Everything posted by siteunseen
Connect Power Antenna To Modern Car Stereo
Thank you, I'd like to do that too. My old switch is just hanging under the newer stereo.
No Vacuum At Throttle Body Ports
What about that JB Weld on the EGR tunnel? Is it all sealed up still?
New Package
I just bought this set-up for my 240. After all the rebates and a $20 dollar credit I had from another set, $511 to my house. The money does like the Energizer Rabbit, It just keeps going and going and going...
No Vacuum At Throttle Body Ports
One of those ported vacuums on the side of the throttle body went to the BPT valve on my '77. I removed that with the EGR and plugged that nipple. Mine also had a 2 hose plastic vacuum valve on top of a warming plate that looked like an "F". I can't remember where those wound up. Check Blues Tech Tips on reading a vacuum gauge. It has all kinds of scenarios.
NLA - Vent Hose 17238-E4602
I used fuel hose from O'Reilly's and two 3/4" PEX 90 degree elbows to make the 180 bend. O'Reilly's has 5/8" and 1/2" low pressure fuel hose by the foot, at least the ones here do for what that's worth. http://www.oreillyauto.com/site/c/detail/GATR/27008/N0887.oap?ck=Search_5%21s%218+fuel+hose_N0887_5142640_1149&keyword=5%21s%218+fuel+hose&pt=N0887&ppt=C0222
A Project Is Brewing...
Seems like I read those piston numbers were weight related. The 3s weighed so much then the 4s & 5s, etc. A way the factory could balance the motor a little better. Mine have P79 stamped in the middle too. It was a ZX motor also. RossiZ did you come across anything that was about to come loose or break? I've torn down 3 over the last few years and always found something that got the "holy $^!#" comment. That's what happened this weekend taking the cam towers off a head, they were really loose. That's the reason I'm rebuilding a perfectly good running 43 year old motor. I don't want to break down on the way to Memphis for ZCON. Did that transmission have the extra bolts at the bottom going to the F54 block? Sorta like a bracket looking thing.
[2015] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Packaged up my rockers to be shipped to Delta Cams for a resurfacing then my "JAPAN" cam to Schneider for regrinding. Finally, the ball has started to roll.
L4 Water Pump On An L6?
As long as it's a cast impeller I think I'd trust it. They're so easy to replace also and with 30 percent off coupon code they're $14. The same pump made by Asin is $65 @amazon.com.
P90 With Dished Pistons (Yes, N/a)
Yeah I've heard of swapping the cam by loosening the motor mounts and raising the front to clear the radiator. I guess if you loosened up all the rockers it would work?
P90 With Dished Pistons (Yes, N/a)
After reading this, http://datsunzgarage.com/p79/, you should rebuild the N47 for emission testing only and run the P79 year round.
L4 Water Pump On An L6?
According to Advanced Auto the '83 Maxima Diesel pump has the same part number for a '72 240Z. It's a remanufactured Atsugi if you look at the pictures. http://shop.advanceautoparts.com/p/driveworks-water-pump-remanufactured-57-1016/20420100-P?vehicleIdFromReq=-1&isAllVehicle=false&vehicleIdSearch=18855&searchTerm=57-1016&showTitle=#
Weight Of 2.4 With 4 Speed
Okay, you got me to thinking and comparing. Isky's stage 3 with springs, retainers and lash pads is $456. They charge $200 for regrinding my cam. Schneider's stage 3 with all the same components is $380. They charge $125 for regrinding. $76 difference. I'm thinking the Schneider will be more "user friendly" for my #918. I have #110 patiently waiting, tucked away in a corner.
P90 With Dished Pistons (Yes, N/a)
If you get the turbo motor make sure and get the ecu too. They're different I've read. You'd want to disassemble and clean it up anyway so storing the parts would be easy. Head under a bed. Block standing on it's ends take up the same room as a vacuum cleaner. If there's no transmission you could find room I'm sure. Is it a p90a? I think they have hydraulic lifters. http://datsunzgarage.com/p90/
Weight Of 2.4 With 4 Speed
Are you gonna put the Isky cam on your E88?
Weight Of 2.4 With 4 Speed
Baby steps for now. I need to learn a little more about the valve train. Someday soon I'll go balls out and use this set of Weber 40s I have too.
My First S30 - '72
There's a cam sprocket notch and a mark on the cam's dowel plate that will line up somewhat close when you're at TDC. Here's another picture, http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/timing/mechtime.html
Yet another tire/wheel size question
What about 15x7 0 offset wheels with 205/50 tires? Anybody have this combination on a Z? Thanks for any advice, Cliff
Weight Of 2.4 With 4 Speed
Learned something new today. Thanks Chas!
Weight Of 2.4 With 4 Speed
Aww, you caught it too. I'm a little slow with new stuff and this is definitely new to me. After talking with Jerry @Shcneider Cams he told me the same thing, "that's a lot of cam you know? do you really want that?". So he/we decided that I/we want this one; Grind Number: 270-80F Intake Duration (gross): 270 Exhaust Duration (gross): 280 Intake Duration (.050â€): 230 Exhaust Duration (.050â€): 240 Intake Valve Lift*: .460" Exhaust Valve Lift*: .460" Lobe Separation: 107 Intake Valve Lash: .010" Exhaust Valve Lash: .010" RPM Range: 2500-6600 It's the same thing MSA sales as a stage 3. I'm getting new springs and retainers too, he's going to figure out which lash pads I need and send it all to a Datsun head shop in North Georgia I'm using. I'm about to call Delta and see about resurfacing my rockers. I thought about trying it myself after reading how but after buying all the sandpaper and brake cleaner plus my time and beers I'll drink I'm going with Delta. $50 ain't bad! Just spoke with Delta, $3 each to resurface mine. FedEx here I come.
What Cleaner To Use On Hardware Without Removing Original Plating
I have had good results with Murphy's Oil Soap and hot water soak then old toothbrushes.
Cool New Metal Treatment
Wonder what they'd charge for a whole 240? Physicists car wax. Seems like it would make a mess of a toilet though? Pee bouncing all over the place.
Updates To My 240Z Refurbish Site
I like it. You've combined all the "fixes" onto one page.
My First S30 - '72
Welcome aboard, they are addictive. Nice projects you have going. $330? Refurbished steering wheels are worth that. http://www.ebay.com/itm/71-72-73-DATSUN-240Z-WOOD-STEERING-WHEEL-SURVIVOR-NICE-/361190282898?pt=Vintage_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Model%3A240Z&hash=item54189e5692&vxp=mtr
Weight Of 2.4 With 4 Speed
I'm going to save that search for a rainy day, you have so many. I read through "newest edition", the 918 automatic build and it was a L28 with a P79. Found the one about Citizen's machine Shop that had an E31 head on a .040" over L24 block but that's all it said. It was "Excellent Datsun machine Shop". I'll find it tonight, it's sunny and 65 outside now. I must get outside!
Need 1970 Rear Bumper Bracket
$23 at MSA. http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/classic02n01/32-2070