Everything posted by siteunseen
A Question For The Engine Gurus
ZX pistons have a weight code stamped into them, keeping them in order helps internal balance. In my opinion but I'm no "guru".
Need Help With Timing!
That's against common business sense. How old is Mr Rebello? Does he have all the money he's worked for? Chunked Hazmatts OE block without making contact. That's nuts.
Will MSA's fiberglass radiator shroud fit a 2 row champion radiator?
I use google.com
[2015] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Congratulations! They're easier than you thought aren't they?
Smoking At Speed
Was the window open?
[2015] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
So I'm going to meet "old blue" too? Can hardly wait. If I can't get my 240 broken in to my liking I'll be in my '77 also.
Pay it forward!!!
Fastwoman is right, keep the heat shields in my opinion too. Just a couple of days ago someone said their PCV hose got turned to toast after removing them. Also they keep heat off the plastic reservoirs for your brakes and clutch fluid, can't remember the thread. Maybe it's the "Hot Start Issues, who has them who doesn't". I think it's S30Driver who mentioned it.
Centering Steering Wheel After Replacing Urethane Bushings
Is it the original wheel? Have you taken it off before? "Hope i dont have to take the steering Wheel off after doing the alignment." sounds like you have.
Centering Steering Wheel After Replacing Urethane Bushings
If you have a stock wheel they come off really easy. The horn pad is what is tricky to remove without cracking the plastic on the rear.
Headlight Warning Buzzer
Dave Irwin aka "Zs-ondabrain" can help. http://datsun-240z-upgrades.net/ is his website but he stays on here too.
Which Way For Manifold Gasket?
Thank you guys!
Got Bored So....
Remove the radiator cap then drive a GTR under it and replace. Your pictures look great to my eyes. I put a header and a 2.5" exhaust, port matched the manifolds when I rebuilt mine. Nothing but louder. I think a good running fuel injection motor is about all it can be. A turbo motor is all I can think of.
Which Way For Manifold Gasket?
The metal side against the head? Thanks, Cliff
Why I Hate Felpro
I'm with you on that, nothing works as good as OE. I drove 45 minutes one way for a $3 seal for my Camry that my local Toyota dealer was out of stock on and the mechanic needed it ASAP. He did the "full monty" on mine, water pump and oil pump with the new belt. I always thought Porsche had the only motor that came out from the bottom but I was WRONG. He dropped that motor in an hour. I forgot to say he put another motor in, I over revved the 240,000 mile original and busted the engine balancer all to h e l l.
Float Adjustment Help (Video)
I turned mine upside down and moved the .55" in and out, bending the tab until it wouldn't move the float anymore. Make sure it's closing off by attaching a short piece of hose to the fuel inlet and blow into the valve. It shouldn't let any air blow through when it is at the right height and the pin is depressed in, closing off the valve. Try to suck air out too. I ended up with a bad valve that wasn't opening. Bruce sent me one overnight, great folks to do business with. I may have that backwards, it's hard to explain in text and I have no idea how to do video but it will make sense when you start blowing into or sucking air out. It's opposite of a schrader valve on you car tire, pin fully out lets fuel into the chamber, pin pushed in closes off the flow. I'm pretty sure I used one washer on the front carb to get the right height, it has the longer arms doesn't it? Maybe I used one on the rear and two on the front? I apologize if I've confused you. Turn the chamber lid upside down, it's easier to figure out that way. Cliff
- L28 Rebuild? Swap? Leave Alone?
L28 Rebuild? Swap? Leave Alone?
The biggest notch at the far left is 0 on the 240 damper, then 5 degrees for each smaller notch moving up clockwise. It looks about right compared to mine but like Zed said there is a "perfect spot" for TDC. I'm thinking with the keyway on the crank it would put any damper at the same position, a 240 or a 280 damper. The white spot in this picture is past TDC, my timing chain was advanced a tooth or two from the previous owner. Caused me a big ole headache, never could get the timing adjusted right. Now I'm rebuilding it.
Why I Hate Felpro
I used that Permatex gasket sealer, red and tacky, when I rebuilt my 280 with a full Felpro gasket kit. I'm going to use their Aviation Form A Gasket on the one I'm doing now and as many Nissan gaskets as I can. Felpro seems thin and easily tears apart.
Flex Plate Drama That Didn't Happen.
When I took the flywheel off the automatic L24 I bought I felt how light it was and got all excited, then I realized there was no friction plate on there. I thought I had an expensive lightened flywheel. :: Wow, I clicked on your's. You were about to be walking home.
- 77 Z Drives For About 10 To 15 Minutes,then Dies.
'72 240Z Rebuild
What do y'all think? I've tried to get it as close to a P79 as I can. It's not perfect by no means but I'm getting sick of grinding and polishing the combustion chambers. I'm going to port match the head to the manifold tomorrow. Then soda blast this weekend and give it to the machinist Monday, so I have time to make corrections that somebody can point out. thanks for looking and critiquing Cliff
Timing Chain Rotation To Hole #3
I put my brand new (rebuilt) motor on #3. A mechanic friend said it would give it more bottom end "grunt". It's runs great with plenty of top end power too. 6,200 RPM redline, saw it 1st through 4th gear Saturday pulling away from a Mustang. Just saying...
- 77 Z Drives For About 10 To 15 Minutes,then Dies.
77 Z Drives For About 10 To 15 Minutes,then Dies.
I did what Chas is saying but zip tied it to the driver's side wiper blade. If you get an 1/8 NPT threaded gauge it'll screw down into 5/16" fuel line then put a clamp over that. Just for testing, the cheaper low pressure fuel line worked for me. About 4 or 5 feet with a gauge like this, http://www.lowes.com/pd_199191-1003-PG550_0__?storeNumber=0252&selectedLocalStoreBeanArray=%5Bcom.lowes.commerce.storelocator.beans.LocatorStoreBean%4031c031c0%5D&productId=3151541
'72 240Z Rebuild
They've got to have a warehouse full of damaged goods. I sorta blame FedEx too, they shouldn't accept poorly prepared packages but I guess they get paid twice when we return stuff. The salesman on this last header told me only their manifold stud kit would work with that header. Ridiculous but I fell for it the first time.