Everything posted by siteunseen
Still struggling with car at idle after 8 years
What else do you think he would say? We are talking about California Datsun right?
Still struggling with car at idle after 8 years
So it's our fault?
saturday night music thread
- 1972 240z Ahmeter / Fuel gauge replacement
Have you tried putting strong tape rolled outwards sticking to the ahm lens, pulling it out off the needle? I bought one that some dip $^!# tapped on the lense of the oil pressure gauge and knocked it down onto the needle causing it to be all funked up. After I got the lense off the needle it was showing good oil pressure.- Hard Cold Start
I bought one that was hard to start cold. After pulling them off I saw that the PO had used stiff fuel line from the nozzles to the float chambers. The nozzles wouldn't go all the way down with that hose on there the way the cables were adjusted. My dumb arse got the cables super tight and forced them down. That lasted about 2 days and the choke lever assembly broke off the console. I bought some of the right type hose that came in a kit on e-bay for like $20 bucks, before I learned of ztherapy.com. Also found one of the best home garage design 240 part that's out there. A better than OE bracket for the choke lever made by Art Singer. Also need to add something recent that was causing hard start up after sitting awhile. My float chamber lids were loose enough that the fuel was evaporating out of the chambers/bowls. Tightened those 4 screws up and now it hits right off the bat. Little things can turn into huge things I've learned.- Thank you Veterans!
I think politicians should be Veterans.- Z's on BAT and other places collection
It's a trade off, what you have versus what I have down here. I'd be happy to swap a $500 ZX for a well equipped staff of knowledgable doctors at my local hospital. Edit: I just found out some bad news about a beautiful 35 year old mom. Sorry but I'm devastated and you guys are my vent. Cliff- Z's on BAT and other places collection
$240,000.00 then PLACE BID He's drunker than me!- Is there a fitting for this?
From my experience on my '72 there were some cheaper ones with the fitting angled in a different way. I ended up swapping the short brake lines from one side to the other and with some mild bending of those got them to finally line up. The ones that were like the OEs were like $200 each. The ones that I bent the lines to make them work were $40 maybe? Here's some threads on it. https://www.google.com/search?q=rear+240z+brake+cylinders+classiczcars.com+&client=ms-android-americamovil-us-revc&source=android-home&source=hp&ei=sXBsY4mXMbCgqtsP3dalqAM&oq=rear+240z+brake+cylinders+classiczcars.com+&gs_lcp=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&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp- Unknown part. Help identify
- Classic Zcars Site
Sounds like "the bride of Frankenstein's creature" scenario.- Classic Zcars Site
I broke the camel's back, metaphorically. Too many gives and too many gots.- [2022] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
I agree 100%! I sent them Japan stamped cam and scratched the date and my initials on one of the ends and was in no hurry. I wanted that cut cam back. I think Isky did my rockers though. They're beautiful too.- Classic Zcars Site
Signatures and ignore topic are back also. Thank you Mike!- [2022] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
From what I remember when I was thinking about building up my e31 was the cut cams used the valves from the 2.8 zx heads. p79, p90, not sure about the n42 or n47. @Diseazd would know for sure. You'll need shorter valve seals too. I've got all the stuff just not the time to do it. Maybe I'll have a long cold winter and turn my kitchen into a machine shop? Found these on ebay 10 or more years ago, a must have from all I've read. Edit secret: you can get the cam kit a helluva lot cheaper straight from Schneider. Sorry msa...- 1973 Rebuild
I have to ask...is he a Boxer?- saturday night music thread
- Maintenance crank seal service
- Maintenance crank seal service
I would tag whoever in that thread and ask them. I've not had to sleeve anything on my cars, low miles.- Maintenance crank seal service
I think the front cover seal causes that wear. Maybe cheap seal or wrong size? Anyhow some people put a sleeve on. I found this, maybe helpful?- Maintenance crank seal service
That's what it does, keeps that worm gear lubricated that the oil pump drive and distributor drive run on.- Maintenance crank seal service
Your top picture. Cup against the motor. It deflects the oil backwards. Thank's @motorman7 for the picture.- Rockauto Magnet
They should've used your's for that toolbox magnet Mr Arnett!- Speedo gear seal replacement
The speedometer hole is the same as the fill plug so it shouldn't leak out. Maybe a drop or two. When you get the seal and o-ring done leave some clean paper under there overnight to make sure it's stopped leaking. Seems like I had to use a deep well 10mm socket to get the seal all the way down.- Signature went away?
I'm sorry! The "ignore thread" is what you're talking about. Duh on my dumb arse. If I hover on your profile pic I get the IGNORE option. Can't remember how it was, I have a short list of ignored users and they've all disappeared from the site thank god. - 1972 240z Ahmeter / Fuel gauge replacement
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