Everything posted by siteunseen
Anyone have experience with hy-per lube ZINC REPLACEMENT ADDITIVE?
Haaaaaa! Sportin' a ZDDP woody!
Lifting engine & tranny from the side?
Could the motor come out from the side without all the hassle? I've got a 3 car garage and the one in the middle is the project stall, so I would have more room from the side. Thanks for the repiles everybody, I'm trying to figure an easier way. I guess I could just try it and see?
Lifting engine & tranny from the side?
I've got a decision to make, buy a 1 ton cherry picker and come at it from the side or buy a larger hoist and come in from the front. I've got limited space for storing the thing I'll use maybe once a year. Do many people do it this way? Thanks for any replies, Cliff
Fuel problem
Take the hose off the bottom of the metal fuel filter behind the radiator on the passengers side. Put it in an empty container and spin the motor over. Gas should come out. Go to a parts store and buy a new filter. If gas doesn't come out let us know. Cliff
Bad Dog Expands to Fiji
That picture is very disturbing. It has nothing to do with Fiji though. I was playing off the name, Bad Dog Cafe. Not too funny looking back over it. Sorry. China has a problem, they kill kids too.
1973 Rebuild
Blasting pots are great if you have a large air compressor. I've got a small 20 lb one that I shoot glass bead and baking soda through with a 60 gallon 12 CFM @90 psi air compressor, I have to quit every 10 minutes and let the compressor cool down and drink a beer or three. Makes one hell of a mess too. I'm buying a cheap igloo shaped tent with a floor so I can get in there and be able to reuse some of the glass beads, 50 lbs cost $32 at Tractor Supply, $42 at Harbor Freight. I couldn't imagine doing a whole car in my garage, it would make a HUGE mess. Have you found Grannynot's rotisserie rebuild thread? It's a good read. here it is, http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/45430-240z-rebuild-restoration-right-down-to-the-shell/ read post #16, $3,600 quote for sandblasting and chemical dip.
1973 Rebuild
I downloaded the '77 FSM and EFI bible on a flash drive, took it to a office supply place and had them print it, hole punch then put them into 3 ring binders. Cost around $50 bucks! I've used it once to get the transmission and differential fluid amounts.
Bad Dog Expands to Fiji
Bad Dog Cafe in China.
NGK BP6ES spark plug burn color OK?
I spit coffee on my screen when I read that.
The official "Post pictures of your wheels" thread
CDL1542 That's a cool looking car. Any interesting stories behind the tow hook and the numbers? Stock motor and interior?
L24 vs L28ET
"high in the nineties" reminds me of a Sanford and Son episode where Donna, a.k.a The Barracuda brought one of her patients to Fred's house, Osgood Wilcox. They had some wine and Osgood says "White wine. Nothing like white wine. White wine should be drunk young." Fred said " Yeah, I was drunk when I was young."
Under Battery Tray Sections Reproduction
I'm interested in seeing what you have. Put up a picture or 2 if you can. Thanks!
Cold air intake setup for SU carbs
That's really cool! Great job.
A Different Headlight Relay Upgrade - 4 Relays
You are such a bright guy, can't wait to shake your hand.
L24 won't run properly (video). What can cause this?
Anythings possible I've always been told, I don't believe it though. Get TDC and pull the valve cover to see if the chain sprocket notch is lined up with the cam plate mark.
1973 Rebuild
My problem was going from dirt bikes to street bikes and showing my a$$. If I had a kid, he/she would have a dirt bike. That's why I don't have any kids. :: :: ::
L24 won't run properly (video). What can cause this?
I got to watch the video this morning, sounds horrible like the timing is way off.
Out with the new, in with the old...
Tenacious Z You could revive the Seattle Sound!
A Different Headlight Relay Upgrade - 4 Relays
Your topic is very enlightening. ​
The official "Post pictures of your wheels" thread
Hard to tell with 17s in there but they look great. Those fit without any modifications? My front tires rubbed the outer edge of the fender when I turned real tight.
L24 won't run properly (video). What can cause this?
You can lift the pistons in the carbs and disable them to see if both are functioning. Or push that pin up, whatever's easiest. If you disable one and it has no effect on the running of the car you may have carb problems. I'm assuming you have SUs. Can't watch video on this device.
L24 vs L28ET
Like he's a polygamist?
L24 vs L28ET
If you do buy a turbo make sure and get the ECU for it, they're different from NA motors.
NGK BP6ES spark plug burn color OK?
2.5 turns counterclockwise from the top. Turn them towards the passenger's side until they're tight then back down towards the driver's fender 2.5 turns. Put a scratch on one of the ears so you can keep up with your turns.
The official "Post pictures of your wheels" thread
I honestly don't know but side by side with my other 240 it looks to be about 2" lower. The previous owner had the springs cut.