Everything posted by siteunseen
Weight Of 2.4 With 4 Speed
Thanks Diseazd Could you point me to your engine build thread? I can't remember the title. I have some questions that it would answer hopefully. For example, did you use a header or the OE exhaust manifold? I'm about to do what I've been bugging everybody about for the past 6 months. I've found a good Schneider profile for my E31. It maybe too much cam for street use, it's a little more than MSA's stage 3, I don't want to lose my license showing off. http://schneidercams.com/284-92F_L6.aspx
Msa Header Quality - Is This The Norm?
My 6 into 1 ceramic header looked the same as your paintable one, with the gaps on the cylinder head side. They can't weld the flat side so I used a strong Mag-lite in a dark room to check for any possible leak areas. None found and it has been a great header, so far. My only problem was when they shipped the first one the runners popped through the cardboard and got scratched all to hell. The 2nd one they sent was perfect. Maybe they started boxing stuff up better? I hope so!
Need Help Id With This Part (For Dash?)
I was hoping Hazmatt would help out, he's seen every little piece up close and personal over the last few months, he has a great rebuild thread.
Trying To Figure Out How Much To Ask For My Z
You've got issues with the gas tank? I would use a gas can in front of the radiator and put the fuel lines into that and try and get it running. That's what I did when i first bought mine (thanks Jeff78) and drove around the block to see if the drivetrain was any good. It'll be a big difference in asking price vs selling price if it runs and drives, like SteveJ said above. I got mine for less than half his asking price because he wouldn't spend the time to get it running. Your call.
Weight Of 2.4 With 4 Speed
I've never done a 240 and when I pulled the one from my 280 I remember the cherry picker lift barely got in close enough. Damn huge bumpers. Anyway I've bought myself a chain hoist and am hoping to use that to pull the motor. After a lot of reading I'm thinking I should use the cherry picker to replace the newly rebuilt motor when I'm done. What have you used? or better yet, recommend? I remember the "V" shaped legs of the cherry picker were too wide to fit in between the front wheels and having to jack the rear waaaaay up to get in close enough. I like the idea of the chain hoist and have seen a way to make a bag for the extra chain, but if it fell on my car I think I'd die right there in my garage.
- 240Z Z Registries (Where To Find) And Post Your Vin As Title
My Datsun 280Z "Rustoration"
I use my Olfa knife almost daily, that with some Klein scissors and I could fix the space station.
Zcon 2015
Wow! That could've gone the wrong way.
Zcon 2015
That would be too cool! Watch out for the bikes.
Tdc With Slack On Chain
Now that she's running good pulling the motor is like asking an already naked girl to get out of my bed because she's wasted. STUPID now but the big picture.
Weight Of 2.4 With 4 Speed
I've pulled and reinstalled them together with one of those tilt things. Very easy on that downside you speak of, bad back pain as I'm getting older. Actually pulled them alone and probably could've went back in by myself but liked having extra eyes watching.
Where Is It From?
Try googleing the vin number. Or look on the z car registry for the vin.
Tdc With Slack On Chain
Boy oh boy did my temperature get a lot cooler now that the timings right, I guess? It went from the right leg of "M" to diagonally across the "E".
Tdc With Slack On Chain
I'll be posting for sure. Tom Monroe's how to book will be under my pillow every night.
Tdc With Slack On Chain
Definitely rubbing the lobe. No telling what else could be wrong. That's why It'll be mine after a rebuild. With my a/c setup I may go with an electric pump. That stamped pump was a major pain to get on there.
Tdc With Slack On Chain
First off thank you all for your input, it what keeps me going. I'm confident I've found TDC. Spent the afternoon trying different ways and making marks with a Sharpie. I kept landing at the same spot so then I started measuring the distance from the adjusting end of my rockers to the top of the cylinder head on #1 intake and exhaust. Hit the same numbers 3 times, that's good enough for me. 1.700" on the intake valve's rocker and 1.640" for the exhaust. It's about a 1/2" below the 0 degree notch from the factory. I'm going to set the timing again and go fill up with petrol and drive, 60 degrees and sunny today, yippee! Then start planning the motor rebuild project to get to know this motor personally. I keep finding things I don't like.
Weight Of 2.4 With 4 Speed
I'm going to put a bar across my garage ceiling joist for a hoist to pull a motor and transmission and would like to know a roundabout weight of the engine with transmission attached. Thanks, Cliff
- Hex-Bolt I.d. ?
Building A L24 Engine. Ideas Welcome
Oiler cam and spray bar = high flow oil pump too
"nature-Friendly" Fuel
Me too. Makes me want to drive my Z instead of working on it all the time.
- S30 Demand And Value - Stock Vs Modified
"nature-Friendly" Fuel
$1.89 a gallon now in Alabama.
Interior Fastener Questions
I had to take mine off for the rear spoiler painting. I found all new shanked rivets and the black phillips head screws as well as the cup washer with the clips too. All at Lowes hardware in the automobile draws of the fastener section. I think it all was $3. I'm going to wash my car to see if the spoiler mounting I did leaks before reinstalling that panel. I cracked the hard backing under the vinyl when I removed it. My friendly upholstery shop sprayed glue on there then pressed a thin piece metel over the crack. Brought it home and put some heavy weights off my weight bench/clothes hanger. It is as flat as pancake now.
Tdc With Slack On Chain
My dumb arse did what the video says not to do, hit it with a hammer then put it to a bench grinder. I even tried to use a hacksaw to cut through the ceramic before the metal base. I was going to put the the dial caliper through the hollowed out spark plug base. What do you do? wait until the piston top kisses that bolt head? After watching I may try that again! Thanks ZedHead.
Interior Fastener Questions
My 02/'72 has the four screws and the plastic shanked rivets. The very center 2 are rivets the next 4 going towards the outer edge are the screws and the outermost 4 are rivets. FWIW I'm the 2nd or 3rd owner and it has been off when new to install the rear spoiler. The small pieces of paper are where the screws and cup washers are.