Everything posted by siteunseen
Intermittent Loss Of Power-1972 240Z Stock
Here's a step by step with a lot of pictures for a 280 tank removal, http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/fuel/gastank/index.htm 240s are a little harder because of all the evaporation tank lines. I replaced everything though so I just cut them at the tank and got it out of the way. Spray the straps bolts and all the hose clamps the day before. 50/50 ATF and acetone in a trigger spray bottle works better than anything I've ever used and for the price you'll get a lifetime supply, at least for me. 1 quart transmission fluid, 1 quart acetone is less than $15.
- Rocker Revival
Zinc Additives, Cam Shaft Or Rocker Wear, And Mileage - A Poll
The air cooled 911SC I had held 13 quarts if I remember correctly, so for my broke a$$ not too often. I didn't drive it that much anyway, it was my "bar car".
My New Z
I use Valvoline VR1 20/50, it has the zinc without having to add any extra. Purolator Pure One #30001 oil filter.
Weee Too Kewl
That is cool! They got it right, down to the rust. Are you still snowed in? Cabin fever? Am I gonna have to take out a communication facility in Atlanta? Is Nortel still in business?
My New Z
Here's the colors,http://www.zhome.com/History/ZColorGallary/ Great car. Here's some very helpful information for FI 280s, http://atlanticz.ca/index.php/tech-tips.html
Intermittent Loss Of Power-1972 240Z Stock
Used to??? They still do! That hole is big enough for a baseball.
Electric Fuel Pump Install - Keep Mechanical Pump?
Thank you for the great write up, I now have a step by step.
Intermittent Loss Of Power-1972 240Z Stock
I've always read 3.5 lbs of pressure with a mechanical pump. You should put a clear filter coming out of the tank and check it for debris from the tank. A Fram G-2 worked best for me and they're cheap. One of mine did the same thing when I first bought it. I could pull the supply side off the filter on the passenger's side and blow into it and clear it out enough to get home. Did you keep the filters on the banjo bolts at the carbs? Is it as bad when the tank is full? Here's what was in mine when I cleaned out the tank, it's not rust, just crud. I think a kid must have dropped a couple of handfuls of dirt down the fill hole in it's past life.
- Rocker Revival
Newest addition to the garage.
"Garden Room" keeps the missus happy.
Front Cam Inspection Plate
I have 3 E88s and an E31, no paint on any of them. They're all yellow plated like this picture, but 40 plus years old.
77 280Z Losing Pressure When Pressing Throttle
Good news. You'll get plenty of help here.
Get The Data Right! Argggggh
They didn't have the benefit of the "infonet" back then. : )
77 280Z Losing Pressure When Pressing Throttle
Another thing to check is the sweeper in the AFM. Pop the black plastic cover off and make sure it's not stuck by tapping the counterweight. Here's some images. http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/afm/index.html
77 280Z Losing Pressure When Pressing Throttle
'77 had a recall for the EGR tube coupler going into the intake manifold coming loose. Mine had a golf ball size hole rotted in the tunnel. Created a HUGE vacuum leak. Take a mirror and look under the manifold towards the back (windshield). EDIT: The picture with the mirror is an example. That's actually the new intake, I was showing someone the heat shield bolts location.
Wanted: Closest Replica For Factory Foglights
Here's a good picture from the Scarab thread.
'72 240Z Rebuild
Yes it came from CA. That's box 1 of 2, the other was the 2.5" exhaust. It's nice and clean and looks to be the same size box as they crammed the header into. This exact same thing happened a few years ago, called then e-mailed pictures. They sent a replacement header with a Fedex pick-up form for the damaged one.
Sm Needles
Mr Palmer will send you a set. I may get some new ones myself. 8)
'72 240Z Rebuild
Here's my ceramic header as delivered to my front porch a few weeks ago. Luckily there wasn't a scratch on it. MSA packed it into that box knowing it wasn't big enough.
Gas Tank Vent Hoses How Specific Do They Have To Be
If you decide to replace the hoses use a length of nylon cord or string and lay it around each hose then measure that. Add an extra 10% then round up to the next foot so you'll have plenty. I looked for my receipt from O'reilly's for lengths and part numbers but couldn't find it. For the 90 degree bend I used two 3/4" P.E.X elbows with 5/8" low pressure fuel hose.
Paul Newman Doc "winning" Premieres April 16
I've always liked "Cool Hand Luke"
Gas Tank Vent Hoses How Specific Do They Have To Be
Well I thought about that but it looks too big and it's not black. You stumped me with that.
Hi From The Uk
I'll second that comment! It's my favorite.
Gas Tank Vent Hoses How Specific Do They Have To Be
I don't know if you'd be a good partner on the $1000,000 Pyramid show. :: ::