Everything posted by siteunseen
[2022] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Here's the "Queen bean with sweet tea". This has been like a ship's wheel for me, "driving me nuts" for the last 2 years. Finally starting to care about the cars again so I've drained the old fuel and will replace all filters tomorrow. Exmark is completely full BTW. Sitting off and on for 2 years. It ain't good. But no sign of Red-Kote! Hurray me.
Street Outlaw's 240 driver RIP
Tie rod nut 280z
Driver's side is reversed. The right side is "right".
[2022] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Got my 240Z OEM door mirror from local Nissan parts department shelf I have stocked with potential use stuff. Thought about cataloging all of them with my part number "supersedes" master list I have put into use. The 1st photo shows the superb quality of the mirror. It's no surprise Nissan choose to save weight and the potential for 7 years of bad luck without an additional right side mirror.
77 280z Restoration
IPLooks like an early console? 75 & 76 maybe. My 'early '77 like your model has the lid that opens towards the passenger's side (duh). The ashtray looks different in these pics. Maybe it's the heat but I'm confused!
Z's on BAT and other places collection
One of my favorites too. The white with blue interior is the other one. They look best in your driveway/garage hopefully paid for.
fuel sending unit (which way is up?)
To add to Steve's post... I've read about a set screw on the arm of the sending unit somewhere but can't find it this morning and I've got poop-ton of stuff to do today so here's the best thread I've found so far.
Carburetor Conundrum (260Z)
That's what makes this forum work so well. A lot of experiences thrown at the problem and 1 or two stick, also known as the shotgun approach.
1973 Rebuild
From what I remember the e12- 80 used 1.5 ojm coil from Nissan. That ps 20 is 1.4 so close enough for me. I had a bigger ZX cap and button and run ZX larger gap on my ngks. It goes hard to Redline without breaking up. I have to up shift quick. Need a better gearing than the r-180 but I don't need to beat my car. It's 50 and has 50 year old parts back there. But those 1,ooo or so feet are fun and with my exhaust it screams a dry bloody murder like a Ferrari or a gsxr1.
Carburetor Conundrum (260Z)
Couldn't he come off the balance tube's locations? Or find the right size brass tube and JB weld it in place on the front carb. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Hillman-Brass-Plain-Tube/3478161?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-hdw-_-ggl-_-LIA_HDW_126_Fastening-_-3478161-_-local-_-0-_-0&ds_rl=1286981&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_o2dusGt-QIVbnxvBB2RTQ_NEAQYASABEgL4ZPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Timing Off Runs Bad
I agree with Steve, you need plugs and wires. I buy stuff online and get it the local store cheaper using coupon codes. My best one was retailmenot.com but that was 4 years ago since I tried it. I had a Nissan d21 that ran like crap until i replaced wires plugs, cap and button 10 years ago at least. Just drove it for grass cutting fuel jugs refill. Runs great. The distributor cap had some kind of cracking going on and it was jumping spark. It wouldn't fall out of a tree but now it'll drive up one.
ZCON 2022 Roll Call
I'm in Gadsden. 1 hour up I-59. Cliff. '72 240, '77 280. I know just enough.
hot water to manifold?
That's what I was thinking too. I I rember a thread about the difference in phenolic spacers. Some have holes that let coolant into the carbs if I remember right. You could go to zcardepot.com and see the different spacers? This may be it...
Moog ball joints
I bought moogs with fittings in '15 for my 240 from rockauto.com. they change suppliers from what I remember but they're out there. Maybe try napa.com too. Good luck.
hot water to manifold?
https://www.ztherapy.com/technical_stuff/spotterguides/zcar/240spotter.htm The 72 intake was water warmed to help atomize the fuel faster when the engine was cold.
[2022] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
July the 17 I mixed the oil and grease around, burnt the dust of the brakes. I'm scared to go dowm there now. My 4 foot black snake that eats all the chipmunks that store acorns on top of the 280's intake among the other various places has grown to 6 feet now. No more chipmunks but now I have a huge arse snake living in my garage. It's non poisonous by the shape of the head. I know the shape because he leaves me full body skins about twice a year as a way of letting me know he's the boss. I hate snakes. My dog acts weird too from smelling it but I won't kill it unless I have to, you know like maybe a girl sees it and won't come back until it's gone. Here's one from a week or so ago I found in my bycycle. Windshield to headlight, 5' 8 inches.
1975 280Z 2+2 in need of a Clutch Kit, can I use it for a 5 speed ??
I'm not positive the 2+2s have the 240mm larger flywheel but I think they do. A coupe has a 225mm flywheel. I would go to rockauto.com or amazon.com and find your car's clutch by putting in the info and see what pops up. I have the 225mm Exedy 6009 clutch in both mine and it works fine and is as close to OE equipment from all I read. Easy on my left leg with plenty of grip for street driving. They were $100 five years ago so probably $500 today.
Need clutch disc, not kit
Could be the throw out bearing? My 280 does it when in neutral with no clutch engagement. I pressed it on the collar myself. Next time I had my machinest press the bearing on my 240. It's as quite as a church mouse.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
That could've been the T boner?
77 280z Restoration
You are the Duke of hazards.
Most dreaded of jobs finally on the horizon ? the fuel tank !
It's a ZX 2+2 transmission with the original R-180 chunk.
ZCON 2022 Roll Call
Come on down to Alabam! Weather is nice here compared to other's. It's only 99F here. I'm having trouble between gas price and temperature signs.
1973 240z Custom Wiring From Scratch
I think this plug made my work so simple. I got it off a junkyard ZX here, local. Really clean and simple, hidden inside wire moulding. And it is a PS 20 coil. Here's the speedos in my cars. 280 first... 240...
1973 240z Custom Wiring From Scratch
Most dreaded of jobs finally on the horizon ? the fuel tank !
My '72 does way better with the wide B 5 speed. 75mph to 80mph with 15" wheels turns about 2,200rpms in 5th. I had to get the right trans speedo cog to be right but it's right according to a GPS I borrowed from a friend.