Everything posted by siteunseen
Gunson Colortune Always Yellow
I had a problem on a Z I had once and couldn't figure it out for anything. Turns out the nozzles were not moving freely as a result of the previous owner using regular fuel hose instead of the more pliable "J" hose that they are supposed to have. If the chokes are disconnected you should be able to reach under and pull them down and they should pop back up on their own. Good luck.
- Introducing ourselves formally to the Classic Z Car Forum - Datsun Spirit Inc.
This makes me smile.
I think at 52 it would be hard to get adopted but I'd be the best! Your living a good life @psdenno and I know it's your good decisions. You're a good friend and I appreciate all your experiences you share with me and the forum. Keep on trucking!
This makes me smile.
I know it's a car club but I'm a Southerner. When it gets cold we stay inside. This makes me smile. I made it out of an old stain glass wine stopper and a vase I bought at a yard sale. Inside down time is hard for me. I hope you others are not suffering "cabin fever". It's a tough problem for compulsive people like me. Bengals by 10.
Interested in side stripe kit for 280z any suggestions?
These are the closest to mine from 1972 I've seen. They have 280 ones too. I don't like the empty block look around "240" some of the others sale. https://stripegarage.com/collections/datsun-240z-260z-280z The others... Stripegarage.com... Mine from '72...
Front bumper fitment, 77 on a 76
Buying a 260Z 1974 162hp
Looks good! Like @Yarb said it has layers of body filler on the hatch which could be a negotiating factor in your favor but also a catastrophe with a shiny paint job. I don't think that's an original Nissan color? Definitely have a body shop look it over.
Curious ? on early 240s
I've recently noticed these round holes on cars before my 1972 which has the storage bins. What are their purpose? Thanks for any response.
Putting in a replacement L-28
Tire inflation? Higher money doesn't go away in my experience except groceries and gasoline, which is very little and not timely at all. Katrina taught me that. Now covid is going to teach us all a new normal. 20 more years hopefully and I'm out.
Compression Readings: L28 Fuel Injection 77 280z
Those look good to me but they could be higher doing the testing different. Good read...
Wires near front gas tabk
Wires near front gas tabk
I used these on my 240. Then covered with liquid electrical tape. Turned out good, water proof too. Slides on the "nail head" terminals.
Wires near front gas tabk
Looks like fuel sender connections.
Getting the 73 Back on the Road
My d21 jumped fire for 5 years? maybe. Ran like crap on acceleration then cleared up. It was tough pulling my boat but I cared more about the boat than the truck. My Dad, God bless him and his attitude, said try a new cap. $5 and him busting my balls for the next year is all it was.
Wanted: Nikki 271070 Fuel Pump
I had those on my boat. Heavy duty crimp on battery terminals. They have some that have screw down instead of crimp.
280zx tail light center panel assembly
I remember this one was for sale. Long gone now but some pics to look at. Good luck.
Fixed blow Head gasket but now the oil is white 1980 280zx
Yes the front cover has the water pump and the oil pump so there's a good place to mix the two. The water pump has some funky bolt lengths and if they aren't put back right they could crack the cover.
Getting the 73 Back on the Road
2nd nature to you Steve. You've helped so many people it's like tying shoe strings now.
What are these tubes in the hatch for?
What are these tubes in the hatch for?
Looks like where fuel tank vent hoses come through to the evap tank. @Zed Head will know, he has a '76.
Cold Start Issues - Engine sputter (77 280z Auto)
The AAR is a good suspect. It opens when cold to allow more air to pass, increasing the RPMs. When the warmer plate gets hot the opening inside the AAR will close, lowering the RPM. Just for the fun of it I would unplug the BCDD wire and see what it does. That thing causes fluctuating RPMs too. The butterfly in the throttle body could be gummed up and stick when it's cold allowing more air through raising the RPM. Then when it warms up the sticky goes away. You can clean that with an old toothbrush and some lacquer thinner. Here's a picture of the connection where you can unplug the BCDD and a thread that talks about function. Good luck. I hope you figure it out.
Ignition Diagram for 240Z with L28 Motor
The Zx distributor I put in my '77 bearing cage came apart I suppose, steel balls were stuck to the sides and the performance was a little sluggish. Then not a month ago a guy 3D printed some new parts that look good for $25 I think? I'm going that route when it warms up down here.
Valve cover series 1
Looks like I need to replace a Fuel Pump.......
I learned the hard way like you did, you must us the millimetre size hose on a 240. Low pressure hose to, it's a lot cheaper the EFI hose. 280s are a little more forgiving with 5/16" since they have the higher pressure PSI. If they are not not right you'll get a spray of fuel when the pump comes on.
Valve cover series 1
Here's some things I remember reading on the stock covers. Same as @26th-Z said.