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Everything posted by siteunseen

  1. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    It's a 2" or something, I'll make sure in the morning and post the size. That works way better than a baggie and tape. Even Carl Beck noticed that a few years ago when I rebuilt my 1st Z. He told someone that was hauling their car on a U-Haul type that holds the front tires only to remove the drive shaft and use that cap on the transmission for a long trip. In the morning, I promise, I'm not about to go back down there now that I'm clean. It was a couple of dollars at Lowes.
  2. Here they are.
  3. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I'm on schedule but will be as sore as ever. I decided to drop the transmission onto a motorcycle jack I've used before for holding it to roll around while I pressure washed it. BAD idea for my 50 plus years old cracked up to hell garage floor. Getting my Dad's cherry picker tomorrow to pull the block out. I can't believe I wouldn't wait and get them both together. Stupid mistake I'll never repeat. This time I'm making a pile throughout the day then going back and bagging and boxing up everything in the evenings. Seems to be a lot less worrisome. RossiZ I have my console out so if I can take some measurements or pictures just let me know.
  4. I weighed mine by grinding the nose down and told them that in my message. Out of 2 heads I ended up with 12 S30s. The P79 had a couple of Beck Arnley looking rockers that weighed about 5 more grams, they were a lot beefier looking like these. I got mine back after a week and they look fantastic. $36 plus $14 shipping.
  5. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    My Mom thought that was the duck walking Peabody. She doesn't get out much, thinks there's only 1 hotel in Memphis.
  6. http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/classic19j/15-6302 Free shipping through the 16th.
  7. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I'm paid up now. $275 for 2 nights. When I went to register for the event I realized all the fun stuff is earlier in the week so I passed on that. $100 registration fee to save $20 on room rates and a T-shirt, no thanks, I'm in the middle of a rebuild.
  8. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Nights 17 & 18 Leaves the morning of 19th I'll have my single king size room if anybody needs to store some booze. We'll have wi-fi so it'll be easy to meet up.
  9. I'm sorry. You've already told that.
  10. Okay, now I'm curious. I've watched a lot of television and movies in my life and have a pretty good memory but some things don't click right away when I have something on my mind. Blazing Saddles, Caddyshack, The Jerk and The Holy Grail were what grew up with. "the way y'all are lollygagging around here you'd think it was a hunnert and semteen degrees. Can't be but a hunnert and twelve."
  11. Everything I've found says that is for the 86mm bore, '75 and up. I'm going to stay with Felpro 21157.
  12. Blazing Saddles!
  13. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I'm glad I'm not the competitive type, you've set the bar waaaay too high. That head looks fantastic. It's going to be funny at ZCON when I get out of a taxi. ::
  14. I quit reading zcar.com when a frequent poster that blasted anybody that asked for help wanted donations from the other members to get married.
  15. Thank you but now that I have the right number, thanks to you again, I can get one off ebay.
  16. Did you get from Nissan? That number pulls up a Stone head gasket, https://www.google.com/shopping/product/8378151245351200285?q=11044-N4221&rlz=1C1BOFA_enUS494US494&es_sm=93&biw=1280&bih=620&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.85970519,d.cWc&tch=1&ech=1&psi=lT3dVL_wKYHlsATY-IGgDA.1423785404346.3&prds=paur:ClkAsKraX5O9VNp-yd1A31oVOCimKzn5Vc6hLE8PQeZHOGuaaNu0mF02LHRakR2mjV6BfdJyu3CDLKgj62OPpLfV_fZ-7LiuwOKvF7st68vc9Ln-NNCo04GteBIZAFPVH72aasqR_DSQz4_DFuuy4ORb8gzh6Q&ei=vD3dVLKlCKG_sQTStYDICA&ved=0CE4QpiswAA I want one!!!
  17. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Boy this is a lot easier than before, I'm learning something I guess. It'd be hard not to when I check in with you all everyday. The head has been off before for sure, I guess for the steel valve seats? and a newer style spray bar. It has big phillips head screws in the bottom holes so I guess it's a multi car type. It looks good too. The head gasket has overly large fire rings so I guess it's for a 86mm bore, it has a copper coating on both sides too. The only 2 bolts I broke were the 2 holding the exhaust manifold to the exhaust pipe. I drained the radiator and only got a little over a gallon last Sunday. Today I removed that plug at the back of the block and got a GUSHER of coolant, at least a gallon maybe more, I'll have a catch pan next time. Cylinder walls are as slick as glass, so standard size rings will work fine hopefully. 280Z, 1st rebuild worried me sick and took 6 months. This 240Z will be done in a third of that time and done right, blue block not bar-b-q grill black paint. All the topside is done, tomorrow will be the exhaust pipe then the transmission. Saturday the blocks coming out and apart. Then clean, clean and some more cleaning.
  18. I'll eat bologna the rest of my life, I guess. I could cut them little slits in it to keep it from curling up and have seared bologna steaks. Enough alcohol and some A-1 and it'll taste like a ribeye.
  19. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Thank you sharing that. I started my hunt last night and wasn't able to talk with my Nissan parts until this a.m. I gave him #12203-E3100 and he said it had been superseded with 12033-A8620 (I'm pretty sure that's the number) and googled it for me. Said it popped up as a Grant chrome ring. Are your's chrome? Parts guy said OE was chrome from Nissan. I've read that a new cylinder wall works good with chrome but molly was a better choice for a slight honing like I'll have to get. Maybe they have come up with a better seating chrome ring? I just looked at your link, thanks again, and they have chrome and plain for the 83mm bore. I wonder what plain is? EDIT: Okay, looking at how cheap the price is for the "plain" I'll say they're cast iron
  20. They buy them and then park them. We're rich in a different way, the Z life. I'm eating bologna sandwiches instead of ribeyes so i can spend the money on my 240.
  21. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Anyone have a recommendation for a set of rings? Like everything else, there's too many choices on the internet. I've found Sealed Power and Hastings have a set of premium rings, moly faced. Has someone recently purchased a set for 83mm bores? Thanks for any help, Cliff
  22. That's great you found it! I can only imagine the smile on your face driving that sharp car home from Texas. Very good looking car. You'll see most folks on here won't take the time to bash people with common questions, when it takes longer to gripe than just typing something that might help, that's pretty stupid.
  23. I'd go ahead and get the metal filter up front too, cover all your bases. That drive from Texas could have pulled enough debris to clog it up even though it is new. A member on here cut one in half and found the cheaper ones had paper filtering element come loose and folded up into itself. i can't remember if the WIX brand was the good one or the bad one? That fuel pump filter Blue's talking about is inside the "inlet port" of the Bosch OE pump. Take the hose coming from the tank to the pump off and you'll see it. It's small and cone shaped. Post #5, http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/27140-strainer-in-fuel-system-78-280z/ Good luck and lets see the car.
  24. That's great news. We're ahead of the trend. I've got two I'm hoping to keep until I'm unable to work on then sale someday. My nephews may get them if they turn out to be good kids and help their poor old uncle. 8 )
  25. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Good news! I went to my Dad's machinist and he knew exactly what I was talking about. He told me I may need tower shims to get the wipe perfect. I have an extra 2.4 block that I'll do the notching to and keep the numbers matching motor OE, rebuild it later on. When I walked in he slid his glasses down on his nose and says "well I'll be damn, there's Marvelous Jr." my Dad's name is Marvin, I haven't seen that man in at least 20 years. Another funny thing he said was "I thought all those old L heads were scrapped by now". One more thing Steve"madkaw" brought up that he knew about was notching blocks. He said he makes templates out of cardboard with the HG when he notches blocks so he doesn't ruin the HG. So YES, other blocks need notching too, thank you Steve. Looks like I'm following in your footsteps I feel so much better now I'm going to have a couple of beers and run over the dog poo and onions in my yard, with my mower of course. I'll get back to the motor removal tomorrow, the weather is going to turn cold again. Thanks again guys, y'all are the best!

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