Everything posted by siteunseen
Who's running the Panasport 16X7 +11 wheels from ZCar Garage?
I've always read/been told and followed 0 offset without doing any mods, fender rolling. Konig Rewind 16x7 0 https://www.customwheeloffset.com/wheel-offset-gallery/526089/1977-nissan-280z-konig-rewind-stock-suspension
Ignition Diagram for 240Z with L28 Motor
To put a period on my post I had to get the old trusty laptop cracked open. This is a Excel spreadsheet that @Walter Moore took the time to do. I studied it for a couple of days and decided on the '79 manual transmission distributor and luckily amazon.com had one. I hope this helps you make a decision, it did for me. EDIT: I went back to my past purchases and found it. Unfortunately it's not available at this time. Maybe you could try rockauto.com? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000C46L52/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 The spreadsheet is below... Distributor advance curves S30-S130.xls
Ignition Diagram for 240Z with L28 Motor
I used this write up to put a '79 ZX distributor in my '72. It works great too. Bought the refurbished ZX distributor off amazon.com https://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/distributor/index.html The 240 wiring is close to the bottom of the write up.
Xenon air dam, what is the trick?
Let'em sit in the sun for a few days would help the most. They get bent in shipping, such a large box. @Av8ferg If you leave the lowest lip on the OE metal air induction to the radiator it will support the Xenon. It's adjustable so you snug them together. Mine sounded like a busted front tire the 1st time I got up to higher speed. Scared me! Then I figured out the support needed. No more problems.
Valve cover series 1
You can use walmart brand oven cleaner and a local hot water car wash spray.Then aluminum polishing wad or similar. That'd be closer to oem finish. I bead blasted mine and 400? grit sandpaper over the NISSAN then cleared with satin high heat. But that was my preference. The oven cleaner and aluminum polish would be closer to original in my opinion.
Super Bowl Commercial
- Super Bowl Commercial
- Super Bowl Commercial
She has her lips closed, we can't see that front grill.- Super Bowl Commercial
- Flogged with spam calls, HELP!
Yes! They borrowed the Z logo too. I've seen that before over the years. Batt rastards.- Flogged with spam calls, HELP!
https://www.facebook.com/fogbigE- Flogged with spam calls, HELP!
I'm a small fish and have traveled this road before working hurricane damage jobs and on Bourbon street. They're not looking at me or they would've already done it. Things a different in Alabama. You guys just have to trust me on that. I pay my way and have never felt guilty or looked back at what I did. Sorry if I've ruffled some feathers but I'll burn a bird with a curling iron speaking freely. I think that's an amendment or something?- Flogged with spam calls, HELP!
I'm not evading paying. If I hire you to mow my lawn and don't mow it I'm not paying you. Is that evading? Services rendered are not so I'm not paying. It's like working 1 day a week for nothing. I could get disability actually but that ain't my style so I'll let a lawyer defend me on my income without paying taxes. We pay 10% grocery tax in Alabama. Hell we pay a ton in sweet home Alabama but the guvner says we don't need federal money. We just got 719 million in covid relief and they're gonna build more prisons for the pot dealers, smokers. To be honest, I've lived right and played by the rules to no avail just exactly like my whole family has. Bubble bursted!- Looks like I need to replace a Fuel Pump.......
I have left the chokes on before when I moved it to another side of my garage. All the fuel came out/evaporated with the nozzles dropped. You would most likely smell gas in your garage though if the choke knob was pulled back.- Looks like I need to replace a Fuel Pump.......
Zcardepot.com https://zcardepot.com/products/copy-of-fuel-pump-240z-260z-70-74?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwf2Zjs7f9QIVEr3ICh2EFA89EAQYASABEgIxSfD_BwE&utm_campaign=google shopping&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&variant=39544688574577- Flogged with spam calls, HELP!
Same here Jeff. I've had the same Verizon number since 11/94. Since the covid pandemic it has gotten way worse. My pharmacist can't get American made drugs anymore either and I don't care what anybody says there is most definitely a difference. I'm gonna quit paying taxes except my property tax. The federal government does nothing for me anymore so screw them. All they can do is put a tax lien on my house but I'm single with no kids so I don't care. I'm gonna leave it to the Humane society anyhow.- Flogged with spam calls, HELP!
I'll burn in hell for this but I told the car warranty girl I had multiple sclerosis and hadn't driven in over 20 years. She apologized then 3 days later same call. My phone started showing the area here lately like Wisconsin, Jamaica, Utah and so forth.- door holes
I went Snipe hunting once, just once though. Me and my cousins out in my uncle's pasture for hours holding feed sacks saying "here Snipe, Snipe, Snipe. My aunt finally came and got us.- Flogged with spam calls, HELP!
I don't answer but I have stop what I'm doing, get the phone and look at it then hit the side button that sends it to voicemail and my voicemail is "the voicemail box is full for the number you've called". Ha! I'm a busy guy with dirty hands.- Looks like I need to replace a Fuel Pump.......
That'd be a whole lot easier. I'll get a can of carb cleaner next time. It won't eat the floats would it?- Looks like I need to replace a Fuel Pump.......
Try filling the chambers with gas through the vent bungs. Your floats are most likely stuck after the fuel has evaporated out of the chambers. You can hit the sides with a screwdriver handle too. That will free them up. My car sits for months and this has happened to me a few times. It'll run fine for a minute then sputter out.- Flogged with spam calls, HELP!
There's a good app for android I just need to know what users prefer. My nextdoor neighbor is a federal acronym too. He says it's a crippling problem across the board. I never answer them just share the number with my isp and it's always a scam using local area codes. I haven't heard a voicemail since my Dad died in January 2020. If you call me outsde my contact listings you should text but the damn scammers will figure that out soon enough. I would vote for a transgender moo cow if they could stop this, and facebook.- Flogged with spam calls, HELP!
I'm getting 10 a day about car warranties for vehicles I've never owned. What is the solution to this? I know there's apps that supposedly help, could someone please advise me on the one that works? I've got over 200 blocked numbers on my phone but that's a joke, they use the internet and keep on marching. Thanks for any advice, this is driving "me nuts" as the pirate said about the ship's helm.- Wheel wrench styes
Here's a Fender Strat and Gibson Flying V. You've probably seen it already but it's worth seeing again.🤗- door holes
I looked at my '72 but saw nothing. I guess it's a '73 thing? - Super Bowl Commercial
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