Everything posted by siteunseen
saturday night music thread
77 280z Restoration
I used that stainless bolt kit from zcardepot and mine leaked too. Put the OEs in and now dry as sandpaper. I had some other issues with that kit. Some lengths weren't the same and the threads seemed a little rough compared to OE.
L28 Timing chain
L28 Timing chain
Water Pump
What's the purpose of the weep hole, is it sad?
Contents of SU Rebuild Kit
That's a pretty basic kit. EDIT: that's pretty much a float chamber rebuild kit. It won't get into the carb. I would find a better one if I was going to rebuld mine. I used ztherapy's and got the instructional dvd free. Zcardepot has a good one too. Here's a basic write up and video link that will show where what goes. https://www.google.com/amp/s/zcarguide.com/rebuilding-cleaning-datsun-240z-su-carburetors/%3famp=1
L28 Timing chain
The shiny links will be on the same dot or number corresponding with the cam spocket and crank. Don't forget your oil slinger when you go to putting it back together.
Fuel coming out of the return line from carbs?
That's the first iteration that I've seen of a fuel pressure regulator for the Zs, smaller hole on the return line back to the tank. I guess it keeps the bowls full without overflow. More in while running then excess goes back without overfilling the bowls.. I'm sure it was done before but my 1st experience with the larger in vs. the smaller outlet.
Pipe Connections
You can figure it out. We'll be here for any ideas thay maybe helpful if you ask. I've put headers on all my Zs and was always able to figure something out.
Fuel coming out of the return line from carbs?
I think the over flow after the bowls are full go back to the tank through that teturn line it's a open flow circuit. It has to go somewhere. The efi cars are even more at 32psi constant fuel ptessure. Our SUs are 3.2 psi.
240Z reproduction calipers?
They're bare when you get them so you need to finish coat with something to keep rust and crud at a minimum. There's a lot of color choices... https://www.ebay.com/itm/233537813436
saturday night music thread
"Excuse me!"
240Z reproduction calipers?
I put them on mine, work great so far and that was 2016? Cleaned them with a wire brush and painted red. Looks good with my Rewind wheels. Get those short flex lines off ebay foe a lot cheaper. Same hoses...
saturday night music thread
You gotta read this to get the truth. Lyrics People say I'm no good and crazy as a loon 'Cause I get stoned in the morning And get drunk in the afternoon Kinda like my old blue tick hound I like to lay around in the shade And I ain't got no money but I damn sure got it made 'Cause I ain't asking nobody for nothin' If I cant get it on my own If you don't like the way I'm livin' You just leave this long-haired country boy alone Preacher man talking on T.V. Puttin' down the rock and roll Wants me to send a donation 'Cause he's worried about my soul He said Jesus walked on the water And I know that it's true But sometimes I think that preacherman Would like to do a little walking too But I ain't asking nobody for nothin' If I cant get it on my own If you don't like the way I'm livin' You just leave this long-haired country boy alone A poor girl wants to marry And a rich girl wants to flirt A rich man goes to college And a poor man goes to work A drunkard wants another drink of wine And a politician wants a vote I don't want much of nothin' at all But I will take another toke But I ain't asking nobody for nothin' If I can't get it on my own If you don't like the way I'm livin' You just leave this long-haired country boy alone
saturday night music thread
Bought 4 hubcaps
You know me too well!
Bought 4 hubcaps
To put a period (correct) on this thread I soaked and wiped them with a sponge. Then used Maguire's #7 to revitlize the old paint. The one I did looks good and is still early '70s paint. I didn't want to repaint and have a gold tooth shining when I opened my 52 year old teeth to be seen. I'm happy and the money and time will be put in a box for years but worth it when I sale.
Pipe Connections
I think it would make an annoying sound if it touches? Try bending like Mr Arnett says but on my 280's 6to1 I had to Dremel the vertical shield to fit. Also the transmission. The header barely made contact and I hate hearing things that don't belong.
Pipe Connections
Bought 4 hubcaps
Hey @Diseazd I want your opinion too! Keep the hubcaps old looking but protect them with some wax for 20 years storage. I like Maguire's #7 on old paint. I'm scared I'll go all "Cliff" and over do it, OCD and all that Bud Light. I've made up my mind just typing to you and Cantech Z. Thanks. Cliff
Bought 4 hubcaps
@CanTechZ need some advice. I soaked these caps in Murphy's oil soap and hot water then cleand them with a Scotch brite pad. They cleand up nice. I'm going to wax them with Maguire's #7 to get some color back. I want them to look original from '72 to go with the car when I sale it. My question is, should I spray them with the matte stuff you used or just clean and wax the best I can and be done? I've got an all original car so I don't want too nice of caps popping out when I sale. Thank you for any advice.
Bought 4 hubcaps
I like to say "thou shalt not covet your neighbors donkey" Don't ask to borrow my weedeater you cheapskate Southern Baptist.
Bought 4 hubcaps
Z's on BAT and other places collection
The flat tops almost make it worth the money. I wonder if has a p79? When I first saw it I thought "great deal" then "carbs and intakes not included".
Electric fan or new fan clutch/shroud for my 240z?
I said what mine was sitting still in my garage, no air flow except the OE fan. I'm not sure he ever tried that but that would be the same as stand still traffic. This was 3 years ago... California Datsun engine sold to a guy in Panama. Move on, get a honest straight motor. You're walking over $100 bills to pick up a quarter.