back. Hopefully there will be no damage if I just stay home. No early morning drives for me. Stay safe friends and have merry Christmas.
Guess what made my 51 year old car stop working after driving it for 22 years without a problem?
That something I do every single time I have my hood up, click that light on. Strange habbit, strange guy but I feel like the plastic toggle won't break if I use it regularly. So far, so good. I didn't know they have the extra wire under them until I saw one for sale on Ebay. Instructions and owner's manuals have never meant much to me.
Re bleed needed?
Looks like the earlier ones are harder than my '72 was? I found some threads for you to read over when you can. https://www.google.com/search?q=240z+brake+booster+threaded+adjustment+classiczcars.com&rlz=1C1BOFA_enUS494US494&oq=240z+brake+booster+threaded+adjustment+classiczcars.com&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i546l5.29977j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Re bleed needed?
When my booster went bad the pedal was hard to push down. Just throwing that in the mix...
Still struggling with car at idle after 8 years
I've got some 12 year old bourbon that was barreled when that thread started.
smell of gas inside car
Strands vs single wire. Great idea!
smell of gas inside car
If the consoles not in your chokes handle isn't secured, right? My 1st 240 I didn't know any better and left the choke pulled back (nozzles down) all the time in my garage. Why stress the choke cables? When they're down they are constantly refilling with fuel I figured out finally. About explotarded my garage apartment.
weird sound upon cranking
Do a deep charge on you're battery. Kind of sounds like starter troubles?
saturday night music thread
Recent activity on here reminded me of this song. Good song, don't know the lyrics though so if it's some goofy song well..."it's me, it's me, it's Ernest T".
L28 fuel rail pics please
what happens when safety comes last...
I do now after a simple oil change proved tomorrow isn't always the same as today. After using a floor jack to get under mine I went for the oil catch pan. My car rolled back and fell off the jack hitting the very front of the oil pan. I have a badly dented oil pan to look at the rest of my life thankfully.
Fuel pump eccentric on a 2.8L
Alexa is my main squeeze, then Xfinity's support girls are my stood by's. I like the way they call me "Mr Vealson".
Fuel pump eccentric on a 2.8L
I'm in the same boat as @jonbill. Never seen that before. I'm not sure it would flow enough off the cam nose bolt? The little square on the pump's arm wouldn't be friendly on that big nut's square sides I would think. Stranger things have been seen many times by me on here so who knows?
saturday night music thread
I've not heard Queen without Freddie singing. This is pretty cool with the drummer Rodger Taylor doing the singing.
saturday night music thread
You sold me a bad rim...
Z's on BAT and other places collection